The Emo Bible

Ever wondered who God really is?
Or the real reason He flooded the earth?
What about the reason unicorns don't exist anymore?
Or maybe how slash became about?

Read on to find out.

Don't read if you get offended by stereotypes or religion send-ups. This is purely a joke, we don't want to offend anyone and we don't want abusive comments.

The 69 commandments will be posted at the end, but comments are needed if you want to keep this story alive.

Disclaimer:All characters in this story are not owned by us except The Emo Fairies who are based on ourselves. We also own the story line.
  1. The Creation
    How the world began and life in The Garden Of Emo
  2. Tomethy's Ark
    The name says it all...
  3. "Let my Emo's go!"
    Moses with a twist!
  4. Note To Readers
    Please Read