You're What I Call Everything To Me


“Shaelynn? BREATHE!!” Summer shouted, shaking her friend’s shoulders.

“I am breathing you ditz!” Shae cried, gripping her Summer’s shoulders and forcing her to stop.

“Oh… Then why in the hell am I standing in a bathroom with you for if you’re not hyperventilating or hurling?” the blond asked, brushing her loose bangs from her face, looking around the tiny room that they were crammed inside of.

“I don’t know,” Shaelynn said, though her eyes told the blond otherwise.

“Oh my god. You’re having second thoughts, aren’t you?” she asked, glancing down to the white gown that adorned her friend’s nearly curve-less frame.

“What? No! No, that would be crazy.” Under a few seconds of Summer’s gaze, Shaelynn cracked and nodded her head, running her fingers through her bangs before her friend slapped her hand away, preventing her from ruining her elegantly styled hair.

“What’s going through that pretty head of yours?” she asked as Shae turned toward the mirror in her father’s bathroom, fixing her hair before sighing and looking into the clean, white porcelain sink.

“I’m scared. What if John changed his mind? What if I’m making a terrible mistake? Maybe I should call it off.”

“Shaelynn Marie! No way! I did not plan this event for you to walk out of for nothing!” she stopped abruptly upon seeing her friend’s glare. Summer sighed. “You and John are perfect together, Shae. He is absolutely sure that he wants you as his wife. Trust me; I’ve been hearing Garrett bitch about much John has been rambling about this day. It’s just your nerves that are getting to you…” she trailed off and examined her friend. “You look hungry; have you eaten yet today?”

“Not really.”


“What? I was so nervous! Still am, actually.”

Summer sighed and shook her head, mumbling something along the lines of, “You’re helpless, sometimes,” before fishing into her clutch and pulling out a handful of Tootsie Rolls. “Here, eat these. Maybe you’ll calm down a little.”

“Doubt it,” she whispered but accepted them anyway. She unrolled one from its wrapper and popped it in her mouth before giving Summer a questioning look.

“Damn food cravings are starting already,” she said as if it were the answer to everything.

Shaelynn nodded in understanding before leaning against the counter, holding her filled palm out to her friend. Summer plucked one out of the brunette’s hand and in silence, they ate the chocolately candies, enjoying the peace while they had it.

There was a rap of knuckles on the door before it was pushed open in a cautious manner. Shaelynn’s father peered inside with a nervous smile. “Everything alright in here?” he asked, glancing between the two young women.

Summer smiled brightly and nodded. “I’ve got it covered, Daddy Adams,” she said with a light wink. “I think she’s ready.”

“Yeah, I don’t think I can sit here in anticipation much longer,” Shaelynn said, desperation spilling over her face. “Did you talk to John?”

“Of course. He’s fidgeting, trying to kill time. I think Kennedy might kill him out of annoyance if we don’t get this wedding on soon.”

“Not funny, Dad. Go tell Kenny that if he kills my groom I’ll hunt him down. I’m serious! Go tell him and by the time you get back, Summer and I will be ready.”

He rolled his eyes but he backed out, closing the door behind him.

“Aren’t we ready now?” Summer asked.

“Yeah, but I really want to finish these,” Shaelynn said with a sigh of contentment as she held up the tootsie rolls.

Summer shrugged and took another one, eating it before smoothing her light blue, bridesmaid dress. It was casual, pretty and simple, something that Summer appreciated. The blond refused to wear anything that was even mildly hideous, and Shaelynn promised not to pick something even remotely near that kind of thing. “I can’t believe you’re getting married,” Summer whispered, turning to her friend with tears starting to fill her eyes.

“No, Summer. Please, I don’t want to cry just yet.”

“I’m sorry, I’m sorry,” she mumbled fanning her face with her hands. “I just- I’m really happy for you, Shae. This is a huge step for both you and John. I wish you guys the best.”

“Isn’t this supposed to be saved for your speech later tonight?”

“Yeah, but I want to tell you that much now. John’s a lucky bastard.”

“Yes. John is a lucky bastard who is waiting for his bride to walk down the aisle,” Shaelynn’s father interrupted, causing both girls to jump and snap their attention to him.

Summer broke out into a toothy grin. “This is it Shaelynn. Are you excited?”

Shae nodded, a smile working its way onto her face. She immediately began trembling as her nerves caught the best of her. Summer sent her a reassuring smile before ducking out of the bathroom to get their bouquets of flowers and to give the bride a little time with her father.

“You look beautiful, honey.”

“Thank you,” she said with a small smile as he hooked his arm through hers and guided her out of the small bathroom.

Summer held out the flowers before leading them to the patio doors which would open in a matter of moments to expose Shaelynn and John’s closest friends and family.

“Your mother would love to be here,” her father said after clearing his throat as he looked straight ahead. He fixed his tie, trying not to get emotional but his façade was slowly starting to chip away.

Tears started pricking at her blue eyes. “I know, Daddy,” she said softly before pressing a light kiss to her father’s cheek. A single tear slipped from her eye before she wiped it away carefully.

“John’s a good guy,” he said, finally looking to her, with his walls still up.

Summer tried thinking of things to distract her from the conversation happening behind her but she still had no way of blocking out their voices.

“Yeah, John is a good guy,” Shae confirmed with a smile just as music reached their ears, signaling that the doors would swing open within a matter of moments.

She felt her breath grow ragged as Summer glanced back and flashed her a small smile before facing the double doors once again.

“Do I look okay, Dad?” she asked.

“You look perfect,” he said with a smile just as the doors opened.

Shaelynn smoothed the front of her dress, trying not to look at their friends and family just yet. She felt like a mess but her father tightened his arm around hers, signaling that it was time for them to follow Summer. She sucked in a deep breath but it only made her trembling worse.

She stepped forward, concentrating on not tripping on her dress but she knew that she would have to face everyone eventually. With one more deep breath, she tilted her head up and her eyes locked with John's.

He looked so handsome in a crisp black suit, a white tie that had barely visible cream-colored stripes across it.

At first glance he looked nervous but his shoulders relaxed as soon as Shae's eyes met his. A smile grew across his lips and in that instant Shae knew that she wasn't going to ever regret marrying him. She almost felt stupid for having second thoughts. With a light smile shot in John's direction, she let the feeling of pure elation carry her through the afternoon.
♠ ♠ ♠
Shae's Dress
It's been a while, hasn't it? Poll is still up for their song too so drop me a comment :)
1. "If My Heart Was A House"-Owl City
2. "I'll Be"-Edwin McCain
3. "Two Years"-Ivory
and numero 4: "I Love You More Than You Will Ever Know"- NeverShoutNever
Thank you for the patience and for all the wonderful comments!! :D