Mixed CD's

A Cinematic Adventure

A Cinematic Adventure
1) Under the Sea-The Little Mermaid
2) You’ve Got A Friend In Me-Toy Story
3) Snakes on a Plane-Cobra Starship (Snakes on a Plane)
4) I Can Go The Distance-Hercules
5) My Heart Will Go On-Celine Deon (Titanic)
6) I Can’t Wait To Be King-The Lion King
7) Highway To Hell-AC/DC (Maximum Overdrive)
8) I’m Just A Kid-Simple Plan (The New Guy)
9) Time Warp-Rocky Horror Picture Show
10) If You Leave-OMD (Pretty in Pink)
11) Kiss Me-Sixpence Non the Richer (She’s All That)

“Message Received” sounded loudly from my floor. My hand flew down as I tried to find my phone without moving from underneath my comforter. I turned my head once I found my phone, squinting as I flipped it open and pressed “view”.

“let’s go to a movie yes?” was on the screen. I looked at the sender and smiled when I saw Caleb’s name before asking what time. I pulled the blankets over my head as I waited for him to answer me. A smile appeared on my lips as it vibrated in my hands, the automatic voice sounded loudly. I flipped it open and read “I dont know havent read that far into it yet ;)”.

I laughed before throwing the covers off my body, and getting out of bed. I stretched before turning my lap top on and texting Caleb, asking him what theatre and movie. I got a quick text telling me the name of the movie theater and to pick whatever movie I wanted to watch.

I smiled as I saw the movie Taken was still in theatres and texted him back saying “Taken starts at 430 we go yes?” I quickly went to Facebook and after I made sure I was offline, replied to all the people that had written on my wall or sent me messages before going and playing the few games that I played. I quickly flipped myself to online to see if there was anyone worth talking to and grinned when I saw that Tyler was. I quickly clicked on his name and typed “please tell me you took some bass lessons since I left.”

My phone sounded from next to me and I quickly picked it up and read Caleb’s text, confirming that we would be seeing a movie at four thirty and he’d be here to get me at four. “Are you sure that’ll give us enough time to get there?” I typed back before looking at my im with Tyler.

“Hi Jimmie. How are you?” was his reply.

I typed in that I was good and asked how he was with a smile. Then I remembered that I gave Caleb Lauren’s number and not my own and quickly typed it. “So, I heard Lauren got a call from some guy…” I quickly placed a blank cd into my lap top as I waited for him to reply.

“Yeah!” he quickly typed “he called quite a few times too! I wasn’t to pleased so I answered and told him off.”

“It was my fault.” I typed, knowing he wouldn’t take me seriously. My phone went off again and I grabbed it, laughing slightly when “oh maybe 345” was on my screen. I typed a quick “okay” and went back to talking to Tyler.

“lol.” was his response. “but no really. He tried to say that he had the wrong number, but I just told him that he should have gotten the hint and stopped calling.”

“No, for real. It was my fault. I met the guy and typed Lauren’s number by accident.”

I started searching through my songs to find ones that were from movies, creating a long list. I narrowed it down to my favorites and started to burn the disk.

“Jimmie! I taught you your phone number myself! Lol”

“:D. I’m sorry, but I gotta get ready, me and him are going to the movies.” I pulled the cd out of my lap top and wrote “Cinematic Adventure” on it in purple before placing it down on my desk.

“Jimmie…” I rolled my eyes at the computer.

“Just because I’m going to the movies with him DOESN’T mean I’m dating him. We talked about it a few nights ago. I told him I’m not looking for a relationship right now. And he’s okay with it.”

“If you’re sure.”

“I am. I’ll text you later. Especially if things start to get awkward. You can bail me out. =]”

“Okay. Talk to you later Jimmie” I signed out of Facebook and slammed my lap top closed before walking out of my room.

“Jimmie, can you do the dishes quick?” Ben called over the vaccum cleaner. I sighed and looked in the living room, seeing that he was actually cleaning.

“Yeah, sure.” I told him, looking down at my phone and seeing that I had over three hours still. Ben came in and placed a few more dirty dishes on the counter before grabbing a clean cup and filling it with juice. “Thanks. I was going insane with this cleaning thing.”

I laughed and shrugged “It’s no problem. What time is it?”

“One thirty.” he answered as he looked at his phone.

“Shoot.” I said, scrubbing faster.

“What?” he asked. I just shook my head, not wanting to hear it from him too.

I hummed to myself as I put the dishes away. My swirled my hips in a circle before continuing to dance around the kitchen.

“Having fun?” Ben chuckled, placing another dish in the sink.

I pouted at him, “I was.” I quickly turned the hot water back on and washed his cup, placing it in the rack to dry.

“What are your plans today?” he asked, grabbing a towel and drying off the dishes, handing them to me so that I could put them away.

“I think I’m doing something with Caleb, but I’m not entirely sure,” I answered, standing on my tip toes to get into a cupboard.

“Should have figured.” he chuckled, throwing the towel on the counter. “what day date do you have this time?”

“What do you mean ‘day date’? We’re just friends.” I laughed, grabbing a box of cereal and hopping up on the counter. “And I think we’re going to the movies.” I opened the box and tossed a few pieces into my mouth.

“See, day date.” he chuckled, grabbing my box of cereal and pouring some into his hand.

“Whatever,” I laughed, “It’s not like I’m going to date him. At least not any time soon.”

“He sure wants to date you.” he answered, handing me the box back. “When you brought him over here on Monday he was flirting with you so bad.”

I rolled my eyes and hopped off the counter, “I’m mad at him anyway.” I said.

“Then why are you going to a movie with him? And why are you mad at him?”

I sighed, “he went on about this ‘red head in Forever The Sickest Kids’ and how he’s ‘a bad person, he gives red head a bad name’. Turns out he’s the red head. I don’t see why he couldn’t just tell me.” I rolled my eyes.

“Well, at least he’s calling or texting you.” Ben said with a slight smile. “It could be worse and you must be over it, otherwise you wouldn’t be going to a movie with him, especially since you have to work later.”

I just gave him a look and jumped off the counter, “I have to get dressed.”

“See? Now you’re dressing up for him.” he said as I walked past him.

“I’m not going to the movies in my jammies.” I shot back, leaving the room and running up the stairs.

“Don’t deny liking him Jimmie!” Ben yelled just before I slammed my door shut.

I walked over to my closet and pulled out a Domo shirt and placed it on my bed before turning to my dresser and pulling out some high shorts. I quickly stepped out of my jammies and grabbed a bra and some panties before putting them on and slipping the fabric of my clothes onto my body. Then, I grabbed my phone from my desk and gasped when I saw that I only had fifteen minutes before Caleb would be getting here. I quickly turned my flat iron on before shaking my hair out of it’s pony tail and running to the bathroom to brush my teeth. I heard my phone say “message received” from my bedroom as I spat the toothpaste into the sink and rinsed my mouth. I hurried into my room and grabbed my phone in my hand, quickly flipping it open to see that Caleb was in fact on his way. Tossed my phone on my bed and quickly started to straighten my hair.

I was outlining my eyes with eyeliner when Ben called, telling me that Caleb was here.

“Come on up!” I yelled, putting some cream on my eyelids before putting on a light layer of tan eye shadow.

“You’re not ready yet?” he groaned, plopping down on my bed. “We’re going to be late.”

“Won’t you still be my friend if we’re late?” I asked, quickly putting mascara onto my lashes.

“Nope.” he said, popping the p. “The previews are the best part.” I rolled my eyes as I pinched my cheeks, making them pink. “Why do you do that?” he asked, leaning forward to watch me.

“It makes my cheeks rosey.” I answered, as I continued to lightly pinch them.

“Can I try?” he asked, reaching towards my face. I raised my eyebrows.

“Why?” I asked, leaning away. “Should I trust you?” he nodded his head, his red hair bouncing slightly. “you can’t pinch hard, just really light.”

“Okay,” he said, taking some of my cheek and pinching it. “Oh wow.” he answered, doing it again, except harder.

“Ow!” I exclaimed, pushing his hand away. “You’re a jerk.” he laughed loudly.

“You’re the one who trusted me.”

“We’re friends. We’re supposed to trust each other.” I said, pulling out a tube of lip gloss.

“Jesus, woman. How much stuff do you put on your face?” he asked, grabbing my lip gloss from me. “Mauve Spice Satin? What the hell?”

I reached forward and snatched it back from him before quickly apply it to my bottom lip and then smacking my lips together. “I’m ready. Are you done picking on me for trying to look decent?” I asked, standing up.

“Nope.” he said, popping the p again. “Do you use cover up too?” he asked, looking honestly interested.

“Sometimes.” I answered, grinning “Only when I’m on my period. It makes me break out really bad.”

“Oh that’s gross.” he groaned, covering his ears.

“You asked,” I sang, grabbing my phone and slipping it into my pocket. “Do you see my wallet anywhere? It has Pokemon on it.” I said, looking around my room.

“First off, Pokemon? Sweet. And you don’t need you’re wallet, I’m paying for you.”

I rolled my eyes. “I’m not your girlfriend, you don’t need to pay for me.”

He frowned, “You may not be my girlfriend, but I’m still going to pay for you.”

With raised eyebrows I looked at him “Why? I mean, I have money, I can pay for myself.” I reassured him.

“Yes but I invited you to the movies, so therefore I am paying for you.” he grinned, reaching out and grabbing my hand, “Come on, we have to leave.”

“Wait, I made us a mix for today.” I said, extending our arms and reaching towards my desk before grabbing the small cd.

“Oh geeze.” he laughed, grabbing the cd with his free hand and leading me out of my room.

As soon as the first song started Caleb gave me a look that had ‘really?’ written all over it.
“what?” I asked singing along with Under The Sea. “She reminded me of you. With the red hair and all.” he chuckled and started to reverse out of my driveway. “OH! Speaking of red heads. I looked up Forever The Sickest Kids to see what the one red head looked like.” I could see his face pale as he continued to drive. He didn’t look away from the road, a first for him. “You were right, he did look like a douche. Kinda ugly too.” I said, glaring at him.

He laughed, turning to look at me. “Surprise?”

I rolled my eyes. “You could have just told me. It’s not like I care really. I just want to know what you planed on doing when you have to leave for tour again.”

“I didn’t think about that.” he sincerely answered. “I’m sorry Jimmie.”

“You should be.” I said, “But it’s okay. I’ll still be your friend.”
♠ ♠ ♠
Jimmie's outfit
:D comment please!