Status: NEW UPDATE! I'm back to finish this guys! We are going all the way ;)

Forced Affection


‘No you can’t make me do this. Mum how could you? I hate him. He’s, he’s …a jerk. He’s a pompous, egotistic idiot!’ Hallie Cortez, Princess of Fire and the Heiress of the Cortez dynasty, yelled.
‘It’s not our choice, its destiny. Hallie it’s meant to be. Don’t do it for us or even yourself, do it for everyone that wants peace between the slayers and vampires’, her mother, Maria Cortez, replied lowering her voice.
‘But, Mum, Dad, I can do this without him. It’s not destiny, it’s some old fool’s broken dream. If I was to agree I would be throwing away everything, you’ve taught me. I’ve trained since I was 2 years old, I could fight better than I could walk. I’d be not only giving up my independence, or my strength, but also my pride, our pride, our honour!’ Hallie argued one more time.
‘Hallie it’s not up to you. It has been destined since your great grandfather’s last wish before he was killed. ‘Just let the Parker’s and Cortez’s are united as one force. Slayers and Vampires together as one’’ Hallie’s father, Jack Cortez quoted.
‘Dad, do not make him sound like a ‘hero with one last dying wish’. I will not follow his wish; he gave up and lost all his honour. Pierre was nothing but a spineless whimp!’ Hallie shouted.
‘Pierre may of gave himself up, but it was a sacrifice for his family and now his last brother, Miguel, you great uncle, is trying to fulfil his last wish’ Jack shouted back.
‘The only thing Miguel is is like Pierre's evil side kick. Miguel’s as evil as the Parkers are. First, he planned Leo Parker to marry the Munez eldest girl, Luka. Then he decided on Kelsey Ryan to marry the filthy mongrel. Soon the sleaze realised a witch would be even better, so he arranged the Halliwell’s eldest, Piper. Thankfully, her parents had more pride and denied it. Unfortunately, the old fart remembered his brother’s disowned grandson, you and his forbidden wife and their only daughter, me the actual destined Slayer of Leo Parker, Hallie Cortez! Perfect’ Hallie cried out in frustration.
‘Hallie Anna Cortez, don’t ever speak of your great grandfather and your great uncle like that again. And Leo Parker, you will marry and that’s final’ her father said firmly.
‘Leo Parker will never be my husband. The only thing he’ll ever be is the Prince of Darkness’ Hallie yelled running out her father’s office with a tear streaked face.
The Discussion had finished.
This is my story, Hallie Anna Cortez, only daughter of Jack and Maria Cortez. This story isn’t just about vampires, but slayers. Not the normal story about slayer’s slaying vampires, but about me, a natural born enemy to vampires forced into becoming their family.
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Well hopefully you enjoyed it :)
please rate or subscribe so I know whether or not to continue writing this :)