So This Is How it Goes


Locked inside. Silence.

I took out my scrapbook and filed 2 drawings I’d made in the park after school. I had followed her when we left, trying to gather courage to talk. As she crossed the park on her way home, I suddenly felt sick about my actions and sat down on a bench. I soon lost sight of her. A bird flew in front of me and chirped hello. I swear it did. Anyway, it started picking up seeds from the ground around me, so I drew it. It did fly away when I was halfway through, leaving my picture looking a bit bland. It was a bird alright, but it wasn’t that bird. I couldn’t capture it’s grace.

The other one was a lady with a dog. They were sitting by a tree. ‘Twas a portrait of friendship as pure as I’ve seen lately. They would’ve freaked if they’d seen me. Good thing no one does. I quite liked that second drawing. I might just put it on my wall.

I remember when I was little my mother used to put my oeuvre on the fridge and be proud of it. No visitor would leave the house without getting a taste of the talent of Tommy Warner Jr. I understand her. It was cute then, not so much now as the world spins round and time goes by. Nobody gets any younger, and Tommy’s out drawing birds when he should be thinking of more important things.

But, where is the substance?

These things, I mean, they’re lifeless. If I have to go through life thinking about going to college, jobs, money, dating (yeah, right), family, etcetera, without ever getting away to the park and drawing, well, I think I’d might as well be a corpse. Life is to live by yourself. It’s a blank page you must fill with color. You only get one shot, and I won’t be another mannequin in the shopfront. I’m surprised they, with all their experience, don’t realize it. Just like teenagers are blindfolded by hormones, adults are blindfolded by the thick ash of time.

I’m getting out. The silence feels heavy today. I need an ice tea. And I have a weird need to see people. Loneliness is always best when you’re not alone to face it.

Hmm, I need to write that down…
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I like this. Hope you do too.

: )