Pass This Test And Hope For The Best


I walked into the backstage area just in time to get a glance of Ryan-Super-Slut being all slutty towards fucking Mikey. 

I held in my frustrated groan and stormed into the bathroom. 

He's just trying to make me jealous. 

And it's working. 

Well, fuck that fucking fucker. UGH! I don't need him. I was right about him from the beginning. 

Well not so much the beginning, considering I was totally in love with him, but more from the first time he was all flirty with Mikey. 

He's a freaking man-whore. That's all he is. He probably doesn't even care about what happened with Frank. 

Well screw him. 

I continuously banged my head up against the sink until I was sure there would be a mark. 

There was a knock on the door, and I unnecessarily opened it with much anger. 

"Woah dude. Are you okay? What happened to your head?" It was Jon. 

"I'm just fucking dandy." I grumbled before storming off into the dressing room. I didn't look to see his reaction.


Mikey's POV

After Ryan left to go get dressed, I decided to go find Gerard and Frankie. Maybe they could help me figure things out. Why me? I mean seriously?

I headed towards their dressing room, and stopped when I saw the door slightly ajar, and heard voices coming from inside. 

I know it's wrong to eavesdrop, but I've always wondered what those two do all the time. They are always together. 

"I know. I'm so glad it's working. And no one suspects a thing. Except for Brendon probably, but he doesn't matter." Frank spoke. What the hell are they talking about?

"Yeah, I'm glad he's all over Mikey now, but the thought of you and Brendon making out in the closet makes me want to go beat the shit out of him." Wait. What? Why were they in a closet? And why would Gerard be jealous?

"Trust me. It wasn't pleasant for me at all. I wanted to gag. And you decided to take your sweet time getting Ryan."

"Well what was I supposed to do? He kept questioning me. And it's not like I could just be like 'Hey come look at my boyfriend and your boy toy making out in the closet!'" 

Woah woah woah. Back up. Did he say boyfriend? 

G and Frankie? 

What in the mother fucking hell… Why doesn't anybody ever tell me anything?

And what are they talking about? Why would Frankie make out with Brendon in a closet…?

"You know, he's not nearly as strong as he looks. He tried to push me off several times but I over powered him. Ha. Don't let my shortness fool you. I'm pretty damn strong."

"If you're so strong and powerful, why do you always end up bottoming?"

Okay, walking away. I don't need to hear anymore about they're sex life. 

Ah fuck. They're planning to sabatoge him. Or already did I guess. Poor guy. He never did anything wrong. He seemed nice too. Kinda quiet though. 

I guess it was kinda obvious though that there was something going on between Ryan and Brendon. They make a cute couple. And I'm really only saying that because I could care less weather or not if I win. It was Gerard and Frank who forced me to go on the show in the first place. 

I need to set this straight.

I'll worry about their lying to me about their relationship later. 

Now I needed to find Ryan. 


Ryan's POV

I was applying my eyeliner when there was a knock on the door. 

"Come in!" I called, not wanting to get up. 

The door creaked open and I glanced in the mirror to see Mikey standing in the door way. 

I put a fake smile on my face, wondering what it was he could possibly want. 

"Can I help you?" I asked. 

"Um, I-I need t-to tell you something." He mumbled. 

"I'm listening." 

He walked in and closed the door behind him. He walked over so he was next to me.

"Its about Brendon." This caught my attention. 

"W-what about Brendon?" I asked nervously. 

"You shouldn't be mad at him." He mumbled. "Frank and Gerard set it up so you would see that and dump Brendon because they wanted me to win. You should give him another chance." He continued to mumble. 

It took me a second to register. If this was true, why was he telling me this? Does he want me and Brendon together? Even though it's against the rules…

"Why are you telling me this now?" I asked confused. 

"I just found out a few minutes ago, I wanted to set things straight. Now you and Brendon can be together."

Shit. Wait. He knew? About me and Brendon?! How many other people know about this?!

"I- uh, the shows still going. I haven't chosen yet." I Half lied. 

He gave me an amused smile. "You may be fooling everyone else. But not me. Go fix things. Brendon's really a nice guy. You're lucky to have someone like him." 

I smiled. He was right. 

"Thank you Mikey. If I had never met Brendon, you'd be next in line."

He snorted. "Thanks. But I don't really care about that. I was forced to come here by my brother. If I did care, do you think I'd be here telling you all this?"

"Well that kinda hurt, but thank you anyways." I smiled. He chuckled before exiting my dressing room. 

Now my mission before the show starts: Find Brendon.


I searched all over the studio, and came to the conclusion that he was kidnapped by royal aliens from the planet Neptune and brainwashed into being their pet monkey.

"Ryan, you're on in two minutes." The stage manager announced. Fuck. Now I'll never catch him in time. Today was ellimination day too. I hope he doesn't think that I'm sending him home… too bad we already made the disicion. Way and Iero are soooo next. 

So for now I'll just have to settle with Gabe going home. 

I was about to make my way on stage when I saw a brunette boy with big lips out of the corner of my eye. I began to run towards him when I was stopped by the stage manager.  

"And were on in.... Three, two, action!" I cursed under my breath made my appearance on stage holding my fake smile, wanting nothing more then for this to be over so I could talk to him.

"Blah blah blah blah blah. Blah blah blah. Blah." Is all I heard from everyone including the host. I was too busy focusing on Brendon, and how unhappy he looked. I felt like shit. It was my fault he was unhappy. 

Sort of. 

"Ryan? Ryaaannn." Billie Joe attempted to get my attention. 

I looked up with a "huh?"

"Sorry folks, looks. Like he's a little out of it. Ryan, who's going home?"   

"Br-Uh, Gabe I mean. Sorry." Whoops. I can't believe I almost did that.  

I think I saw Brendon flinch at the sound of the beginning of his name.

If only he weren't on my mind so much.....

 I sat there and waited. Waited for Billie to consult Gabe, waiting for everyone else to make their exit, waiting for the god damn show to be over.

"Thanks for watching! Be sure to tune in next week for- "
Blah blah blah blah. Can I go now?

Finally the cameras shut off and I subtly chased Brendon off stage. I snuck backstage and as soon as no one was looking I grabber Brendon and pushed him into the closet. 

"Shit. Again?" He mumbled. It was Dark so he couldn't see me. I couldn't see him either, so I pulled out my cell phone to use as a light. 

I caught his eye and his annoyed expression turned into a glare. 

"What are you doing?" He asked bitterly. 

"I need to talk to you." 

"Well considering you don't care to hear what I have to say, why should I listen to you?" 

"I...uh." I didn't have a response to that. 

"That's what I thought." he mumbled as he reached for the door. I blocked his path so he couldn't leave. He had a point, but he was still going to listen to me. "Ryan, let me go." He demanded. 

"No, Brendon, I know It wasn't your fault. I know what happened." I explained. He took a step back and looked at me expectantly. I continued. "Mikey explained everything that happened. He knows about us and he said that Gerard and Frank set you up so Mikey would win. But Mikey found out and came to me. I guess his brother forced him to come here and he thinks were a cute couple." I found myself with a small smile saying that last part. "Will you take me back?"       
♠ ♠ ♠
Hmmmm. Will he?