Reasons why I can't be his.

This story?

This is my first so don't hate on me. Please.


Cale Gordan:
Gender- Female
Age- 16
Looks- Cale has long black hair that is cut in "emo" layers. (I don't hate emo people, her hair is like that.) She has dark green eyes with brown flecks.
Description- Her parents died when she was 7, switching around from foster home to foster home, she strives for acceptance. At her present home, she likes it. Warm house, nice family, she has hope. Cale is a new kid at Darlington Prep School. Being at her 17 school in 9 years, shes a loner, yet she has hope. While befriending Josh and Erin, Cale learns the ins and outs of her new school. She also likes the 'bad boy' of the school Michael Anders. Her friends though hate him. For some odd reason Cale tries to be his, to make him notice her. Prays.

Mr. and Mrs. Gordan:
Father- 45
Mother- 40
Description- After trying for years to have kids the Gordan's hope has run out. Going to Social Services, foster care is their only hope for a true 'family.' After hearing about Cale, they try to be the parents that she needs the most.

Erin Rogers:
Gender- Female
Age- 16
Looks- Has a short blonde bob with random streaks of colors. She also has hazel eyes.
Description- Erin has everything a girl can ask for, although, she wants to do nothing with it. Her parents are successful lawyers and she is an only child. She has a slight crush on her best friend Josh. She also despises Michael Anders for reasons Cale will soon find out.

Josh Jacobs:
Gender- Male
Age- 16
Looks- Josh has brown hair thats goes to mid neck, he also has brown eyes with gold swirls.
Description- He thinks he is a total ladies man, except for when he is around Erin, not knowing that she likes him too. He is an energetic teen that needs constant attention from the girls. He also hates Michael Anders because of his betrayal to his friends and him.

Michael Anders:
Gender- Male
Age- 16
Looks- Michael is emo, he has the snakes bites and the scars to prove it. He has long ash black hair with silver eyes.
Description- Known as the schools 'bad boy' Michael takes it greatly, with his ego the size of the universe, he thinks he runs the whole school. Yet, when Cale comes around his thoughts change. Maybe he can go for the better? Or will he choose to keep with his ways.
♠ ♠ ♠
Hey guys,
This is my first story so don't hate on me. Also, this really isn't a chapter just character descriptions, I would like to know if you lie it because I don't want to waste my time striving for something that no one reads.

