The Ghost of Her Past


Baltimore, MD
February 20, 2007
7:30 p.m.

Darria Alexandra Alegore was enjoying the deep blue starless night sky before going to bed. Her favourite scenery at her reach was so calming that she forgot about every piece of shit in her life: Her reckless lesbian mother, her jobless father living in the basement, her three obnoxious sister, and school. That dreaded horrible concrete jail labeled as a school. And she had to face it every week-day. A prison to her and her handful of friends.

Looking up, she saw a bright star come into view. 'Perfect, may my wish come true' she thought then said out loud, "I feel stupid, " she tried not bothering to lower her voice in case someone heard seeing as how her family was out of the white, dead-grassed (Darria had called her mother on it once "It's technically murder, ya know" in which Leandra Griffin had snapped "Yea, and you're technically an accomplice") two-story home.

Darria swept her hand through her strangely out of braids and/or tracks hair. "Star, or whatever's listenin', please can ya make my wish come true? All I want is for Karli or someone like her to with me...."

"Sure thing, darling." Said a voice too familiar to even bother being surprised.

"Ugh, must ya really be back?"

"Mhm, movie got boring." Stated Ramona in her usual snobby tone. She was Darria's exact opposite although a few years older than her. Thin, tall, clear light brown skin with piercing blue eyes that seemed way too perfect to even be related to the Alegores. She was considered the family's pride in both academics and looks. "Oh Star shine! Oh Brightness! PLEASE let my LOVE sweep me off my feet!!!" Ramona mocked prancing around the dark-lit room without bumping or tripping into anything, another thing Darria envied.

"Ha ha. It isn't like that supermodel airhead."

"Then who the fuck is this Karli girl? A rapper?"

"A friend I haven't seen since grade school."

"Yea, right. And I'm the Easter bunny."


"Thanks, well gotta go fatty. Stink. Oh, and you might wanna reconsider those chips." She said and blew a kiss.

Her sister was referring to the stash of chips behind her TV and although she was trying hard to lose weight (She had gone from a 16 to an 8 already), she couldn't break her chip habit.
"It's like you're off the chart" Darria remembered telling Karli once about her thoughts on the size 0. Both girls had never met each other in person but they had been talking on-line for the past two years. Karli was seventeen, as far as Darria knew. Not a single picture had ever gotten through strangely enough. But the bond that had grown between them did not need a picture, they both knew the other one was a phone call or text away.

Darria's plan was to hop on a plane the moment she turned 18. "Hopefully the plan will work...." the fourteen year-old mumbled leaning her head against the window, having spent the past three hours looking for the money she meant to use for her cross-country trip.


"WAKE UP!" Antoinette called from the doorway.

"Ugh..." Darria moaned glancing at her digital clock and pushing the world's fattest cat to the side. 6:30 a.m. "Is it Monday already?"

"No. Wednesday"

"Right." She had completely forgotten that she had cut Monday and had her mom's girlfriend pick her up on Tuesday morning making it seem like the week-end.
'First day as a normal freshman' She thought wiping the excess shampoo off her eyes. She thought this every day, her logic was that if she lied to herself enough someday it might come true.

The baby blue curtains ruffled then got pulled to reveal Monique, her only younger sister.

"Mom says to hurry up, or else" She said and ran out of the mint coloured walls Darria called "privacy". How the hell did Monique open the locked door soundlessly left the Alegores clueless.