Status: Active

This Could Be All I've Waited For

Chapter 44: Jess

A few months past and I was getting bigger and normal, everyday things were becoming more difficult to do.
We hadn’t spoken to Alex or Bianca in a while but it was the day of the second scan, which we knew they’d both be there for.
We arrived at the familiar hospital and took our seats in the familiar waiting room – Alex and Bianca not far behind us.
“Time to see baby again,” Alex smiled
Jack and I smiled back at him – it was nice to know this baby was finally bringing us all together.
We were called in by the same nurse, who greeted us all with an overly cheery smile and led us into the ultrasound room.
I shifted myself onto the couch and lifted my shirt up as the nurse rubbed the cold jelly onto the bump.
“OK so what we’re doing today is looking to make sure everything is developing normally,” The nurse said – moving the ultrasound around the bump
She pointed out the head, the feet, the tiny hands and spine and then turned the ultrasound away from us to make more detailed examinations.
“It’s so weird,” Jack said – taking it all in “That’s a little person,”
“Mm, well done” I said sarcastically, laughing a little and squeezing his arm affectionately
The nurse turned the screen back round
“Well everything is looking perfectly normal – I know the gender of the baby if you want to find out-“
“No!” I cut her off “Leave it a surprise,”
She nodded politely
“Want some more photos instead?” She asked
“Ooh, that sounds good!” It was Alex’s turn to speak
The nurse returned to the ultrasound and printed them off for us and we did our usual thanks and then left to go on with our seperate lives.
“It looks cute,” Jack said in the car – staring at the picture as he rested it against the driving wheel
I chuckled and looked at the picture too
“Just concentrate on driving please,”
We pulled into the drive and Jack helped me out of the car.
“Why can’t we find out the gender?” He asked with pleading eyes
“Oh Jack, it’d be a nice surprise – why do we need to know it anyways?”
“Well, so we can decorate the nursery and choose names!”
“We can still do that without knowing!”
Jack looked at me with sad puppy dog eyes and my insides turned to gloop.
“No Jack,” I said firmly and made my way toward the house.
“Y’know pretty soon you and Alex could be thinking about getting a divorce,” Jack called from behind me
I stopped dead in my tracks – my heart sinking a little.
“I know,” I replied “I need to talk to him about that,”
I shook my head and continued toward the house
“You should get it done soon as possible y’know – so that he can move on with Bianca and we can move on together,”
“Jack – it’ll happen in time, divorce takes time and with this baby now there would also be custody issues,”
“Not if Alex doesn’t want the baby,” Jack replied
“I think he does, Jack.” I unlocked the front door of the house and stepped inside – Jack in hot pursuit
“OK fine – but you should at least call him about it, see what he says,” Jack said as he rubbed my arm
“Yes, but it’s too early now,” I kissed him once “Just wait a little longer for me – at least until the baby is born,”
The rest of the day was spent on the couch – I made Jack paint my toe nails and we went through hundreds of baby names and flicked through hundreds of decor and furniture catalogues for the nursery – which we were going to start work on soon.
I was happy living in this bubble of contentment but couldn’t help but wonder how long it would last and what would happen to us all after the baby was born. I wanted Alex to be a part of this baby’s life but wasn’t completly happy with Bianca being there too – I guess it was just something I was going to have to get used to, judging by the way Alex was talking and the way he acted toward her – similar to how he used to with me when we first met. I fell asleep against Jack’s shoulder and we remained like that for the whole night. I didn’t want this euphoric state to ever end.
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wow, 60 subs! Thank you :3
and thank you to everyone who reads and comments, we love you all! XXX