Status: Active

This Could Be All I've Waited For

Chapter 40 : Jess

We knew Alex and Bianca had been back in LA for a few days – but we’d heard nothing from them.
The day before I was due for my baby scan Rian and Zack suggested the four of us went out to grab some lunch.
We pulled up just outside our favourite Italian Deli and took a seat outside while Zack and Rian went into the restaurant.
Jack and I waited a while, holding onto eachothers hands on the mosaic table.
I saw them following Zack and Rian in what felt like slow motion, my heart dropped and my mouth fell open. Jack spun round to see them behind him and immediatley stood up – his fists clenched slightly. Zack and Rian stood in between us and them, their arms poised to hold anyone back if they needed too.
“We brought you all here because we all need to talk,” Rian said firmly
“I knew this was a set up,” Alex sighed, looking up to the sunny sky
“Come on Alex, we have to for the future of this band and us as friends – as a family, especially with this kid involved,” Zack said – sounding slightly annoyed.
“Fine,” Alex sighed, he took a chair from the table next to us for Bianca and then grabbed one for himself. The tension around the tiny table was almost unberable. Rian sat in between Jack and Alex and Zack sat between Bianca and I – splitting us all up.
“So what?” Alex asked
I didn’t understand why he had such an attitude.
“Can we at least pretend to get along?” Zack asked, looking at everyone around the table “For our fans and our families,”
“We can’t just end All Time Low like this,” Rian added
Jack nodded
“I agree,” He sighed
For once, Bianca and I were on the same wavelength – awkwardly looking at each other – not knowing what to say that could help the situation further.
“Alex I need to know if you’re coming to this baby scan tommorow?” I asked finally, pointing at my stomach
“Yes I am, if Bianca can come to,”
That reply replayed over in my head for a while, like a broken record.
“Um,” I paused, biting my lip
“She’s part of my family now,” Alex said, practically snarling
“Fine,” I shook my head out of disbelief – not wanting to cause more problems
“OK here’s the deal, we’ll just tell everyone All Time Low are still together and getting on fine – in time I’m sure it’ll get better but I can’t deal with this right now,” Alex said suddenly
“Alex, you’ve been on a fucking holiday enjoying yourself at some woman’s wedding while the rest of us have been stuck at home dealing with your problems – help us out here,” Jack snapped “I want us to all go back to what we used to be like, but we can’t if the only thing you can be right now is stubborn,”
“That woman was my sister,” Bianca commented – finally speaking
“Oh shit I’m sorry, you’re sister. Yeah, she means a lot to Alex – a lot more than this band does clearly,” Jack replied sarcastically
“I went to support Bianca,” Alex snarled through clenched teeth
“Don’t start fighting again guys,” Rian sighed, putting his hand on Jack’s shoulder
It fell silent again, there was lots of deep sighs as Jack and Alex let out their angers without vocalising their problems.
I put my head in my hands.
“I’m tired now, can we just go home?” I asked “Zack? Rian?”
“Oh sure,” Zack sighed “Though this isn’t finished – clearly there are still problems,”
I nodded and stood up – using the back of my chair as support and then taking Jack’s hand.
“I’ll see you tommorow Alex,” I said quietly – smiling at him a little “I’ll call you two after the scan,” I said to Rian and Zack and then left with Jack – pulling his arm round my neck.
“You know exactly how to wind her and Alex up,” I sighed grinning cheekily up at him
“I know, I know,” Jack smiled – helping me into the passenger seat of our car
We drove off home and didn’t talk about Alex and Bianca, or any of them, for the rest of the day.
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