Status: NEW UPDATE! I'm back to finish this guys! We are going all the way ;)

Forced Affection

This is your Warning.

We hadn’t been driving long and Leo had already began to feel better, all sign of pain leaving his face. As we left the outskirts of Fort Razuk, I knew it wouldn’t be long until I lost all sight of the ocean again.
‘Well? What was that back there?’ I asked half an hour later after I had lost sight of the ocean and knew that Leo would probably refuse to answer, or worst he shout, yell and kick me out. Then again, the silence might be more painful than anything else might.
‘Not entirely sure. There were too many voices in my head and someone was doing something very painful to himself or herself and for some reason it was affecting me. I assume it is because I have slept in a while or had a real meal’ Leo answered driving and not looking at me.
‘And by real meal you mean blood?’ I dared to ask.
‘Yes Cortez I mean fresh blood’ Leo replied sternly.
‘Really I didn’t realise you had a limit on how many voices you could hear. I assume you wouldn’t have an issue on the number of thoughts or feel pain’ I said not meaning to be little him, but rather just interested in it.
‘I don’t, well I never have before. That was a first. It might also be that there was another vampire who was directly inflicting pain upon someone’s mind and because I was reading it, it hurt me’ Leo answered as I realised he had no idea why it had happened either.
‘Can you all read minds?’ I mumbled not wanting to push my luck.
‘All? Vampires in general? No’ Leo answered as he looked at me for the first time we had gotten back in the car.
‘Oh. I didn’t know. I mean I did, but I thought it might be some secret thing. Does ever vampire have a ‘special’ ability’ I asked damn well knowing I was pushing my luck. And was surprised when Leo answered.
‘No, not every vampire can read minds. And we do not all have special abilities as you call them. There are different kinds of abilities and I don’t know I haven’t really ever thought about it’ Leo responded.
‘Can you tell if they have abilities?’ I asked again surprised we had gotten this far.
‘Who? Me? Of course I can, after all I can read minds. But you and other vampires? No they can’t unless they have already been told, or they have seen the power in action or have even had it used on them’ Leo answered and for once seemed relaxed.
‘Well does anyone else have powers? In your family, I mean. Like Arianna, Craig, Nick, Thomas and Ashlea. Is that it?’ I asked not even thinking he wouldn’t answer.
‘You want me to give away secrets of the trade?’ Leo asked me as if I was stupid. I nodded and smiled coyly.
‘Well. Ashlea can see the future, based on decisions that someone has made at that point in time. And unlike Alice form those stupid books other downworlders don’t have any effect on her sight. Nick is extremely smart, and well I’m not sure if it is a power or just because he is a nerd. Um Arianna always seem to have a calming affect around her but I’m not sure what it is and then I think that is about all. Craig is a natural leader as you know with the monarch and Thomas has speed that I’ve never seen before and I’ve seen a lot’ Leo finished after giving me a run down on his family.
‘What was wrong with Ashlea this morning?’ I asked Leo, beginning to feel more relaxed than I ever had in his company.
‘She kept having visions of us all being killed. But it kept changing because the person who had the power to do so couldn’t make the choice if they were going to ambush us or not. Which is why we all went separate ways and well nobody knew that until we left and I made a last minute decision. Ash couldn’t handle the constant change and that was the migraines’ Leo answered again. I was still surprised he hadn’t snapped or even ignored me yet.
‘Um one last question I promise. Who was it that couldn’t make the decision?’ I asked, if there was someone in my house that could of had us all killed I wanted to know.
‘What makes you think I know?’ Leo asked avoiding the answer.
‘Well you can read minds so I assumed you would have seen who was toying with the information. After all, it was only my family that knew the facts’ I answered honestly.
‘Hmm. Well I thought it was Alex. He was the only one that threatened me about hurting you after all. But he was planning to get you home without breaking the contract and rescuing you so to speak. Christopher was too angry with his father and I couldn’t make out anything from him. He wasn’t a threat though, well not to us only to someone by the name of Simon?’ Leo questioned.
‘Simon is one of my father’s associates and well father values his opinion a lot and Chris blames him for convincing father into agreeing to this...thing’ I answered.
‘Well if I were Simon I would honestly be concerned. Joshua was concerned but he was more caught up on the secret he is keeping with Jennifer. Your father was worried about everything; he was extremely concerned about you, as well as his land and what is going to happen to his monarchy. Honestly, he’ll have a heart attack if he keeps stressing out and well your mother’s thoughts were too muddled to make out. She kept having flash backs and thinking of pointless things which I why I was more concerned about your mother having the power. I assume she knew I was worried and could read minds so she tried to distract herself whenever I was around so I couldn’t read what she was consciously thinking’ Leo finished and finally looked at me and realised I wanted to ask another question but promised I wouldn’t.
‘Go ahead ask the stupid question’ Leo snapped as he realised I was trying not to break my promise. I was honestly giving this thing an attempt of trying to make it work.
‘Firstly, I want you to know that even though you can’t read mind I was really trying to keep my promise in not asking you anymore questions. And thanks for opening the floodgate because I have so many more now that I realised you read minds’ I sighed.
‘I should never have let you’ Leo mumbled knowing I would hear but for the first time I saw a twinkle in his eye.
‘Is Jen pregnant? That’s the secret yes. Also, you still didn’t answer my original question. Who do you think was the one toying with the information?’ I asked hoping this nice mood of Leo’s wouldn’t expire too quickly.
‘Yeah she’s pregnant. And well to be honest you won’t like the answer to who I think’ Leo replied going back to his bored tone that I had almost forgotten existed.
‘I knew she’s pregnant, Josh won’t leave her side. Who? Is it one of the girls?’ I asked worried about my friends, after not all they knew Leo and I shared the same lifeline now.
‘No’ Leo responded simply but turned and looked at me.
‘Oh. You think it was me because you can’t read my mind’ I snapped not wanting to hold back now.
‘Well what do you think? You are the only one that knew the stuff and I couldn’t actually catch you out could I?’ Leo snapped. Oh, how quickly the mood could change.
‘Leo do you honestly think I knew everything? For fucks sake I was kept in the dark about everything, my stupid parents thought it would be safer that way! And for your information I have no idea where you live therefore I couldn’t have planned anything!’ I shouted not being able to control myself but was still nice enough to say for fucks sake as opposed the the alternative of god’s sake that would of hurt Leo. How kind I was and he had no idea!
‘What? You honestly have no idea where we live. Are you stupid?’ Leo snapped back clearly not believing me.
‘Yes Leo. I don’t know where you live, where this trip will take me is a mystery to me. I feel like an idiot for not knowing! For all I know you could be taking me somewhere to murder me and the whole kiss thing was a trick or a myth I don’t know. But what I do know is it wasn’t me that was toying with the information, you should of realised that with my genuine shocked response when you told me in the first place’ I argued back. This was not going to end well I knew.
‘Maybe you’re just a really good actor?’ Leo snapped.
‘If that was true, then you would believe I liked you. So clearly I mustn’t be good as I can’t hide my hate and anger to well’ I snapped back very harshly. I couldn’t believe he thought I was the snitch.
To my surprise, he flinched at that response. I realised it was probably a bit unnecessary as we both didn’t want to be here but I didn’t have to throw it back in his face. Leo took a deep breath and sighed before replying or continuing with any more arguing.
‘We live in Xalan. We will be going to my parent’s house and not to my apartment in the city as Arianna didn’t want to put us in that situation just quiet yet and well she doesn’t trust me the slightest. Xalan is still about six and a half hours away, at the minimum. I’ll try to let you know the directions as well as I can. We shall get there at about 9pm. From what I know the kiss thing isn’t a myth not that I have any proof and for the time being I’m not planning on murdering you, but that could change-but I will probably warn you if that was going to happen. And I will believe you this time on saying you weren’t organising anything. But it means I have no idea who it may of been then’ Leo answered all my questions. I guess he was trying to make it work for the time being. Considering we had more than six hours in the car together, it seemed like a smart idea.
‘Thank you.’ I began, I should of stopped there but I felt like we were almost talking and hate wasn’t the fuel behind it.
‘So why doesn’t your mother trust you? Why don’t you call her mum either?’ I continue without even having a second thought.
‘Why are you so nosy?’ Leo snapped.
‘Why can’t you just answer the question?’ I responded as my voice automatically rose.
‘Because I don’t have to explain myself to you! Really it is quite simple.’ Leo lashed out.
‘Whatever forget I said anything!’ I yelled at him throwing my hands up in frustration and staring out the window. Believe me the conversation had just ended. Every time I think we take a step forward in progress, one of us ruins it and we take another three back.
The ride went slowly even though Leo never got below 90 miles. The time just didn’t seem to past and the surroundings were flashing past but I didn’t actually care anymore. I just wanted to get to the mansion so I could hide in my room and stay away from everyone for as long as possible, maybe I could barricade myself in the room until Alex rescued me! Or at least I could try. At least I will have my own personal space where I wouldn’t have to deal with anyone else.
‘We’re 3 hours away. I’m not going near Sarilik, we are trying to avoid that area as much as possible’ Leo said bored, now he has taken to talking to me as if I was an idiot and didn’t deserve respect.
‘I’ve never been so I wouldn’t know what I’m missing’ I mumbled not even attempting to make conversation but rather hoping to stop it from going any further so we wouldn’t have to discuss anything.
‘You’re not missing out on anything. But if you want Lucas can put some thoughts in your mind so you think you’ve been there?’ Leo responded before he even thought through what he had said.
‘Why would I willingly let a vamp put thoughts in my head?’ I snapped turning to look at him. I think everything could have been resolved there and then had he said something along the lines of ‘sorry your right, I just wasn’t thinking. Let me explain what I meant...’ but rather actual comment only caused me to get angrier.
‘Well I’m sure there have been vampires out there who have said you’re great at hunting and you believed them. Maybe it is just your naivety, then again you could just be gullible’ Leo snapped clenching the steering wheel tighter as his knuckles went almost transparent.
‘Oh and I’m sure there has been people in general that have just fed your ego because they were paid to. I doubt you have any real friends!’ I yelled at him why he annoyed me so much!
‘Well at least my friends don’t think of me as a traitor for doing this? Unlike yours, you should have heard their thoughts!’ Leo responded nastily as his fangs began to show because of the anger.
I didn’t even think twice about what I did. It was practically a reflex. I slapped Leo hard across the face leaving a red handprint on a vampire prince who had probably never been hit in his entire life.
What happened next shocked me more. Leo slammed on the breaks and stopped in the middle of a deserted road. Oh fuck, was the only thought I had. Luckily, my seat belt held me back as the car came to an immediate stop.
‘You know how I said I would warn you when I want to murder you. Well here is your fucking warning!’ Leo snapped as he got out of the car and slammed the door ever so hard. My instant thought was to lock the door, not that it would stop Leo from getting to me, but it would hold him off and give me a chance to defend myself.
I locked the door, all of them switching to lock. Leo shook his head and walked away. I had no idea where he was going or what he was going to do to me. I crawled over onto the back seat and got into the boot. I grabbed my bag, out of it I grabbed my silver katana, a wooden stake, and a chain of rosemary beads that I put around my wrist and a flask of holy water slipped all of these back into handbag and made sure Leo could see the silver and sapphire cross I was wearing around my neck. There was no way in hell he was going to hurt me.
Half an hour had past and he still hadn’t returned. I wasn’t beginning to worry but I was wishing I knew where he was, or at least where we were that way I could leave him. Of course, though I wouldn’t be able to start his freaking car! I must also tell you that technology had gotten much better as security has become priority number one. No car will start without the fingerprint of the owner, which meant I couldn’t start Leo’s car without his finger even though I had the keys!
Well two could play this game. I leant over to the steering wheel, grabbed the keys and got out of the car. I had no idea where I was but I knew we were avoiding Sarilik so we must be in Voltar. I technically had no idea where I was but I could find out. Grabbing my mobile phone out of my pocket I called Billie, after all she was a shadow hunter, she had travelled the most and could lie well so if my parents asked her about me she would be able to hide this whole conversation. I didn’t hesitate to ring her. The first time there was no answer, which isn’t unusual for her, she trains a lot. The second time I called her she answered on the fifth ring.
Billie: ‘Hallie!! I can’t believe you have left. What’s wrong hun?’
Me: ‘What makes you think anything is wrong? Can’t I just miss my friends?’
Billie: ‘Please spare me the time of your games. Have you killed Leo?’
Me: ‘I haven’t killed him BUT he was pretty angry after I hit him. So angry that he stopped the car in the middle of the road and got out. He got out at around sixish. I haven’t seen him since’
Billie: *gasps* ‘Fuck. You hit him? He got out? Wow, it is quarter to seven now! Where are you?’
Me: *laughs* ‘Funny you should ask that! Um I have no idea. I was hoping you could track the GPS on my phone send me a map and I don’t know...get me out of here?’
Billie: ‘Holy fuck. Um yeah doing that as we speak. Wow, you hit him? How’d he take it?’
Me: ‘Billie did you not hear me! He threatened to kill me and got out of the car over forty five minutes ago!!’
Billie: ‘Oh yeah, right?! Um my bad! Anyway Rae bald her eyes out after you left’
Me: ‘I got to Fort Razuk hid in a toilet and vomited until the owner literally came in and wiped my tears away’
Billie: ‘Oh baby, I’ll get you out of this mess as soon as possible. Ok, you’re in Voltar. If you keep heading along the road for 15kms you’ll come to a town called Marni’
Me: ‘Marni? What do you have on Marni?’
Billie: ‘Um old town, nicely done up. Fuck Hallie turn around and go back to the car right NOW!’
Me: ‘Billie? You’re scaring me!’
Billie: ‘It’s a vampire coven. Leo would have needed to avoid it. They’re against you big time. Fuck!’
Me: ‘What?’ I gasp as I take a deep breath and run back to the car, which unfortunately was about 1.5km away.
Billie: ‘Hallie they’re really against this marriage. I’m not even sure Leo would be safe there’
Me: ‘Fuck Parker he’ll be fine. Now is there any way you can get the car to start’
Billie: ‘Honestly Hallie, it will be dark in about half an hour. It is going to get much more dangerous at night. Leo shouldn’t have went this way’
Me: ‘Billie! Concentrate. I’m at the car-‘
Billie: ‘Hallie stop. Listen. If there is someone, there I want you to play dumb. Say you’re a Nephilim who got lost. Please often they send scouts out during the daytime hours to collect fresh blood. An abandoned car would be a great place for that. If he is male, flirt like you have never flirted before. If it is a chick, compliment her and offer her gifts!! Hallie listen don’t fight please, I can’t get you out of this shit’ she pleaded, actually scared for my life.
I also began to get scared, what had I gotten myself into? What was Parker playing at and where was he?
Me: *deep breath* ‘I can’t see the car yet, can I start it?’
Billie: ‘Hallie be extremely careful, please. Sneak up to the car, yes I can...’
‘You won’t need that. Honestly how could you be so dumb to leave the car? You should have stayed there and kept the doors locked’ came a husky voice from behind me that I didn’t think I had ever heard before. I turned around with my katana so fast the person behind me would normally have been caught off guard, too bad it was Parker and was expecting it.
‘Cortez. So predictable with the blade. Now get down and shut up for two seconds’ Leo said as he pulled me behind a small bush along the almost deserted road.
‘Billie right? Listen, wait, hold on...Shut the fuck up. Now Cortez is fine. Deus doesn’t hurt me over the phone idiot. Wait please, hack into the car system and get a camera view how many things are around the car?’ Leo questioned after Billie had clearly tried to torture him.
‘Seven? Ok um I know the whole flirting and complimenting thing isn’t going to work on a bunch-yes I realise we have 17minutes until sunset. No, I’m not a complete fuck head, wow such a lady. Now please can you hang up and let us go so I can get us out of this mess before it gets dark and I have to deal with a town full of rogues!’ Leo said before hanging up but something made him stop-maybe the concern in Billie’s voice.
‘What am I going to do? I’m going to kill each and every single one of them and then for the next 15 minutes I’m going to get the hell as far away from here as possible at let’s say 160 miles. Does that work for you? Yes, I know they’re scouts, yes, I know to go for under their chin and left side under the arm. Please let us go. Cortez will call once we’ve left’ Leo finished handing the phone back to me.
‘So, plan?’ I questioned.
‘I’m going to take all the anger I have for you and release it on them’ Leo snapped barely above an audible tone.
‘Leo. I honestly have no doubt that you can take seven guys, but it would be quicker if we both did it. Please let me help.’ I tried calling him by Leo hoping it would soften him a bit.
‘Have you actually ever killed someone before Hallie?’ Leo snapped.
‘Parker, don’t fuck around with me. I want to get out of here so we either do it together or I go now by myself’ I snapped standing up.
‘Fine. But if this is your first time in combat we’re fucked’ he snapped standing next to me.
‘Please since I’ve turned 19, 3 months ago there is already 18 dead vampires to my name, since my 16th there are 467 less downworlders in this god for saken place’ I snapped, which technically speaking were pretty good stats. Leo didn’t seem amused.
Luckily I had overheard the weak spots of these ‘scouts’. Yep left side under arm and under chin. I didn’t watch Leo but I knew to take one side of the car and he’d have the other. Leo had an advantage up on me-he could read their thoughts, I had nothing.
The first came at us both, Leo took the first hit and sent it flying, I couldn’t pay attention to him if I wanted to survive. Blocking out all my senses I focused on the three around me. The first came in from behind, I ducked at the last minute and brought my fist up under their chin making him squeal an awful squeal that made me cringe. I brought my katana to the side of him and stabbed him in his left armpit as the scout fell to the ground; the next scout grabbed me around the throat as the third one began laying into me. Being punched in the stomach isn’t me idea of a first date, but none the less I made do. Taking what I could I grabbed onto the scout who was holding me to support myself as I flipped myself up and kicked the 3rd scout in the jaw, shattering it. Flipping over I landed on my feet to have lost my katana, but still being able to hit freely, now I had been let go of. As the third scout stumbled back in pain I took the opportunity to attack the second, with my perfect moves I hit him hard in the side of the neck causing him to fall to his knees. Looking down I could help but realise how young he looked, maybe 17. In the moment of hesitation, the third scout had gotten up and hit me. Falling to the ground the second scout tackled me leaving me to stop the blows and protect myself. I felt my katana forgotten on the ground and almost stabbing into my arm, automatically I grabbed it and with the strongest move I could muster, I stabbed it straight through the side of his arm to his left armpit. Leaving the dead body to fall off me I kicked the third scout with the smashed jaw in the gut sending him flying back as well. I took this opportunity to look over at Leo, he had two scouts in front of him and one that he’d left lying on the ground sneaking up from behind him.
I put the katana blade in my hand with my thumb and fore finger and threw it like my father had taught me hitting the scout in the side of the neck, slicing his main artery and cutting of all blood supply to his brain making him bleed out in several minutes, he was as good as dead.
I realised the third scout was rushing towards me as I prepared myself for another blow. Rather than ducking again, I leaped over the guy and pushed him forward hitting his head on the mirror of the car. Having no idea if he was dead or not I took out the stake from my bag that I had thought about using on Leo and stabbed the guy under his left arm.
‘Watch the car Cortez’ Leo snapped as he bent down and grabbed my katana. Wiping the blood on his jacket, he opened the car door and took his jacket off. Leaving the jacket on the ground, he shot me a look that said get in now or take your chances here. I got in.
Once I was back in the passenger’s seat Leo handed me the katana.
‘Seems to be a favourite of yours. Do you always carry it on you?’ he smirked.
‘Only when I’ve been warned that someone feels like murdering me’ I responded as we drove the rest of the way home. I think it was clear we wouldn’t be stopping for food any time soon.
‘You should call that friend of yours, she was very worried about you’ Leo mumbled as the headlights came on and we just made it through Marni. I was freaking out and majorly scared.
‘Why did we still come this way?’ I practically whispered hoping Leo couldn’t sense the fear.
‘It’s the quickest way. If we turned around and went back, it would have added an hour to our trip. Plus I planned on travelling through here a day time when it was much safer!’ Leo snapped
‘Yeah well whose fault is that? Won’t they follow us or chase you or something?’ I couldn’t help but ask.
‘Please Cortez, every time you have a dumb question, close your mouth put that pretty little smile back on those lips and ignore the voices inside your head telling you to ask it. Now ring your friend!’ Leo snapped.
‘Not until you tell me why I shouldn’t be concerned’ I snapped no way in hell was I going to back down even if he said I had a pretty smile.
‘Honestly. Think about it, they’re rogues. Nobody close by agrees with them, they have to stay within a boundary or they risk losing their lives. Scouts can travel further but at night it is pointless...they can’t see well and well considering it has been dark 4 minutes and we’re already 15kms away from Marni I dare say that in the next 10 minutes it takes the rogues to wake up and get all their senses, another I don’t know half an hour to realise 7 of their scouts are dead I think I’d be safe on saying we are out of their boundary. Now please stop asking dumb questions-no you know what stop asking questions all together and just ring your friend!’ Leo finished his rather calm speech making a mockery out of me.
I dialled Billie’s number and waited for her to answer.
Billie: ‘Oh Hallie I’m so relieved. Wow you’ve been gone less than a day and already look at the trouble you get yourself into!’
I didn’t really have anything to say so I waited to think of something to say, but Billie beat me to that as well.
Billie: ‘Hallie are you there? Are you ok?’
Me: ‘Yeah I’m fine.’
Billie: ‘Is everything ok?’
Me: ‘Yeah’
Billie: ‘Is Leo ok?’
Me: ‘Arrogant as ever’
Billie: ‘Ok well Hallie there is something I need to tell you. When I hacked into your phone um, I found a tracking device. They can’t hear phone conversations, but they can see who you ring. But they are tracking your every move. I think it is best you got rid of your phone!’
Me: ‘Wow. Um do you know who it is?’
Billie: ‘No I’ve tried but I can’t track them down. They’re good’
Me: ‘Fine. I’ll throw the phone now. Um I call you when I get another phone-whenever that might be.’
Billie: ‘Ok love. Good luck’
I didn’t bother with anything else I just hung up and threw my favourite phone out the window.
‘Good luck. What do you need that for?’ Leo snapped.
‘Parker here is the deal. We don’t tell anyone about what happened here, if my parents find out they’ll freak. So we’re late because dinner was so good. Now as for us let’s not speak any longer. I would really much enjoy the trip in silence. Which means you not speaking, don’t hum along to any songs, don’t sing, don’t even look at me. Don’t bother giving me any more directions because I don’t give a fuck. And I’d really like it if you didn’t even breathe. Once we got to your parents place we’ll go our own separate ways and try to tolerate each other the next time we see each other.’ I snapped making it clear I wasn’t kidding.
‘I see what you needed the good luck for idiot. We’re sharing a room’ Leo responded and I could practically see him smirking.
‘Fuck you’ was my response before I put my head on the window and dwelled over everything I’d just learnt in one single day of being with Leo Parker.
♠ ♠ ♠ this chapter is even longer and well I hope you LOVE it because I certainly did!

My Favorite chapter to date!!!! and I must say pretty sure I'm in love with the tension the two have between each other...

So let me know fav character to date? There will be more coming up-Leo's friends
and well comment.

cheers xo