Status: NEW UPDATE! I'm back to finish this guys! We are going all the way ;)

Forced Affection

New Findings.

‘Nice of you to join us again’ the old lady sitting opposite us said as soon as Leo and I walked back into the dining room.
‘Lucky you Grandma Ruby’ Leo said taking his seat as she smiled and eyes sparkled.
‘Yes lucky me. Now introduce us to your partner in crime. You have not liked poor Madden for a very long time and well I doubt he will be back anytime soon’ Ruby said as everyone sat stunned and listening to the conversation while eating. None of Leo’s friends moved a muscle that sat there perfectly still and silent.
‘Madden was the leader you attack’ Leo said to me as if it was nothing. There was a gasp that I think came from Celeste but I could not be sure.
‘Oh well I guess I probably should have asked his name before attacking him. My bad’ I snapped before I could stop myself. Leo genuinely smiled at me.
‘Gran this is Hallie. Hallie this is my father’s mother-Ruby. And this is my grandfather Damon. Sir, this is Hallie’ Leo said politely. It was at this moment I knew exactly where look got his looks from. Leo was a split image of Damon except about 30 years older. In truth though, it was probably about 500 years older.
‘Hallie. It is very nice to meet you. Good to see you are able to improvise when necessary’ Damon said to me in a smug tone that didn’t hurt my feelings or even make me feel lesser. Automatically I like Craig’s parents more than I did Arianna’s.
‘Thank you. I think. I know I’m not supposed to be proud of it or even pleased about it-but when it is your own work surely you should take pride in it’ I said wondering how I should treat the situation.
‘Exactly. I’m glad you are able to be here and not feel threaten considering the news about Mason and your brother’ Damon said. Why did they always have to go there?
‘Yeah well I don’t want to discuss that thank you’ I said knowing this was where I will lose any progress. Leo leant back in his chair and didn’t even bother pretending to eat. He just watched me-sometimes I thought of him as a body guard.
‘Certainly. There is stuff people always want to avoid. I myself try to avoid any topics to do with politics’ Damon said and I knew that I wouldn’t have to change to be around him.
‘Yes politics and religion should never be spoken around the dinner table’ I said aware that people where slowly beginning to relax around us. Celeste sat there mortified and slightly angry I choose these grandparents over them.
‘So Hallie before Damon forgets everyone is here as well. Planned any of the wedding?’ Ruby asked.
‘To be perfectly honest, Mrs. Parker I haven’t even picked a ring. So no I haven’t planned anything and well I couldn’t care less how long it takes’ I say not beating around the bush as Arianna chokes on her drink and tried to recover classily. My friends sat there with a polite smile on their faces, understanding that I was going to be judged and scrutinised here and there was no point in trying to make conversation until after.
‘Ahh Mrs.Parker. Let’s not call me that again. It reminds me of his mother’ Ruby said nodding towards Damon who raised his eyebrow the same way Leo did when wanting to argue with me. I guess I had that too look forward to.
‘Ruby will be fine darling and if you are made to pick your own ring find the most expensive one you can! Leo should be picking it!’ Ruby said taking a sip of her drink.
‘Shouldn’t they be picking it together?’ Celeste added before I had a chance to say anything.
‘Why she has to wear it. He does not. I’m sure Leo is a big enough boy to pick his own’ Ruby responded in an obvious tone.
Leo put his arm around my seat and smiled as if he knew exactly what was going on. After all he did have a backstage pass into their minds.
‘Well it is her place to follow her husband. That is the honourable thing’ Celeste answered. I loved where this conversation was going-note the sarcasm!
‘I think the honourable thing was moving to the other side of the country with her enemy to get married. But feel free to correct me. It is what you do best after all?!’ Ruby snapped. Arianna stood and carried the plates out. Craig stood and followed her. No doubt knowing exactly where this was going.
‘And what is it you do best?’ Celeste snapped back slamming down her fork onto the plate that Arianna hadn’t collected yet.
‘Well it certainly isn’t teaching my son to pick his future in laws well’ Ruby snapped back standing up ready to fly off at Celeste. I sensed that there was an underlying issue but didn’t want to break the moment after all the spot light was no longer on me.
‘Oh are you trying to say my daughter only wanted your son for the power?’ Celeste shouted and stood as well.
‘Why would you suggest that? I love your daughter as if she was my own. Better than what you could!’ Ruby shouted back. Celeste lunged at Ruby and Leo jumped up and grabbed his grandmother before she could reach the other. The bonus of reading their minds I presumed. Damon grabbed his wife’s hand and led her away from the dining room. Dmitri grabbed Celeste and walked in the opposite direction away from them.
Leo sat back down and finished his drink.
‘Just like old times’ Drew said patting him on his back.
‘Tell me about it. Well at least food wasn’t thrown this time’ Leo responded.
‘I think they wanted to be a bit classier for Cortez’ Lucas said nodding in my direction as the guys broke out into laughter and continued drinking.
‘Wow and I thought my family dinners were bad!’ Billie mumbled to Rae. I of course overheard and Avery laughed quietly.
‘Please I was glad. No more spot light on me! I feel just a bit less of a failure’ I giggled as I could finally talk to the girls.
‘I love this place. There is always excitement. I think we might stay for a while’ Rae said indicating to the girls.
‘Yes!’ I squealed as Rae hugged me and Billie smiled. Avery jumped onto us all as we fell off the chair laughing again.
‘We have so much to tell you’ Avery said as we all sat on the floor behind Leo and the boys not really caring.
‘Yes coz I have quite a few questions to ask you’ I said looking straight at Billie.
‘Good coz I need your help. And you need ours’ Billie said. I knew she was here for help and I was glad she felt she could still come to me.
Craig walked in and cleared his throat. We all turned to him and felt slightly embarrassed.
‘Well I think lunch is over. Feel free to leave’ Craig said dismissing us as if we were school kids.
‘Do we call him sir?’ Rae asked after he left.
‘If you value your life’ Drew said winking at her.
‘I don’t know’ I say trying to think about it.
‘What do you call him?’ Billie asked. I couldn’t respond so I looked at Leo.
‘Sir or Mr. Parker or Craig’ Leo said grabbing a beer and drinking out of the stubby.
‘Nice. And if we don’t value our life?’ Avery asked laughing.
‘Oi you’ I said pushing her as we both fell to the ground lying on our backs.
‘You haven’t changed a bit’ Avery said lying next to me staring at the ceiling.
‘I have. I’ve changed more than you could ever know’ I said as my eyes flickered to Leo and back.
‘C’mon lazy bums I want to go exploring!’ Rae said standing up and dusting off her bum.
‘In a city full of blood suckers? Yeah I don’t think so!’ Billie said as Rae kicked her and made her get up.
‘No you fool. The house and plantation. Is that ok?’ Rae asked turning to ask Leo who was busy staring at me.
‘Oh yeah explore the house. But if you want to go to the plantation have someone go with you thanks’ Leo said taking another sip.
‘Cortez, I want to try something with you about controlling you’ Drew said as I sat up.
‘What’s it?’ I asked interested. Rae and Avery stood looking bored.
‘Nathan take them to have a look around’ Leo said ordering him to attend to my friends.
‘Alright ladies. First stop my room’ he said winking at them. Rae pulled a face and Billie glanced at me.
‘He is a perve. And horny but be upfront he backs down. Don’t worry there is 3 of you, pretty sure you could take him’ I say nodding as I fold my arms and stand up to stand next to Leo.
My friends left with the sleaze I had already dealt with before. I was left by myself in a room with Lucas, Leo and Drew.
‘So I want to try different things. Like I want to see if Lucas can put thoughts in your mind and if Leo can get compulsion to work on you. I also want to put you in different emotional states so I can observe them and try from there’ Drew answered my question.
‘Ok. Now?’ I question wanting to try as soon as possible.
‘Sure go get changed and we will meet you in the dojo upstairs’ Drew said to me as he and Lucas left in a blink of an eye.
‘I don’t know where that is’ I say to Leo as I walk up stairs to our room.
‘I’ll show you. Hallie he is trying to help. But I don’t want him too.’ Leo said to me when we reached the door. I walked in and grabbed my leggings and an old shirt.
‘Why not?’ I asked as I removed my pants and put on the leggings on. I took of my shirt to stand there in just my blue lacy bra baring my 6 pack I was once proud of, but now couldn’t care less about. Leo was at my side immediately. I knew he was enjoying my body; he licked his lips and glanced down at my boobs before back up at my eyes. His hands were on my waist and he was gently leading me too the bed. I threw the blouse on the ground and Leo swallowed before I felt the edge of the bed hit the back of my knees. I buckled and sat down. Leo climbed onto the bed. I laid down as he kissed me on the lips.
‘He wants to strain you, to make you exhausted and see if you can lower your guard’ he said still above me as he was less than a millimetre away from my lips. One of his hands rubbed up the side of my waist and I felt entirely comfortable.
I leant up and kissed him.
He pulled back.
‘You don’t understand. He wants you exhausted. That means physically and mentally. Mentally you are pretty close but physically, he wanted you to change so you could fight’ Leo said as he kissed my neck.
‘So. I can defend my own’ I said wrapping my legs around Leo and wanting to never leave this room.
‘Hallie you don’t get it!’ Leo snapped getting of me and the bed and walking to the other side of the room. He began pacing back and forward.
‘Well than explain it to me!’ I snapped back sitting up on the bed now.
‘They want to fight you. Not one. Lucas wants to see if he could take the slayer, Drew as much as he likes you still wants to have a go and well Nathan would give anything just to have a go at you. To be allowed to attack you they are lusting over it!’ Leo snapped as he appeared next to me on the bed.
‘Fine then I will fight you’ I said unsure. I wanted to see how I measured up against Leo, but I wasn’t sure how much he wanted to do it as well.
‘I can’t.’ Leo said standing back up. I grabbed my shirt and a black sports bra that I finally put it on.
‘If there are no weapons I will be fine’ I said walking out the door. Leo followed me.
‘You idiot there body is a weapon’ Leo said leading me to the dojo.
‘So then stay. Watch and when you feel like things are getting out of hand stop it!’ I say when we reach the door.
‘And what happens if your blood falls? Huh what happens when the frenzy kicks in and I can’t stop it?’ Leo asked holding the door closed so I couldn’t open it.
‘I will protect myself’ I say pushing him back and opening the door.
I walk in to see Lucas in shorts with no shirt on. He had an amazing body, but nothing compared to Leo’s. I didn’t even have to glance down to check him out. I wasn’t interested. Drew walked out with just shorts on as well. His body was another amazing wonder, but again I didn’t stare or even directly look. I thought my cheeks would turn bright red but they didn’t, for once my heart rate didn’t even increase.
‘Oh is that it? We are showing off our bodies?’ I asked being a smartarse and taking off my shirt. Drew gulped and refused to look at me. Lucas looked and smirked and then looked straight up at Leo.
‘Sorry about that’ he said smiling and turning around.
‘Put your clothes back on’ Leo said I guess he had come through the door after all.
‘No. Don’t tell me what to do’ I say walking away from him to the middle of the room.
‘Well? How long will Nathan distract the girls for?’ I asked Drew as I sat on the floor.
‘However long we need. First I want Leo to try using compulsion on you and do NOT fight it, let him go’ Drew orders me as Leo walks over and stands in front of me. I stood up and faced him. I jumped up and down on the spot for a second warming up a bit.
‘Ok so I have to be easy?’ I asked. Lucas sniggered and Leo snarled at him. Drew shook his head.
‘Sorry my bad again. You know what I’m just going to go wait over there.’ Lucas said walking out of the room and closing the door behind him. I raised an eyebrow at Leo and he shook his head. I pulled a face and Drew hit me over the back of the head. Leo snarled again and then stopped.
‘FUCK!’ he snapped and walked away.
‘Get me Lucas’ Drew said ordering Leo around.
‘Fucking put your shirt back on Hallie!’ Leo snapped at me.
‘Parker what is your problem? I’m not doing anything wrong!’ I snapped following Leo and getting in his face.
‘Because Hallie have you seen your reflection? You are fucking fine and I think it arouses everyone when you are there with no shirt on and I don’t particularly want to read my friends mind when they are thinking about fucking you!’ Leo snapped getting back in my face.
‘Well teach your friends self control!’ I snapped pushing Leo. Drew stood on one side of the dojo just watching doing nothing. I had not realised the audience we had attained. Apparently the exploring of the house was boring. The girls and Nathan had returned with Lucas.
‘Why can’t you just put your fucking shirt back on?’ Leo snapped back at me as he took a step closer to me and I took a step back.
‘Because I don’t have to cover myself up just because your friend hasn’t been laid lately. It isn’t the fucking 21st century anymore!’ I shouted back pushing him back again.
‘Do you have such little respect for yourself?’ Leo tried as he grabbed my hands when I pushed him again.
‘Maybe I’m just comfortable with who I am? Beside you try fucking fighting in a shirt that holds you back. Honestly you should know. Move quickly and material doesn’t keep up’ I say trying to remove my hands from his grip but couldn’t.
‘So wear a tighten shirt!’ Leo snapped at me.
‘What the fuck is the point in that. It would be just the same as no shirt at all. If I had my way I would fight in nothing!’ I shouted-of course I wouldn’t but it was the matter of the principle-he couldn’t order me around.
‘Fine’ Leo said catching my bluff and letting go of my hands.
‘Take it off then’ Leo said standing back.
‘What? No. I don’t want to’ I say folding my arms under my chest acting defensively.
‘So put your shirt back on’ Leo snapped walking away from me. That was when I noticed everyone was back in the room.
‘Nathan I wouldn’t’ Leo snarled at his friend.
‘Please that is a body that should not be hidden’ Nathan said winking at me. Leo didn't even respond he just hit him in the face. Nathan flew back, hit the wall and got back up.
‘Fuck. Do you always take everyone else’s anger out on me?’ Nathan snapped rubbing his jaw. I stood there not moving and just watching but not moving. The girls were loving the moment surrounded by 2 hot guys with no shirts one.
‘Can we take off ours?’ Billie asked winking at me. I raised my eyebrow and shrugged my shoulder.
‘Parker’ Rae started as Leo turned to face her ‘I don’t want any of you fighting Hallie. No matter what she says? So if you want her exhausted we will. But none of you get to lay one single finger on her’ Rae finished looking at all of the guys.
‘Deal. I like this friend’ Leo said turning and looking at me. Drew now put his shirt back on and Lucas found a jumper.
‘Hurry up and try with your fucking compulsion’ I snap walking to Leo.
‘Go jump out the fucking window’ Leo said to me calmly as I focused on his eyes and tried to let go. Being the smartarse I was I turned and went to walk to the window.
‘Funny Cortez’ Leo snapped walking away. I stopped and turned around.
‘Fuck you Parker’ I mumble and held my ground.
‘Parker do it. This time try and not murder her’ Drew ordered Leo around. Leo met me in the middle of the room again.
‘Put your shirt on’ he says and I felt nothing different happen. I stood there waiting but nothing happened.
‘Take your pants off’ Leo said being a jerk. I could play that game. I grabbed the elastic of my pants and began removing them. Leo grabbed my hands and smiled.
‘You’re a bitch. Don’t be a smartarse’ he laughed making my remove my hands from anywhere nears my pants. To be safe he held onto my hands.
‘Kiss me’ he whispered like a girl.
‘Weak’ I mutter. He ruffled my hair and pushes me away.
‘Nah she is a smartarse. Compulsion doesn’t work on her’ Leo said turning and looking at Drew.
‘Get me a drink’ Leo says to Avery as if she was a slave. Automatically she got up and went to the tap to find a glass and get Leo a drink.
‘See it works’ Leo said clearly answering Drew’s unspoken question.
‘Parker stop it’ I say slapping his arm.
‘Stop, Avery’ he said as she shook her head.
‘What the fuck? Next time use someone else. I hate this’ Avery said taking a seat next to Billie on the ground. Rae though leant next to Nathan. I knew she would fit in the most, but knew that Nathan was not her type.
‘Fine. Try reading her mind’ Drew ordered.
Leo faced me and focused on me. I stood there not moving just thinking; ‘I want to reconcile the violence in your heart, I want to recognise your beauties not just a mask, I want to exercise the demons from your past, I want to satisfy the undisclosed desire in your heart. Your trick your lovers that you’re wicked and divine, you may be a sinner but your innocence is mine.’
‘I can only hear undisclosed desires’ he said. Even though no one understood it, I knew clearly what that meant. I gulped and shock my head.
‘Go again’ I whispered.
‘I can’t hear anything. You’re blocking me’ Leo said to me.
‘Holy fuck. You aren’t supposed to read my mind!’ I snapped pushing him feeling angry at myself for letting my guard down. Leo smiled at me and kissed me on the lips. I pulled back.
‘No Parker’ I snapped wanting to shout and run away.
‘You weren’t thinking it. Rae was. You also mouthed “you may be a sinner but your innocence is mine” don’t worry Cortez I can’t read your mind!’ Leo said laughing and walking away.
‘Fuck you’ I maturely responded sitting in the middle of the floor.
‘Lucas. Put a memory in her head’ Drew ordered Lucas. Lucas stood up and glanced at Leo.
‘Not that one or that’ Leo said to his friend.
Lucas didn’t say anything. He just walked to me and sat in front of me. By now I was very tired and feeling worn out.
‘Pass me your hand’ Lucas said as I gave him my hand and he stared into my eyes. I felt images start to be played in my mind. There was Leo laughing, Drew falling over while catching a ball and then Nathan tackling him. Sky then came into it and Lucas let go of me and I couldn’t see anymore.
‘Was that one necessary?’ Leo snapped at Lucas.
‘It was the only one I could think of’ Lucas snapped.
‘Hallie did you see it?’ Drew asked.
‘No’ I lied. I stood up. ‘I’m thirsty. I want a drink’ I said not making eye contact with anyone and walking out the door. Everyone let me leave. Leo didn’t follow but Lucas did. He caught up to me at the staircase.
‘You saw it’ Lucas told me.
‘Yep. Why did you show me it?’ I asked.
‘Leo wanted me to show you one of us being normal’ Lucas said.
‘With Skye?’ I asked.
‘It wasn’t supposed to go that far. Why did you lie?’ Lucas asked as I sculled my drink.
‘I didn’t want Leo to know I had seen him kiss Skye. Can you hide this information from Leo? What I just told you.’ I questioned.
‘Yeah I can. Being his friend we learn some pretty neat tricks. Privacy is one of them’ Lucas told me as we made it back to the dojo.
‘Try again’ Drew ordered us. Lucas showed me the night they went out; mind you I only saw flashing lights, heaps of people. I heard Closer being played by Kings of Leon. I could feel people all around me but recognised none of them. Then I felt the focus change to one person pushing away a girl and leaving the night club. I guessed it was Leo. The music though had sucked me in big time. Lucas let go of my hand and I smiled.
‘I saw that’ I said to Drew. Leo didn’t look phased. I turned to him and bite my lip before turning away.
‘Drew I’m not up for anymore. Can we do this some other time?’ I asked.
‘Sure Halo. Whenever suits you.’ Drew said nodding and patting me on the back.

‘Oh my god! I have a great idea!’ Billie squealed.
‘No’ Leo replied before even letting her say anything.
‘Why not?’ she asked Leo.
‘It is too dangerous’ he responded.
‘Can we not find a safe place?’ she quizzed him.
‘Probably. But I still don’t think it would be wise’ Leo replied.
‘How about we vote on it?’ she asked.
‘Who are you inviting?’ Leo answered with a question.
‘Well us of course and those 3?’ Billie said uncertain nodding to the boys.
‘Me?’ Leo quizzed.
‘Was included in us.’ She answered.
‘Please guys let us in on the dirty little secret as well’ Rae said leaning on my shoulder.
Avery was sitting still trying to indirectly not make eye contact with Nathan. I knew that if there was anyone who would fall for that bad arse it would be sweet little Avery. Of course though if anyone though Avery was sweet they were mistaken! She was just as feisty and independent as all of us; she just knew how to play the game better than any of us. I smirked knowing Nathan had no idea what he was getting himself into. Billie was standing near Leo talking and Drew was too bust staring at Rae. She though had her eyes closed, close to sleep. On my other side was Lucas who was focusing on Nathan but I was unaware of why.
‘Billie thinks we should go out tonight to a night club. Have a big night get excessively drunk and take advantage of the cute boys around us!’ Leo squealed the last bit mocking Billie.
‘Don’t worry Parker we can find a sugar daddy for you as well!’ she said back to him nastily. To be perfectly honest I thought Billie would get along with Leo and it would be Rae to have issues. I knew within the first visit Avery would not make her decision, she liked to analyse the situation.
‘We could go to Paradox. That place is always filled with slayers and shadows, and faeries and boy can those girls party’ Nathan said clearly liking what Billie had proposed.
‘Safety?’ Leo questioned.
‘We could go to my brother’s place. He would close it down-keep it for outsiders as well. Then safety wouldn’t be compromised’ Lucas said to Leo.
‘Is that Restraint?’ Drew asked.
‘Yep that’s the one’ Lucas said looking back to Leo.
‘Kaden or Damien?’ Leo asked.
‘Please if it was Kaden would you really think I would suggest it? Nah Damien has brought another one here’ Lucas said.
‘Alright let him know then. I guess we will go out tonight’ Leo said looking at Billie and glaring.
Billie squealed and got Avery up ‘let’s get ready and then pre’ she laughed as they walked away and Rae ran after them, this was my cue to follow but knew Leo would want to talk.
‘Please be on your best behaviour’ he said walking over to me the other guys all disappeared to do their own thing. Leo and I walked back to the room.
‘and please don’t have too much of a big night’ he said to me. I turned to him and yawned.
‘Did anyone ask if I wanted to go?’ I asked.
‘We aren’t going to fight. I’m doing this for your friend’ he said getting to the door of my room.
‘Thanks’ I said leaning up and kissing him in the doorway. His arms wrapped around me and picked me up. My legs went around his waist and he pushed me up against the door frame. There was too much tension between us for this kiss not to be a hot as possible. I was stunned with the power and only wanted more.
‘Excuse me’ we were interrupted. Leo pulled away to see Jensen standing there. His mother and step father had left and gone back to England but Jensen stayed at Craig’s request to teach him the family business.
‘What?’ Leo snarled.
‘Your father wants to see you about your announcement today’ Jensen replied smirking, ‘but I’m sure he won’t mind waiting for you to get off-doubt it will take long.’
I smirked at Jensen's remark but knew I shouldn’t.
‘Fuck off Jensen’ Leo said closing the door in his face. Now inside the room Leo kissed my neck and started moving one of his hands up my back to my neck, the other held onto my bum so I wouldn’t fall.
Then we were interrupted again. Knock knock came on the door.
‘What?’ Leo snapped.
‘Parker let us in. We need to get ready!’ Rae pleaded through the door.
‘Whatever’ he said back to Rae ‘I need to see father anyway’ he finished kissing me on the lips one last time and then leaving.
‘You dirty little hussy. Details now’ Rae said leading the girls into my room smirking.
♠ ♠ ♠
sooo here is the next part :)
hope everyone loves it as much as i did!!
hmmm i'm really loving leo atm-oh well that will be too good to last :)
peace out