Status: Active

This Could Be All I've Waited For

Chapter 22: Jess

I picked the phone up instantly, but neither of us spoke for about a minute.
“You’re not talking,” The silence was broken by Jack
“Neither are you,” I replied
“Where’s Alex?” Jack asked
“Shut up Jack,” I snapped
“I’m sorry,” He said
“No, I’m sorry,”
“I think I love you,” He blurted out
I didn’t answer. I couldn’t.
“I’m married,” I said finally
“That marriage is over,”
“You did what you did on purpose – where you even drunk?”
“Of course I did, and no I wasn’t,”
“It’s not like you tried to stop me,” Jack said sarcastically
Now I was stuck.
“No I didn’t, and I’m an idiot for doing that.” I paused “But you’re his friend Jack, you betrayed him”
“Do you love me?” He completly ignored what I had just said, probably because he knew I was right
“I can’t answer that,”
“You’re answer wasn’t No though,”
“But it wasn’t a yes either,”
I paused. There was something running round my head that I desperately wanted to tell him. I took the risk.
“I think I’m going to kick Alex out,” I sighed
“Understandable,” His answers were annoyingly short
“Like you said, our marriage is over. There’s no way he’s going to take me back – not now that stupid fan of yours has got involved,”
Jack laughed.
“She’s no fan of mine – clearly she just wants to jump in bed with him,”
I couldn’t help but laugh.
“You’re one to talk,” I said, annoyed at myself for laughing
“Ahh, but it made you laugh,” He replied cheekily
“You should come round later, just to talk things through,”
“Should I pack an overnight bag?” He asked, just as cheeky
“Just don’t let Alex see,”
“I don’t think I’ll be seeing much of that kid anymore,” Jack replied, the tone of his voice dropped a little
“Well, I better ring Alex, I’ll see you later,”
I hung up and then built my courage up and rang Alex, praying it wouldn’t go to the answering machine.
It didn’t – but he put me on loudspeaker. I had to break the news to him infront of all his friends, when I just wanted it to be between the two of us. I suppose that didn’t matter anymore.
He agreed that he’d come over for one final time and take out all of his belongings and the others offered to help. I felt numb and emotionless – like my heart had turned to stone. It probably had.

I was suddenly feeling overcome with nausea. I hung up the phone and ran to the sink and proceeded to vomit, once again.
What was wrong with me?
I still hadn’t told Alex that I wasn’t pregnant but judging by the way things were turning out, I didn’t think I was ever going too. I washed my vomit down the sink and then saw a car pull up into the driveway.

It was Jack.
That was quick I thought.
Then I remembered that Alex was coming round to collect his stuff, and hoped to god that the two of them didn’t meet. Especially not here.
♠ ♠ ♠
What's going to happen?! :O

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