Oh Sugar, but What Does Tragedy Mean to You?


Ok, this is kind of a spin-off of my one-shot Tragedy Of A Different Kind. It’s for fun and a bit of practice at my writing skills for my original writing in English so constructive feedback is really appreciated. Negative or positive, I don’t mind as long as I can build on it and learn from my mistakes. I don’t appreciate hate comments; if you don’t like, there’s a red X up in the right-hand corner or a back symbol up on the left. Click one and that’s it.

This may make a little more sense if you read ‘Tragedy Of A Different Kind’ but I dunno’. The first chapter is based on Gerard and it’s basically what was going on in his head and why he was driven to doing what he did (like how I kept the mystery there?). Be careful because as it gets to the point where Frank can’t continue the story, you may get a little confused. Depending on the feedback I get from the first chapter I may write some more chapters based on Gerard at the institute or when he first met Frank etc. If there’s something in particular you’d like to see, feel free to let me know.