I'm Sorry


“Alex, please. Don’t do this.” His voice was thick with tears, yet somehow strained. His face stained from the tears flowing down his cheeks.


The older boy took a step backwards; trying to get away from the younger’s grasp.

“I’m sorry. I really am. But it’ll be better this way. You’ll see.” His honey coloured eyes locked with the other boys chocolate ones.

Gently, he prised his wrist from the younger boy’s hand. He knew it would hurt him, but it was for the best. Leaving him would make everything better. Or so he hoped.

“Please.” The word came out as no more than a choked whisper. His eyes were filling with fresh tears as he desperately threw himself at the slightly shorter, older boy.

“Jack, don’t make it harder than it has to be.” This time, instead of pushing the boy away, he pulled him closer, brushing his dark fringe out of his face. “Everything’ll be fine. I promise.”

He placed a final kiss to the younger’s forehead and then turned to leave.

Jack watched as Alex – the one person he’d truly loved – walked out of the house and left him.