Status: Active

This Could Be All I've Waited For

Chapter Seventeen: Bianca

“This might hurt, we've numbed it as much as we can,” The doctor informed Noah, before sewing the gash in his finger together again.

“Ouch, shit, fuck,” Noah hissed into my ear as his head rested on my shoulder, other hand gripping onto mine.

“It's okay,” I whispered, trying not to stare at what the doctor was doing but finding it too interesting to look away from, like a really bad t.v show. “Nearly done now,”

The nurse came over once the 'sewing' had finished to check Noah over before telling him he was good to go and when to go back and get the stitches out.

“I'll just call a taxi,” He said, the minute we'd gotten out.

“Oh, crap, let me just run up and tell Alex I'm leaving, I told him I'd go and see him when you were done, I didn't think.”

“No, no,” Noah looked at me softly, “It's fine, I'll be okay to get home, you go and see him,”

“Noah, come on, one of your fingers is all stitched up, you'll need help,”

“I'll be fine, just go, I can manage.”

I bit my lip, worrying, “Are you sure?”

He nodded, giving me a smile before calling the Taxi on his mobile phone. “See, if I can manage to order a car, I think I can manage to get home by myself,”

“You know what?”

“What's that?”

“Noah, I love you,” I grinned, kissing him on the cheek, “If you need me just text me or something okay?”

“Okay,” Noah laughed, “just one thing,”


“Remember he's married okay? Don't get in too far and get hurt. I don't want to ever see you hurt by him. Especially when I can't kill him because of a stupid stitched up finger!”

I laughed a little “I will. Thanks. Take care and I'll see you when I get home, 'kay?”

“Just go already!” He smiled as a car pulled up. Getting into it, he waved, zooming off into the distance as I ran back up the steps to the hospital entrance and off to find the room Alex told me his Gran was in.

Taking a deep breath, I knocked on the door to the room after peeking through the window, to check it actually was Alex in there. This could be slightly awkward.

“Hey,” Alex half smiled, “I thought you weren't going to turn up.”

“Hi,” I smiled back, “Nah, just made sure Noah was okay then I came straight up.”

“Come in,” He told me, opening the door wider and placing another chair that was in the corner of the room, next to the other that was close to the bed. In the bed was an old woman, one I recognised from the wedding, but now she looked a whole lot more drained, and as though she'd lost a lot of weight in a short amount of time.

I sat down, muttering a thanks to Alex who sat next to me, sipping coffee from a polystyrene cup.

“I don't even know why I agreed to you coming up here, it was a ridiculous idea,” He sighed, leaning his head back.

“No, no it wasn't.” I practically whispered. “I thought you might just like some company, even if it is that clumsy girl from your wedding,” I chuckled.

“You're not that clumsy girl from my wedding,” He replied, looking at me seriously, “You seem to be just part of the furniture now, with Rian and all that, plus the fact you seem to be everywhere I am.”

I nodded, “That's pretty cool,” I said with a smile.

We sat there for a while, just chatting about everything but nothing in particular, most of it about nothing to do with his gran, wife or Rian, which seemed kind of weird but was nice. We spoke a lot about England, and how my accent reminded him of where he'd spent his first seven years of his life, which was quite odd.

“So how's Noah?” He yawned.

“He's fine, listen, when did you last sleep?”

“Uhm, well, I came here early morning, and I'd had a late night, and I've just been stressing here ever since.”

“That's not good, Alex.”

“I know, but, I don't want to leave her here on her own, you know?”

“I understand. But once your mum or dad comes back, you've got to go home and get some sleep.” I told him, eyebrows furrowing.

“Jess is having a party, I can hardly go back and have a nap can I?” He moaned.

“Isn't there anywhere else you can go?”

“Not really.”

I took a deep breath, wondering if this was the right thing to do before muttering, “You can always sleep on my sofa if you ever need too.”

“I don't think that would be a very good idea, do you?” He replied, looking directly at me, making the butterflies in my stomach whir up.

“Probably not,” I said, breathlessly, leaning further and further towards him. Suddenly his lips crashed against mine, tasting of coffee and a hint of chocolate as every worry seemed to escape both him and me, we were the only people in the room, in the hospital and nothing else seemed to matter.

Until his phone rang of course.

We pulled apart, looking at each other in just pure shock for a moment, the guilt hit our faces as we remembered Rian and Jess. And the baby. Crap.

“Hello?” Alex said into his phone, looking at the wall rather than at me. “She what?!” He spat into the phone, looking furious. “Jack too? Oh god. Okay, I'll get there as quick as I can. Thank you.”

I gave him a questioning look.

“I need to get to the police station. Now.”
♠ ♠ ♠
And so the plot thickens...
kind of...
baha XD