The Ghost of Her Past


Red Bluff, CA
March 29, 1991
3:45 a.m.

The chill of the air did not matter for them, only did the words of the other take their attention. Damien's eyes swept up and down Karli's face, a delicate and beautiful set-up was all he saw.
How can I be this lucky? he thought

Karli simply stared into his eyes, searching for the source of all this yet words she could not find the words to explain or describe the answer she found. Gorgeous ponds of desire, hope and eternal happiness was what came closer but still not the correct adjectives.

"You know I will always love you, right?" Damien whispered softly as he took her hand in his.

"That sounds so cheesy, but you know what?" Karli replied. "I'll always be there for you, love."

A car came closer and closer until the loud roar was no less than five feet away, it was time to go....

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I know it sounds cheesy, rushed and kinda bad but it WILL get better. Oh, and it won't be this awkwardly/stupidly written for the rest of the story.