Pass This Test And Hope For The Best


Mikey's POV

"YOU DID WHAT?!" Gerard was furious. He was beyond furious. He was livid. 

"I told you... I-" 

"YOU RUINED OUR- I mean Your, chance at being rich and famous!" he finished.

"Gerard… I don't think you get it. I. Don't. Care." I annunciated each word. "I only signed up because… wait, I didn't, YOU signed me up." I informed him. "Those two are sweet together, and just because you're a greedy-" 

"Mikey. I'm not and you know it. Do you want to go back to crackers and peanut butter for dinner every night? And with mom being sick all the time…" He wasn't as angry any more. Instead he seemed sad, frustrated, and a little pathetic. Then again, we all were somewhat pathetic.    

"I'm sorry. But this just isn't right." I mumbled. 

"Mikey, I swear to god, if you do not fix this, I will-"

"You'll what?" I challenged. 

He paused as he thought about it. Then a devious smirk played on his lips. "I'll tell the producers what's really going on between Ryan and Brendon." 

"You wouldn't dare." I challenged. 

"Try me." he challenged back. 

"Well for one, do you really think they'll believe you? You'll just end up getting yourself kicked off the show. They'll probably think you're just trying to set Brendon up so he'll get kicked off." I told him. "And secondly, even if they did believe you, don't you think they'd fire Ryan too? Then its over for everyone."

"Well, they can't fire Ryan Ross from Reinventing Love because  the show is about him. Duh. And as for the first thing, you're right. I just have to get proof of those two hooking up. Simple as that." he said. 

"Come on Gerard. Please don't do this. It isn't fair." I pleaded. 

"Look, either you fix this, or I'll split those two up the hard way. Because of this, now Frank is gone too. Life's not fair."

Shit. What was I supposed to do? 

"Fine. I'll do it." I said. 

I have to warn Ryan. 
♠ ♠ ♠
Fuck. I'm so fucking sorry it took so long. And that's it's short. :( you can throw tomatoes a me if you want.