I Feel Dead

Chapter 1

He was stunningly handsome, with his blue eyes and black edgy hair. I cared for him like no other. He too cared for me, through my eyes at least. He would growl at anyone who would dare make fun of me, warning them. If they took it any further he took action. He is sweet to me, holding doors, pulling out chairs. Once, there was even a song written for me, by him of course. He was the perfect boy, besides getting everything he wanted.

He then came over to me, very graceful. As if was a prince. When he reached me, I looked up at him, as if I wasn't looking at him the whole time.

"Hello Jason," I greeted.

"Nicole," He nodded.

"How are we this fine day?" I asked, smiling at him.

He shrugged looking nervous. It was awkward, so I looked around the room. I was in Study Hall, there was nothing in the room besides tons of huge round tables and the teachers desk. I pretended not to see all the faces staring at us. Jason and I, to say the least were not suppose to hang out. He was popular, I wasn't, that simple. But he didn't care, he never had.

"What were you doing?" He asked, and I looked back at him.

"Oh, nothing," I said, hurrying up and closing my notebook and holding it close against my body.

"Fine, be that way," He said, pouting.

"Its private," I said and it was in fact private. I was drawing a picture of me and him holding hands.

"Nick! Look, your dad is here!" He said and I looked the way he pointed.

My dad had abused me since I was a toddler. He left about a year ago, telling me he will return.

I didn't see him, but I still began to shake and cry, dropping the notebook.

Jason hugged me causing more people to stare, "Oh my, Nicole. I'm so sorry, I was kidding. Just trying to make you look away so I could steal the notebook. I'm so-"

"Its fine, Jay," I reassured him, though also interrupting him.

I felt all better, by just being in his arms. I love to be in his arms.

"Are you okay?"

"Yeah. I'm fine. I feel a lot better now,"

"Well sucks for you," He told me, letting go.

"Excuse me?"

Then he picked up my notebook and started running off with it. I chased after him, we both knew I was too fast if we were just in the classroom. So he took off into the hall.

"Jason!" I yelled, causing a teacher to look out of her classroom.

"No running!" She screamed. "Get back to class."

But we didn't listen, we just kept running. We were almost to the front door when he went to open the notebook. I pushed myself so hard, to get to him. I grabbed onto to him, and he stopped trying to look at that moment. He ran faster, causing my grip to let go,and ran outside.

I went to run faster, but I fell. By time I got outside Jason had my notebook open.

"Aww!" He said, causing me to blush.

After a while I looked at him and said, "Your dead!"

He got up and started running, I ran after. Somehow I managed to get our legs tangled and we both fell. I fell on top of him, and blushed.

But he seemed fine, like he wanted me there. He wrapped his arms around me, and sat us both up.

"So you like me?" He asked.

I didn't say anything and blushed. Then realized I need to say something. "No, I don't."

"Okay, whatever," he said standing up and pulling me up.

"Close your eyes," He commanded, and I listened.

After a while he said, "Open them."

I opened them to Jason on one knee, with a ring pop in his hand.

"What the fuck Jason?" I asked.

"Let me ask first, no interrupting,"

I closed my mouth, pretended to lock it, then throw away the key.

"Nicole, Nick, beautiful, amazing, angel, will you be me girlfriend?"

I laughed.

"That wasn't a joke," he told me with a serious face.

"Really?" I said tackling him into a hug. "Of course, I want to be your girlfriend."

"Well, you cant be anymore,"

Tears came to my eyes, and I sat up and looked at him. "Why?" I asked sniffling.

"Calm down, kidding. But you ruined the ring, it fell into the grass."

A smile came upon my face.