Status: Active

This Could Be All I've Waited For

Chapter 6: Jess

Alex and the waitress girl weren’t far behind me afted I’d left the toilet. I’d already had word with mother and father to keep an eye on her, and sent my mother to have a private chat with Jenny about it.
I was sat down at a table chatting with my Grandmother and Great Aunt when I saw Alex return, quickly followed by the waitress girl. I stood up immediatly and walked over to him.
“Shall we dance?” I asked, wrapping my arms around his neck
He smiled and we walked to the dance floor, I peered over his shoulder and saw the waitress girl look sorry for herself, like a puppy in a pet shop window. This only made my smile wider.
I lost myself in the music and the warmth of Alex wrapped around me as we swayed gently to the music. As the music picked up pace and a beat was brought in, we kissed and broke apart to dance with other friends and family – occasionally meeting each other in the middle.
I saw one of the boy waiters talking with the girl waiter who’d been obsessing over my husband; I stopped dancing and took an empty champagne glass from a table then made my way towards the two of them.
“I’d like a refill,” I said sternly to the girl, she nodded and left for the kitchen quickly
“Tell your friend to keep her creeping eyes away from my husband,” I whispered harshly to the boy – who looked petrified
He nodded and gulped then picked up a few empty wine bottles and darted towards the kitchen
I smiled to myself, knowing I’d got the message firmly across to them.
I even walked past the kitchen door and overheard Jenny say to the girl, “We need to talk in private please,”
Still, I didn’t let in phase me and went back to join my friends on the dance floor. I’d always been taught to never let things get the better of me and there was no way that was going to start tonight. Besides, she was just a waiter girl who probably lived in some rundown apartment above a pizza take out shop. I had nothing to worry about.
Come to think of it, I’d never had anything to worry about.Back when I lived in England, and even living here I’d always lived a life of luxury, I guess my parents spoiled my rotten because they were afraid they’d loose me like they lost the older sister I never knew. Her name was Natalie, and she died aged 16 before I was born.In the photos I’d seen of her she looked lovely – long wavy blonde hair and bright blue eyes. Sometimes I’d wondered if I was just a replacement and not another, unique, child to them but I’d learnt to grow a thick skin and deal with things by bottling them up.

I can’t remember the last time I cried.
Alex always said I was a ticking time bomb of emotion, and soon I’d overload and everything would come out of me, but that hasn’t happened yet and I don’t think it ever will.

The music slowed again and the disco lights dimmed, I felt Alex wrap his arm round my waist and pull me in towards him for another slow dance. It really was perfect.
I peered over his shoulder again and saw my parents dancing together, and the All Time Low boys messing around and cheekily drinking out of the champagne bottles. I’d never felt so happy.
The wedding photoprapher took more photos of us all and the tables were cleared in preparation for pudding and cake.
The wedding cake was brought out on a seperate table – It was beautiful 3 tier cake, with pink and red roses dotted all over it.
Alex led me towards it, his arm still wrapped round my waist.
It was time to cut the cake.
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sorry about the lack of descrition of my character.... if you think it needs more, let me know :) x