Status: NEW UPDATE! I'm back to finish this guys! We are going all the way ;)

Forced Affection


As soon as we had finally decided on a plan I left my father’s office to find Hallie. She needed to know what was going to happen. I walked slowly not wanting this argument to happen, I knew she would not be happy with the decision we had made to wait. But I had to keep her safe and this was the best way I could think of it. I walked up the last stairs to the dojo where I had last seen Hallie heading. I immediately grew concerned when she wasn’t there. Yeah these emotions make me so weak; I can’t help but always be concerned about her safety.
I make my way to our room that is the only other place she would be. My heart skipped a beat as the rate increases as soon as I open the door and realise that her favourite katana and weapons haven’t been returned to the usual spot where I had become accustomed to seeing them. This was a shock for me, only that girl could ever have this effect on me and I hope no one would ever realise the hold she had on me, she after all was my biggest weakness.
The worst possibilities run through my mind, as soon as I saw that her favourite katana wasn’t there I should have known straight away that neither was Hallie. I take a deep breath and rush to her bedside table. Of course she had been the stubborn slayer she would always be, the one I had grown to care for and now love. I shouted and punched the glass door that led out to the balcony as glass shattered everywhere. Like father like son I guess.
Sitting on the bedside table was the engagement ring I had given her and a note folded in half. I pick up the note and read it ‘I need to do this more than I need to prove myself. You’d do the same.’ With that I pick up her engagement ring, put the note in my pocket and grab her phone she left lying on the bed. I can’t believe she would do this to me. I need her, how does she not understand that?
I checked her recent calls; trying to not get too angry, there will be a simple rational explanation for the note. Of course Billie was the most recent person she had called, over an hour ago-when I last saw her. I needed to know everything Hallie did.
I didn’t even bother waiting around I ran down to the garage to get my bike, I could have to chase her and hopefully catch up; if only Nathan was here he could track her, or Ashlea-she would see where she was going. Before Billie even picked up I already knew I was too late-Hallie had taken my motorcycle. As fast as I could move, nothing would catch that girl in time now. I punched the wall and went to Ashlea’s Lamborghini, it would go the quickest. Starting the engine, Billie finally picked up ‘Please Hallie just wait for Leo, tell him everything.’
‘Billie, she has already left. I need to know everything. I can’t lose that girl, I love her’ I pleaded hoping she would understand the intensity in my voice. Apparently the ‘L’ word has quiet an effect. As I drove out of the garage, Billie was telling me everything I needed to know.

I knew Leo would hate me and well to be perfectly honest I hoped he would just let me go. Maybe he wouldn’t bother chasing after me; maybe he would leave me to deal with this problem myself. Either way the elders responsible were going to die. There was no chance of them surviving, and I had little expectations of myself ever seeing anyone I cared about again. I had removed the engagement ring, now my finger was bare and empty, already I missed it. I had also left the note. That stupid note, all I actually wanted to say was ‘I love you’ but I knew if he had found that he would think this was a suicide mission. He was wrong-I had never wanted to survive more than I did right now. I had so much going for me and I wish I could have dealt with this pain differently, but I couldn’t this was me. I would always do first, think later and regret after it all.
I knew where the elders would be. Billie had informed me that Claudio had purchased some land a few months ago away from Xalan, which wasn’t uncommon for elders to do. But the fact he had put Drachen and Marius name on the purchase of land had also given it away. Still I wasn’t entirely sure they would be there at this moment but Billie had hacked into everything they owned and had found plans saying they would be here for an apparent meeting. I was afraid facing all three together, but I knew I would finish the job. Had I had more time I would have stalked each one for a while and then gotten them at their most vulnerable moment just to prove I had more control than what they did. To make them feel inadequate and to make them fear. Boy would I have my revenge, but this way I was using the element of surprise. I just wanted them to fear, think they had a chance of survival and then take that away from them.

I pulled up to the address Billie had informed me of, I killed the engine on Leo’s bike and left it there, they probably already heard anyway. No doubt they would smell me, I just hoped that the smell of Parker would give me enough of an advantage. I was well aware that I had not thought it out to well. Way too many things could go wrong, I had never under prepared for a hunt this badly before, the element of surprise was all I had going for me. And to be perfectly honest I hope that is enough.
I could see in the distance a vacant farmhouse. I knew it only appeared that way; no doubt it was probably a cover for a secret hideout underground.
I crept up to the house as silently as possible; I wanted to give nothing away. The front door was pointless, it was unhinged and not booby trapped. I checked, I made sure I had my katana; a few stakes, an immense about of holy water and the knowledge of what would hurt these filthy bloodsuckers.
I walked through the house silently and found nothing to give any reason that anyone had been here in a very long time. I sighed and now realised how stupid I had been, but I was here I may as well go ahead with it. It couldn’t make matters any worse, by now Leo would have found my engagement ring and that stupid note I left. Shit, I had also left my phone; I really wished I hadn’t left that on the bed. So easy for him to find, I bet he knew where I was now. I was shaken out of my thoughts when a trapdoor in the middle of the lounge began to open, of course.
I was unsure of what to do, I moved to the sliding door and hid behind the wall, and they would hear my heart beat-no doubt they now knew I was here. I could see from around the side only one came up, I expected another but he then put the trapdoor back down and scuffled out towards the front door.
I knew this was the best chance I had. I stalked him to the front door and then took my chance, with a leap I jumped and kicked him in the back. He must have heard as he turned around and grabbed my foot. Flinging me back against the wall I knew the loud crash would have alerted the others. This vampire was neither, Claudio, Drachen or Marius. He was younger than I expected and very handsome. But his looks did nothing for me. I realised that his scuffling and acting old had all been fake. This began to resemble a trap that I should have expected.
I jumped back up and grabbed the guy around the throat, I felt the adrenaline and more force run through my veins, it felt the same way I did when I shared the kiss with Leo, when I knew I had his blood running through my veins. I felt stronger than I ever had before. This appeared to shock him.
‘How long until they realise your dead?’ I ask the guy as I force him up against the wall, apply pressure to keep his fangs retreated and shove my blessed cross into the side of his face with my free hand. With a set of rosemary beads wrapped around my hand that I was using to hold him against the wall and another hanging from my favourite katana, I knew he was unable to move.
‘I was leaving, it is sound proof they won’t hear you’ he whispered scared as I shoved the cross closer to him, nearly about to burn him.
‘What is happening down there?’ I ask wanting to know everything.
‘Only Claudio is there, the others already left. They were making plans about the rebellion and getting rid of Leo’ he said still shaking. I was disappointed it was only Claudio, but I could definitely take just one. If I kill this guy and Claudio, then maybe I can go back to the original plan of stalking the others. I could have my perfect revenge after all.
‘Why are you here?’ I asked unsure of why they had another person here though. This unfortunate blood sucker was going to become causality in my vendetta for my brother.
‘Hmmm they need another potential leader’ he smirks as he tries to overpower me as if he had got a second wind of confidence. There was no chance for this guy surviving now. With one swift move I grab a stake that had been covered in dead man’s blood and holy water, with the word Deus engraved on it.
I slowly stab it into his stomach and let the dead man’s blood begin to work through his open cut now, as the holy water burns. I had poisoned him he would die anyway. I knew what he had told me was a lie-Marius would become leader.
‘Why are you really here?’ I snapped as I pull the stake out.
‘Someone had to be the sacrifice while distracting you’ he mumbles as he begins to choke on his blood. With that I shoved the stake into his heart and let him slump to the ground dead.
Sacrifice? Distraction? I was confused; I walked inside to where the trap door was only to find it open. Then I realised everything, this was a trap. I saw Claudio, and Drachen from the corner of my eye, before I could move though Marius had grabbed me and stabbed me with a syringe that made me go limp, I was paralysed unable to protect myself. It was too late, they were expecting me.

I knew I couldn’t give up; this was for Alex and Mason. The drug would wear off eventually but for now I would just have to wait it out. Marius carried me down stairs to the underground hideout that reminded me of a dark cold cave, I could see Drachen and Claudio follow. This was not good. This was not good at all!
Marius threw me onto a chair and tied me up. Unable to move or do anything I had never felt so vulnerable. I wanted to cry in defeat but I could feel part of being a slayer keep me from doing so. I would fight back. None of them unarmed me; it wasn’t like any of them could touch any of my weapons without hurting themselves anyway.
‘What should we do with this filth?’ Marius asked once he had tied my last free limb to the chair.
‘We have to get rid of her. If anyone was to find her here it could ruin everything we have worked for!’ Claudio responded nervously. I would kill him first.
‘We should have fun with her, before Leo gets her all to himself’ Drachen said as he walked around me and played with my hair. I disgusted me. I would kill him last, by torturing him to death.
‘I don’t think that is a good idea. If Leo ever found out’ Claudio began again. He was clearly not the most confident one in this plan.
‘He won’t find out’ Drachen snapped.
‘Stop it both of you, we will get as much out of her and then get rid of the remains. There is no point keeping it around, we don’t want to leave anything incriminating here’ Marius said, clearly the leader behind this plan.
I wanted nothing more than to kill them all.
‘So princess, who would have thought we would have the fun of killing your brother and uncle and now you?’ Marius asked as he turned and looked at me.
‘Alex isn’t dead and neither am I bloodsucker’ I snap back. I was unsure of where this sudden need to piss them off came from but if I was going to be killed I wasn’t going to beg and give them the satisfaction of anything.
Drachen slapped me across the face. ‘Talk to us with respect!’ he snapped as Claudio grabbed his hand.
‘I’m not sure we should hurt her’ Claudio mumbled.
‘Is that all you got?’ I snap wishing I could move. At least with the paralysis, my hand didn’t automatically fly to my cheek. The pain was there, as was the sting and heat. I wanted to cry and give up but knew I couldn’t. I was not weak.
‘Oh wanna say that again honey?’ Drachen asked as his face became eerily close to mine.
‘Is that all you got?’ I asked again as I spat in his face. He raised his hand and I prepared myself for the impact, but Marius grabbed it.
‘Forget about the little slut. The others will be arriving soon’ he said as he pulled Drachen away.
‘Your blood is a good as mine’ Drachen snapped at me. I sat there smugly still unable to move but didn’t want to give them any satisfaction.
‘You can have it once I’m dead’ I reply. I was not going to let him have the last word.
‘Drachen, control yourself. Claudio go upstairs and get the others. They should almost be here now’ Marius ordered. He shook his head and took his seat in the middle thrown in the room. Yeah he was definitely the leader of this rebellion.

It wasn’t long before the rest of the elders began to turn up. It shocked me to see 12 of the 15 members of the Circle turn up. How could they all be part of this and the Parker’s not now? I knew this was the end of me. I couldn’t take all of them. Not even as much as I hoped I could. No one was able to take 12 fully grown powerful elder male vampires on their own, no one-not even me!
‘I see you have realised it is the end now?’ Marius says to me as he watches me like a hawk watches its prey.
‘Please I’m just concerned which one will I kill first. I’m sure it will be Claudio. You somewhere in the middle, along with everyone else that isn’t important, and last well I will leave that for Drachen. I want him to suffer after all. Make him realise the end is near’ I respond not wanting any of them to realise my concern.
‘You have high hopes don’t you!’ Marius snaps as he gets up and walks around me.
‘Please they aren’t hopes. It’s fact. Claudio dead first, you next and last is Drechen that filthy bloodsucker will pay! Then everyone will know the truth!’ I snap feeling the adrenaline return.
‘Your brother said the exact same thing right before Marius sucked your uncle dry, right from his throat and I tasted that free flowing liquid from your brother’ Drachen said as he came up to me with a dagger and leant down next to me.
‘I wonder if your blood will taste as good?’ Drachen questions as I clench my hand into a fist. I was going to knock this guy out! How dare he...wait? I clenched my fist?!
I realised the paralysis was beginning to wear off! Not long know.
‘Where is Claudio?’ Marius asks ‘Everyone is here...’ he continued as he walked around the room one more time.
‘I will kill you last’ I say to Drachen as he slices a small cut on my right arm. My blood began gushing out.
‘Waste not, want not’ Drachen said as he began to suck my blood as soon as Marius turned his back. I screamed out in shock, but stopped once I realised that was the satisfaction he was looking for. I never wanted to feel this. I would rather be in shark infested waters with this cut rather than a small closed room with 11 vampires! I squirmed and tried to pull my arm away. My eyes closed, I wanted no tears to fall down my face. I wasn’t going to give them the satisfaction. I felt Drachen’s teeth and lips let go of my skin as something hit my foot. I opened my eyes to see a frozen Drachen and the head of Claudio lying at my feet.
‘I told you he’d be first’ I said to Drachen as I kicked the head at Marius and moved my arm enough to grab the dagger from Drachen’s hand. I was out of the chair before Drachen could react but I was grabbed around the waist and realised, there was no chance of me walking out of this place free-let alone alive.
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Hey Guys :)
sorry for taking so long to update but some bad stuff is happening at please bare with me while I try to get through it and update regularly.
Like always I hope you LOVED this chapter...
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