

The boy stopped outside a large, white suburban house. He looked up at one of the windows, brushing his brown and blonde fringe out of his eyes. He sighed, breath swirling in the cold December air. It was pointless, he knew, the two of them barely spoke, but it was still worth a shot. Slowly, he made his way up the path. Closing his eyes, he took a deep breath and reached into the pocket of his hoodie. He pulled out a white envelope. A single word was scrawled on the front. Alex. Hastily, he shoved it through the letterbox.

He knew Alex wouldn’t care. Why should he? Alex was the most wanted boy at school, and Jack had been chasing after him for years. Jack had always been alone, he’d never had many friends, so he didn’t except Alex to do anything. Sadly, he turned to leave. He shoved his hands roughly in his pockets and began walking home.