Status: Active

This Could Be All I've Waited For

Chapter 46 - Jess

My baby bump was huge now – I was due in a few weeks and today was the day Alex and I met with the solicitors. I brought Jack with me but he said he’d wait outside to give me and Alex some space to finally sort outselves out – I noticed Alex had brought along Bianca but she too waited outside.
Alex greeted me with a careful hug which was a little strange – that hadn’t happened in months and felt like a completly new experience again. We didn’t have to wait long and a smartly dressed woman waved us into her office. It was full of books about law and paintings and photographs of law courts. We sat down opposite her at her desk and she took out a folder full of notes and information and logged onto her computer.
“So, Mr and Mrs Gaskarth,” She sighed, taking a pen from her shirt pocket
Alex and I looked at each other awkwardly
“You’ve come here to sort a divorce, yes?” She looked at us sternly – as if she had better places to be
“Yes M’aam,” Alex said, putting his hands on the desk
“And your reasons for divorce,”
“Adultery,” Alex said quickly – I wasn’t getting a word in at all
I breathed deeply; a throbbing pain began to swell in the pit of my stomach. This didn’t feel good.
The solicitor scribbled some notes down and then looked up at me, realising something was wrong
“Are you alright?” She asked, pursing her lips
I was rubbing the baby bump with my hand now and struggling to calm myself down.
“No, no I think my-I think my waters just broke,”
Alex and the solicitor looked at each other in complete shock.
“Ok, well when’s the baby due?” She asked
“In a few weeks – it’s probably just early,” I said through deep breaths
I turned to Alex, put my hand on his
“Alex can we please go to the hospital, right now?” I was beginning to panic
Alex still looked in shock and it took him a moment to reply
“Oh, if you’re sure – OK,” He got out of his chair sheepishly “Do you need help standing up?”
“Not yet, go and tell the others what’s happening first – quickly,”
He ran outside of the room
“I’ll help you up,” Said the solicitor – walking over and taking hold of my arms
She pulled me up then put one arm behind my back
“I know how you feel – I’ve been through it six times,” She smiled
“Oh wow, not sure I could do this six times,” I said, shocked and impressed at the same time
Alex darted back into the room
“That was quick!” I said to him
“Jack’s got your car up and running, Bianca’s in mine – let me take you to the carpark,” He took over from where the solicitor had been and led me back outside.
He opened the passenger door and helped me in next to Jack.
“You picked a good time!” Jack said, teasing
“No time for jokes right now Jack!” I replied, not in the mood
“Fine then, let’s go have a baby!” He grinned – Alex closed my door and darted back to Bianca and his car. Jack reversed out of his space; luckily the hospital was only a few blocks away and he sped down the highway.
“Jack! I would like to make it alive to this hospital! I’m not wasting 9 months of looking like a watermelon to then be killed in a car crash!” I snapped, but he didn’t listen
We pulled up and parked next to each other – both Jack and Alex led me to the hospital while Bianca ran ahead to tell the hospital we were coming.
When we arrived inside the hospital there was a porter boy already waiting with a wheelchair – I was plopped in it and sent straight to the maternity ward while the other three followed behind, giving some poor nurse and a clipboard all of our details.
I was put into a room and helped onto the bed and the others were ushered out for a while.
“I’ll see you soon,” Jack said kissing my hand as he left. Bianca and Alex gave me the biggest smiles and followed behind him.
I wanted them all to stay but knew they couldn’t – at least for the beginning of this nightmare.