Status: Active

This Could Be All I've Waited For

Chapter 12

We drove back home, but I told another lie to Alex and said I was feeling fine again and had work to do in my office. I left him in the kitchen and went to my office to organise a little something for him.
I thought it would be a nice idea to have a party at ours to wish the boys luck on their tour, not that they needed it of course, I rang around our friends and family – our parents declining the invite and set the date for the Saturday coming up. I knew he was out on Friday at band practice and as it was only a Monday I knew I had enough time to prepare and buy food and decorations.

I heard our doorbell ring and Alex answered it, I walked down the stairs to find Rian in the hallway with Alex.
“Hey Rian,” I smiled
“Hey baby mumma,” He replied
I rolled my eyes but couldn’t help laughing
“Is the girl OK?” I asked him
“Oh yeah, she’s um – fine, just thought I’d pop over to say goodbye to you guys properly,” Rian said, I could tell he wasn’t being completly truthful – a bit like me
“I’ve organised a little party for you and the boys,” I said to them both, Alex turned to face me with a surprised grin on his face
“When’s that then?” He asked
“This Saturday, just some friends and the other boys over here, I did invite the parents but they declined,”
Alex nodded
“Sounds good!” Rian grinned “Thank you!”
I smiled at his goofy face
“No problem,” I replied and walked back up to my office

Friday afternoon and I was out in the front garden when Alex pulled in to the drive returning from practice.
“How did it go?” I asked, lounging on my sun chair
“It went really great,” He said looking really pleased with himself – He walked toward me with a little swagger in his step, kissed the top of my head and sat on the chair next to me
“That’s good,” I replied turning the page of my magazine
“Rian invited Bianca to it, she’s a lot of fun,” He said “He even took her out on a date last night,”
“What? That stupid fan girl?” I asked sarcastically
“Yeah, and she’s not stupid,” He retorted
I scoffed.
“What?” Alex asked, as if he’d been accused of something
“I just find it a little strange how you’re all creeping about with this fan, especially as you’re married,” I told him
“Oh come on,” He groaned “She’s just a fan,”
“That means nothing to you lot,” I snapped
“What the hell does that mean?” He snapped back
“You know exactly what I mean,” I had my mothers fiery side, I never backed down in an arguement
“You’re being ridiculous,” He mumbled
“Ooooh, I don’t think I’m the one being ridiculous sweetheart,”
“What are you saying?”
“Being a fan stops and starts at going to gigs and getting photos and jumping up and down to your music,” I snapped “It does not involve hanging around with band members, going to their practices and conincedentally bumping into them while they’re out shopping,”
Alex couldn’t reply
“She sounds more of a stalker or groupie than a fan,” I rolled my eyes but was wearing sunglasses, so Alex didn’t see
“You know,” He sighed and stood up “You should really grow up, otherwise I’ll be looking after two babies, not one” and he stormed off back into the house
I didn’t go after him. Maybe I was being ridiculous, maybe I wasn’t.
It was the morning of the party, very early morning infact. Alex was pacing the bedroom floor, his phone to his ear, his other hand holding his forehead. His grandmother had had a stroke late Friday night and he was desperately trying to find out how she was.
“I’m going to go and see her,” He told me firmly, the phone still to his ear “Never mind the party, family comes first,”
I nodded simpathetically then made myself get out of bed.
“She’ll be OK,” I said calmly, then hugged him tightly even though he didn’t let go of the phone
“The taxi’s coming in ten minutes to take me to the hospital, will you be OK?” He looked me right in the eye, practically on tears
It broke my heart to see how worried he was for his grandmother.
“Alex, I’ll be fine,” I said looking right into his eyes
He smiled lovingly and kissed me quickly on the lips, before grabbing a small suitcase from under our bed and throwing some clothes into it
“I should be back on Sunday” He said, zipping the bag up “I love you,” He turned to look at me
“I love you too,” I replied back, putting my hand on my belly
He smiled and darted out of our bedroom and down the hall.
I heard the front door slam shut and saw out of the window the taxi pull up outside as he ran toward it. It sped off instantly.
I sat on the bed for a while. I’d met his Grandmother a few times and was a little upset. I sent my prayers to his family and then made the bed and changed into my clothes. I skipped breakfast and sent text messages to everyone coming to the party telling them what had happened.
The only message I got back instantly was from Jack and all it said was;

Looking forward to it ;) x
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hope this is all ok! Rate, comment, subscribe! muchos love xxxxx