Status: Trying out a new one :)

I Refuse to Close My Eyes.

I Have Loved And I Have Lost.

"Ooh, can I wear that top?" Sarah (SJ) asks, pointing to the pink t-shirt I have just pulled off the clothing rail because it has a tag with my name on it.

"I don't think it's your size" I shrug cattily, flashign her an innocent smile. The comment recieves me and elbow in the ribs from Tom, who I cant tell by the look in his eyes is trying not to laugh himself.

"Well if it's going to fit you, I'm sure it will fit me" she tells me. I want to point out that I am about 6 inches shorter, and a stone lighter than her, making me about two sizes smaller but it seems pointess. "I'll go check with Oli-" she begins, but I cut her off.

"Oh just have the damn shirt" i whine, flinging it at her. She smiles smugly and procedes to take off the top she's wearing, nifront of me and Tom, and replace it with the Drop Dead one.

I find another t-shirt with my name, and head off to a toilet to change. I then mope back to the room where the photoshoot is going on and sit down.

"Phoenixx, your up!" Tom calls, waving me over from his position behind his camera.

I trudge up, shoulder's slumped. After everything that Oliver has put me through, here I am; doing him a favour. Modelling, even though I hate hte idea and find it pretenscious, I'm here for him, because one of his models droped out and the bimbo (Oliver, not the model) didnt think to book back-up's.

"Look alive!" Tom orders, a cheekygrin poking out from behind the lense.

Out of the corner of my eye I can see Sarah leaning against Oliver, flipping her heair around and laughing a stupid, high-pitched laugh that hurts my ears.
Rolling my eyes at them, I revert my gaze back to the camera, standing up straight for a moment and trying to look moody, or something.


"I don't know what I'm doing!" I whine, getting in before him.

"Well you never know what your doing so hey, what's new?"

...If I had something to throw at him right now, I would.

"Just a bit taller? And push your chest out. Thats it, stand up sraight"

I try not ot laugh as Tom tries to be serious with me. Me and Tom don't really do serious, although, recently, I havent been so joyful.

"Come on phoenixx!" Olvier calls from the side.

"Yeah, you go girl!" Sarah mocks.

"Fuck my life" Im thinking to myself.
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Just a taster :)