Sequel: Hold Onto Me
Status: Finished!

I Wanna Be With You and No One Else.

This moment, we own it.

*two months later*

I sat on the couch with Zacky in one of his shirts and a pair of his boxers. We were cuddling while watching a movie and he was talking but I was paying no attention to him. I had to figure out how to tell him. We had a conversation about this earlier but with the album and the band, I knew he couldn't take it right now.

"Zack?" I asked quietly.
"Do you want kids?"
"Yeah, of course. I'd love kids in a few years, baby. We'll have a girl named Melody and the boy will be Oliver." He smiled.
"Why not now?"
"Because A7x is working to release the self titled album and we'll go on tour soon and our life will be hectic enough without a baby. I'd have to give my career up and you know I don't wanna do that just yet. Avenged still has a lot to do and many places to go. Having kids right now just wouldn't be convenient. And besides, you're too young to have my kids anyway." He laughed.
"Yeah... haha." I faked a smile.

He kissed my softly and got up to use the bathroom. I pulled my phone out and texted Zelia.

Zelia: What are you gonna to, Ro?

Romie: idk... he said he doesnt want kids right now and there's no way im killing this baby

Zelia: im here for you, no matter you decide to do

Romie: thanks Zel. you rock, ily.

Zelia: ily 2 girl. hey, come by my house tonight.

Romie: kay, a7x has to record so its cool

Zelia: kay! see you later! xDD

Zacky entered the room carrying his guitar case. He bent down in front of me and kissed my lips.

"I love you, baby."
"I love you too." I smiled, forgetting my problems for just a second.
"What are you doing tonight?" He asked.
"I'm going to Zelia's for a little while."
"Okay, sounds fun. Will you come see me later? I got a surprise for you at the studio."
"Of course." I smiled.

He kissed me one more time and walked out of the door. I sighed and texted Zelia to ask if she wanted to go do something. She agreed. I hurried to get dressed and get out of the house. I grabbed my car keys off the table and ran out the door.

Twenty minutes later, I was sitting at a table in a little cafe with Zelia. I had to keep my self from crying the whole time.

"I swear I felt my heart break when he said that, Zelia." I whispered.
"Of course you did, Ro. You're four months pregnant with his baby and he pretty much said he didn't want it right now and it hurts. It sucks. But there is no way you'd get an abortion, I know you."
"I know, I could never do that. It's not the baby's fault it's daddy doesn't want it right now. I can't even tell him, Zel. I can't ruin his career."
"What are you gonna do, Ro?" She asked as she sipped her coffee.
"I don't know..." I said softly as a tear rolled down my cheek.
"Whatever you do, you need to finish medical school."
"I plan on it. All my credits from before I came to California were able to be transferred over. The admissions lady said I can be done in a year and a half with honors, and get into a practice."
"That's great, Ro." She smiled.

My phone buzzed across the table and Zelia caught it before it fell off. She handed it to me and I looked at the text message. I took a deep breath before getting up. I told Zelia that Zacky wanted me to come meet him at the studio now. She gave me a hug before I left.

I wanted to take as long as I could to get to the studio, so I drove around aimlessly for a good twenty minutes before actually heading towards the studio that was fifteen minutes away. Once I finally got there, I saw Jimmy outside smoking. He smiled widely as I got out of the car.

"Jimbo!" I smiled and hugged him tightly.
"So Romie, is there something you need to tell ol' Jimbo?" He asked as he put his cigarette out.

I looked at him with a confused funny look on my face.

"What?" I asked.
"That involves Mister Baker, you, and something in your tummy."

I looked at him with a shocked look. He just grinned at me.

"How do you know...?" I asked, quietly.
"I'm the Knife Master. I know all."
"Please don't tell them yet, Jimmy."
"I wouldn't. But why don't they know yet?"
"What about him?" Jimmy questioned.
"He doesn't want kids yet..."
"Oh Ro..."

I was about to say something when the studio door opened. Zacky and Matt walked out talking about something. A grin formed on Zacky's face as he saw me. I smiled back at him but I got a sick feeling in my stomach.

"Hey baby." He hugged me tight before kissing me softly.
"Hey." I smiled.
"Let's go in so you can get your surprise."

Zacky led us all inside the studio, to a room with a few couches and a tv. Johnny and Brian were sitting on a couch, and Jimmy and Matt sat down beside them. I looked at them confused and turned around to figure out what was going on. What I saw shocked me.

Zacky was down on one knee, holding a black velvet ring box in the palm of his hand. My eyes went wide and I gasped in surprise.

"Romie, I love you so much. I've loved you since you came to live with Matt the first time. No one could ever compare to how much you mean to me. You're my reason for waking up every morning. I know we haven't been officially together for very long, but I know that these feelings will never go away. I want to have a few kids and watch them grow up as we grow old together. I want grand kids to ask how we met and fell in love. I want it all with you, baby. You're the one, the only one. So, Marissa Roman Sanders, would you do me the honor of becoming my wife?"

My brain couldn't process what had just happened. Zacky asked me to marry him... I bent down and kissed his lips softly as a tear fell down my cheek.

"So that's a yes?" He asked hopeful, as he stood up.

I smiled and shook my head yes as the boys clapped. Zacky wrapped his arms around me and held me tightly. He kissed me sweetly before sliding the ring on my finger. I couldn't believe it, he asked me to marry him. I looked up at him and I saw a few tears running down his cheek.
The boys told Zacky to go home and celebrate. I hugged everyone bye and my fiance walked me out to my car. I couldn't help but smile when I looked at him. He chuckled to himself and kissed me again.

"Do you like it? If you don't we can take it back and get-"
"No, Zacky. I love it." I smiled widely.
"I love you, Romie."
"I love you too, Zacky."

I watched him get in his car before I left the parking lot, heading home. I pulled my phone out of my purse and called Zelia.

"Zelia." I said in a serious voice.
"He proposed!!!!" I squealed happily.
"Oh my god! Are you serious?!?" She squealed.
"I'm coming over!"
"Alright, I'm just now leaving the studio so it'll take me about fifteen minutes to get there."
"Okay, do you want me to pick up anything?" She asked.
"Uhm, bags of chips." I laughed.
"Hahaha okay, can do. See you soon."

I tossed my phone back in my purse and glanced down at my finger. The ring was absolutely amazing. Zacky made me the happiest person in the world. I was so happy I forgot about the baby growing in my tummy for a little while.

"All good things must come to an end..." I mumbled.
♠ ♠ ♠
Kay! One chapter left! I wanna go ahead and get this story finished so I don't feel bad about not posting for so many months. Leave me loveeeeee!