The Ghost of Her Past

And then

Maplewood, NJ
February 19, 2007
6:35 a.m.

"DUDE!!!!!!!!!!!!" Yelled Hadeline at the top of her voice as she threw a black show at her sister. "WAKE YOUR ASS UP!"
A groan was all that came from the top bunk on the far left hand side of the small, poorly-lit room which was shared by four girls.

The daily drill was in session for this was the only way possible to get to school on time and detention-free. "Come ON!!! Do you really have to do this every single day?!"

"yea......." Rane sleepily answered, pulling her pillow above her already invisible head.

Hadeline turned to her other side where the other bunk held her cousins lazily and happily sleeping, dreaming about chocolate unicorns and the whereabouts of the muffin man, undisturbed by her maniacal screaming.

"Great", she thought and walked across the hall to pull the covers off her brother and other cousin.

"Isittimealready?" Mumbled Shane with the willpower of 1,000 snails. He was the spitting image of their father: black, messy hair with bright blue eyes and a small smile that gave the impression of a smart ass no matter how insanely tired. "Yo! Toni!" He called to the opposite bed . Toni did not even stir. So he simply pulled the covers and sat upon his back.

"Must you really say good-bye to me like this?" Toni said, irritated and grabbed his blankets to go back to his daily hallucinations.

"Good-bye?" Asked Hadeline.
"Oh that's right! Baltimore, remember?" (Shane)
Yes, that WAS right, they were moving to Baltimore being pulled by their wonder lusting father. Toni and his siblings were staying in Maplewood but for the day they were going to miss school to help them finish packing and see them to the state line.

The Nylunds were always moving. Every two years or so, the triplet's dad for some reason decided he could no longer stand the place and moved them away sometimes across the country. Many times had they asked why he moved so much but they had as much chance of not getting yelled at as a midget has of getting into every ride at six flags. This was the only argument they ever got into with their only parent.

Hadeline had dyed her hair several different colours in addition to smoking and shaving her head. Shane had been arrested twice. The only reaction that came from their father was "Did you donate your hair?/Nice./Don't do pot, please." For Hadeline and "Cops got to ya?" to Shane.
The man's lack of scolding them left them both confused.

"You guys have everything packed?" Asked the man they called father an hour later.

"Almost, dude." Responded Shane forcing the suitcase closed and throwing a yo-yo into an already full box.

"Alright." Said the dark-haired 32 year-old. He ran into the restroom and out of sight.
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Please give me feedback, I haven't written anything in awhile so even the randomest piece of criticism helps.