Mixed CD's

Boys Are Dumb

Boys Are Dumb
1. Open The Eyes of My Heart
2. Better Things-The Kinks
3. Present Tense-Pearl Jam
4. Let Your Glory Fill This Place
5. Counting On God-New Life Worship
6. Don’t Stop-Fleetwood Mac
7. Catastrophe-Forever The Sickest Kids
8. Glorious-No Sweeter Name
9. Don’t Get You Hopes Up-Dntl
10. I Surrender-No Sweeter Name
11. The Middle-Jimmy Eat World
12. Dare You To Move-Switchfoot
13. You’re Beautiful-Paul Whickman
14. You’re Love Never Fails


“Jimmie, are you coming?” Ben called from downstairs. I pulled on the hem of my shirt and glanced at myself in the mirror. “Jimmie, we need to leave.” he said, now from my doorway, “Are you ready?”

“Yeah,” I said, pushing a strand of hair behind my ear. I gripped the neck of my guitar and followed him out of the house.

“Are you excited?” he asked, reversing out of the driveway.

“No more than last week,” I mumbled, glancing at my phone. I can’t believe that he never freaking called me.

“Jimmie, I think he ditched you,” Ben sighed, “He’s not going to call.”

“I know. I just wish that I didn’t get my hopes up,” I frowned and looked out the window.

“You don’t need a boyfriend anyway Jimmie, you just got here.”

I rolled my eyes, “it’s not like I was going to date him right away Ben. If I would even date him, Jason and I just broke up,”

“Yeah well. You’ve been known to jump into relationships.”

“Excuse me?” I yelled, turning to look at him, “I’ve only had one boyfriend, Jason. Who in the world told you that there have been others?”

He shrugged, “By what I’ve been told about you, I just assumed,”

“Yeah, well, don’t assume. It makes an ass out of you and me. You just made yourself look like an asshole, and me look like a whore. Thanks.” I returned my gaze out the window. He grumbled something under his breath, and flipped his directional on.

Before Ben even stopped the car I flung the door open and jumped out. I pulled my guitar from the back and entered the church. As much as I wanted to shake off my anger at him, it just wouldn’t go away. Ben pushed all the wrong buttons.

“Jimmie!” Pastor Bill called, cutting me off from the stairwell. “How would you feel about doing the main praise today?”

“Uh,” my mouth dropped open “Main…praise?” I questioned, feeling the color drain from my face. “Yeah, yeah.”

I gulped as his face brightened up. “Okay good. Zach couldn’t be here today and I didn’t think we could do anything,”

I took a deep breath and smiled “Yeah it’s no problem. What’s gonna happen for the kids though?”

“Oh, we’ll just put in Veggie Tales for them,” he smiled “Come on, I’ll introduce you to the band.”

I took a drink of the water that the guitarist handed me and hummed a little to myself. “We’re going to start with ‘How Great Is Our God’.” he told me with a smile.

“Okay,” I let out a deep breath.

“You’ll do fine.” he told me, placing a hand on my shoulder.

“How many people are normally here?” I questioned, feeling my face pale again.

“Not enough.” he grinned, motioning towards the stage. I nodded and followed him, he did a quick intro for me and then let me take over the mic. I started to strum the first few chords to the song and let my voice ring out. Not daring to look out into the large crowd.

“Okay, the last song is called Arms Wide Open,” I spoke into the mic, finally looking out into the crowd. Smiling as I saw my cousin, who was grinning up at me. I bit my lip as I started to play the first few chords, and looked back at him. And I almost stopped breathing when I sat who was standing next to him.

When I finished the song I said a quick thank you and then took off the stage. I high tailed it to the bathroom and locked myself in. My hands shook I turned on the water and splashed myself in the face, quickly fixing my make up after words. “He legit goes here?” I asked my reflection with a sigh. “Awesome.”

When I felt ready, I left the bathroom. Quickly going to find Ben in the crowd. I slid in next to him and took a swig from my water bottle.

“You did good,” he whispered as Pastor Bill announced that it was time for the offering. “Really good.”

I smiled at him, turning to look around at the people. Seeing Caleb a few rows ahead of us. "Thanks.” I finally whispered back, grabbing my purse to pull out some money. Caleb turned around when I spoke and sent me a smile, causing me to blush and look back down at my purse. Pretending to be looking for something.

I could barely pay attention the entire service. Normally I am all ears, listening to everything that the Pastor had to say.My eyes kept darting from Caleb to the clock, back to Caleb.
How could he not call me? I mean, just completely not call me, and then smile at me like that? And show up where I work? I mean. I had to of let it slip that I work at this church. Calm the hell down Jimmie. He might just be bad at phone calls. He could have texted me then. Okay, I’m going insane.

When Pastor Bill finally let us out, I grabbed Ben’s arm and started to pull him. “Jimmie, come on. Hold up.” he said, lightly off of him, “I wanted to talk to Katie.”

“Ben, we really, really, need to leave.” I said, sending Caleb another glance.

“Is that him?” I nodded and looked at the ground. “Then go talk to some other, single, guy.” Ben said, pushing me towards someone that I didn’t know.

“But what about what you told me in the car!” I exclaimed, trying to cling to his arm.

“Just go,” he said, giving me another push.

“Hi,” I mumbled before he could walk away, “I’m Jimmie.”

“Hey, I’m Jacob.” he shook my hand. “You were really good up there.”

“Thanks,” I smiled, “I normally do the children’s service,”

“You just moved here?”

“Yeah. I’m actually from Wisconsin.” I shrugged, giving Caleb another look.

“I see what’s going on,” Jacob sighed. “You like him?”

I sent him a sorry look “I gave him my number about two weeks ago and he never called. But now he’s trying to act like it’s all okay.”

He nodded his head and placed his hand on my forearm. “Let’s make him look then?”

I smiled at him “Thank you.”

“No problem honey,” he let out a loud laugh. “Okay, and then what?”

I blinked “Uhm.”
“Just pretend to say something quickly,” he whispered. I moved my mouth, barely mumbling. Laughing when Jacob did. “Look, I’ve got to hit the road.” he said, pulling me in for a hug. “I’ll see you next week Jimmie.” he kissed my cheek and walked away.

Please Lord, let that have worked.

“Hey,” Caleb said as I turned to walk towards Ben. “How have you been?”

“Good.” I answered, crossing my arms and looking at him.

“That’s cool.” he smiled. I nodded and raised my eyebrows. “So…you know Jacob?”

“We’ve talked.” I answered. Thank you Lord!

“Oh,” he sighed, “Are you mad at me? I’m getting that feeling. ”

“Why didn’t you call me?” I shot back, my eyes turning into slits.

“See now. About that. I would have called you. But someone gave me the wrong number.” he smiled.

“No I didn’t. I think I know my own phone number.” I defended myself.

“I swear, I got some girl named Lauren and her boyfriend yelled at me.”

“Let me see your phone!” I said, putting my hand out. He placed his blackberry into my palm and let me go through it to my number. “Oh geeze. I’m sorry,” I said, quickly editing the number.

“it’s fine,” he laughed, “Want to go get some lunch with me?”

I blinked at him. “sure.” He grinned and linked is elbow with mine. I waved goodbye to Ben before allowing myself to be pulled out.
♠ ♠ ♠
i like the length of these chapters
Comments please.