Status: Active

This Could Be All I've Waited For

Chapter Thirty-Five: Bianca

The next morning was a huge rush and flurry of dresses, hair extensions, nail varnish, curling tongs and hair straighteners.

All of the bridesmaids, mum and I were going round the house in some what of a cycle, shower, nails, make up, hair then dressed, the bride, Jane, at the particular moment I happened to be in the same room as her, had cucumbers over her eyes and was having her toenails painted. I'm glad she was relaxed at least.

I was showered, my nails were done, my make up was done and I was just getting my hair done when the doorbell rang.

“I'll get it!” My mum shouted in a sing-song voice, running down the hall to the door. I heard muffled voices.

“Bianca!” She called after a few seconds.

“Yeah?” I called back, not wanting to move unless I really had too, especially to go to the door, half of my hair curled the other in it's usual wavy state and in my grotty old dressing gown.

“Come here, please!”

With a sigh, I stood up, walking along from the kitchen to the hall. On the other side of the door was a man a bit older than me in a suit. Alex.

“What're you doing here?” I burst out, my mouth turning up at the corners, although I was thoroughly confused.

“Surprise,” He smiled, pulling some flowers from behind his back.

Taking a step out of the door, towards him, I heard my mum sigh and walk back inside as her name was called out by someone. “Alex, why are you here?” I asked again, looking at my hands.

“I'm here for you.” His grin grew wider.

“How did you know where to find me?” I smiled shyly, suddenly realising what I looked like, I pulled my dressing gown closer around me and pushed my hair away from my face.

“Noah.” He caught my hand as I tucked my hair behind my ears. “You look beautiful.”

I laughed, “How did you know it was my sister's wedding?”

“Noah. Again.”

I nodded, “How is he?”

“He seemed good, with his girlfriend. Said he was going to give it a few days before texting you, didn't know how you'd react to hearing from him.” He took a step closer to me, my hand still trapped in his in the air beside our heads.

“Oh, good.” I couldn't shake the grin from my face. I took another step closer to him. “You're really here,” I laughed.

“Yeah, I am.” He grinned, pulling my hand towards his face and putting it on his cheek, “See. I'm not going anywhere. Not without you anyway.”

“I like the sound of that.” I replied. “May I just say, you look dashing.”

He laughed, “Why thank you.”

His hands rested on my waist as we looked at each other for a few seconds. All of a sudden, before I could think about what I was doing, my arms are around his neck, my lips on his, he lifted me up and I wrapped my legs around his waist.

“Hey,” He whispered against my lips.


“I think you're crushing the flowers.”

“Oh.” I laughed, jumping down. “Sorry.”

“Don't worry,” He grinned again, putting the flowers down against the wall. Leaning up against him, I sighed, “What's up?”

“Nothing.” He wrapped his arms tightly around me as I replied, “I'm just fine. Coming in?” I asked.

“Uhh, your Mom doesn't seem to like me.” He bit his lip, “I could just wait out here 'till you're ready to go.”

“Awhh, you scared of my mummy?” I joked, grabbing his hand and the flowers, I pulled him through my front door and went to find my sister. She was in the same place as before, headphones in, this time having her make up done. She looked gorgeous. “Jane.” She didn't here me, I pulled one of her headphones out, “Jane!”

“What did you do that for?” She moaned.

“Jane, this is Alex.” I pulled him round from behind me, squeezing his hand.

“Hi.” He smiled, awkwardly.

“Oh, so you're Alex.” She looked at him suspiciously. “Yeah I recognise you from when my sister completely obsessed over you last year,” She winked at me. “Lovely to meet you, Alex, I'm Jane,”

Alex's grip on my hand relaxed and he smiled, “Lovely to meet you too!”

“So you're all dressed up? Fancy going to a wedding?”

“Uhh, if that's okay,” He smiled, nodding.

“Fantastic, now leave me alone to get ready. And finish you hair. And reapply your lip gloss.” Jane smiled, putting her headphone back in. Alex and I walked out of the room.

“Well, that went well.” I laughed.

“Yeah, now, before you reapply that lip gloss.” He turned to me, in the middle of the hall, one hand on my lower back, the other pushed the curly section of my hair away from my face. There was a cough from behind Alex, I peaked over his shoulder and saw my mum stood in the hall way.

“Hey, uhm, Mum, this is Alex, we met when--” I started.

“Oh I know who he is.” She said, cutting my sentence short.

“Uhh, I should...” I mumbled, pulling Alex away and into the kitchen.

“Maybe I should go,” He sighed.

“No, it's fine, she just doesn't trust guys with longer hair than her own. And considering she hers only comes up to her chin...Plus she doesn't like guys who are in bands.”

“I won't mention that then.” Alex laughed as I sat back down in the chair to get the rest of my hair done. Suddenly I was tired, everything that I'd been worried about since I'd left America, didn't seem to matter any more. As Alex sat in front of me, absent mindedly playing with my fingers I realised, everything was going to be fine.
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Nice little bit of cheese for you ;D XD