Status: Active

This Could Be All I've Waited For

Chapter Thirty-Three: Bianca

The minute I got out of the airport, I was cold. English summer was so much different to California's summer, and I was still dressed for Cali.

Pulling my hair out of it's tight ponytail that it was in to stop my neck from getting too hot, it fell around my shoulders, but I was still cold.

“This is ridiculous.” I mumbled to myself.

“You're ridiculous. Fancy coming home dressed like that!” A voice came from beside me.

I looked round, seeing my sister, Jane, in an open top, brand new car, sat in the car park beside me.

“JANE!” I grinned, running over, “Ooo, new car?”

“Wedding present from Andy's dad, you like it?” She smiled, getting out of the car and giving me a kiss and a hug.

“It's gorgeous!” I smiled, putting my suitcase in the boot and jumping into the passenger seat.

“Just like your tan,” Jane grinned.

I rolled my eyes, she was so obsessed with looks and what people thought of her.


“So, any cute guys out there?” She winked.

“A few.” I mumbled, looking out of the car as she drove off, the cold air hitting my face in an unpleasant way.

She looked at me from the corner of her eye.

“Eyes on the road, Janey, we don't want to crash,” I joked, half of a smile creeping on my face.

“Shut up,” She laughed, flicking her hair back.

Leaning my head back, I inhaled the smell of England. The clean air, no humidity, it was quite nice. “Only a week to go!” I said, breaking the silence.

“'Till what?” She asked, confused.

“The wedding.”

“Oh, did mum not tell you? We had to make different arrangements, turns out the church had double booked. We've had to move it forward a few days.”

“Oh, shit, I haven't got a dress, when is it?”

“Two days.” Jane bit her lip. “We'll go shopping tomorrow, okay?”

“'Kay” I sighed, “How far left?”

“About an hour, have a sleep.” She smiled kindly.

I nodded, closing my eyes, although I had slept a bit on the plane, I was knackered, and fell instantly asleep.

“Bianca! I've missed you so much,” My mum grabbed me before I'd even stepped through the door, her long arms locked around me.

“I've missed you too, Mum,” I grinned, patting her on the back.

Running up to my old room with my bags, I took a deep breath. It hadn't changed, all the All Time Low posters still in their place, Alex, Jack, Zack and Rian all staring at me from various places and walls.

One thing I had regretted from leaving so quickly, is I didn't have the chance to talk to Zack, throughout the tour I had really grown to be good friends with him.

I took out my phone, finding his number on there. Nah, he didn't care anymore. I decided, putting it firmly in my pocket and turning away from my room, I'd unpack later, when I could deal with the posters.

Running back downstairs with my presents for Mum and Jane, I heard them talking about me from the kitchen.

“She's really not herself, mum.” Jane was saying.

“Really? Why not?”

“She was all quiet on the drive home, something's happened out there.”

“Try and get it out of her while shopping tomorrow. In the mean time, act like you haven't noticed anything. If she's that upset she won't want us falling over her.” Mum advised in a hushed voice.

I loudly walked down the rest of the stairs.

“I have presents!” I grinned with probably more energy than I usually would. Quickly, I gave them their stuff, mum, a nice bed spread by her favourite designer and Jane, the nicest t-shirt I could find in the shopping centre. The most expensive too.

After thanks and hugs, Jane left for where she was living with Andy and me and Mum sat on the sofa in front of a film. Like old times.

“So what style do you want?” Jane asked, the light reflecting on her sunglasses as we looked at all the shops in the small local shopping complex.

“Uhm, I don't know.” I mumbled, “What colour do you think?”

“Something nice and light.” She smiled, heading for the first shop she saw. Checking my phone for the final time, hoping Noah may have text, or anything, I turned it off, I needed some time with my sister, without staring at my phone for the whole day.

“This one's nice,” I mumbled, picking up practically the first one I saw, I wanted this shopping trip over quickly.

“Seriously? That's awful, B.”

I sighed.

“I think you should try these on.” She handed me three or four dresses, already and pointed me to the dressing rooms. Perhaps this was going to be a long day.

After the longest shopping trip in history, I'd finally found the dress of choice, a lilac floaty, halter neck dress with a deeper shade of purple cardigan, for when it gets colder and plain white ballet pumps. Something I would never have picked out, had Jane not been with me, but looked surprisingly okay, we went to the local coffee shop for a 'chat' as she's put it.

She wanted to know everything about Cali. So I told her, skimming over the recent few months.

“So nothing...bad has happened recently?” She looked right at me. Jane knew if I was lying so I decided to tell her.


Even everything with Alex.

“Are you serious? This isn't one of your jokes is it?” She asked, looking suspicious.

“No. Unfortunately.”

Giving me a huge hug, Jane gave me the left over of her cake, telling me that she wouldn't fit in her wedding dress tomorrow evening over wise and that I deserved it. It was nice to be open with someone, and to have them understand what you were going though.

When Jane was my age, she want through a lot of boyfriend troubles, but me, being only 12 at the time didn't really understand, I just thought she was being a bit silly and crying all the time.

Sitting there with Jane made me realise something. I'd never have her like this again. Mine to chat too without her husband appearing and they were planning on having kids. This was it. I decided to ask her something.

“What would you do in my situation?” I cringed. I never asked for advice or help. Ever.

“Honestly? I'd just move on. I know how hard that seems, but, you need to let go of Alex and Rian. You'll probably never even see them again.”

“I know. It's just, I don't know how long it'll take.”

“I know you don't. It'll work out though. You know it will.”

I nodded, “ did you know you were in love? When you met Andy I mean.”

“As clichéd as it sounds. I just knew, you know. It felt right to be with him.”

I nodded again just as her phone went off in her pocket, “Oh, it's Andy, sorry, B. Hello?”

I listened to her one sided conversation, something about the flowers, before she stated that we had to leave,

“I told Andy that we were going to have three flowers per table not four!” Jane mumbled to herself before getting up, apologizing and running back off to the car.

Catching up behind her, I managed to jump in the car just before she headed off in the direction of home again.
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Oooo 3 in one night ;D
We're on a roll! :D