Status: Finished story but manuscript not re-read enough to post everything on here yet. please subscribe!


Blood falls like black silk as the painful eyes of Aldorina finally realised what's she's turning into. And it's not the typical vampire or were wolf. Through the lust of flesh, the moon that rips her back, and the claws of impossible reality, she joins an old mansion with three others of her kind. Each with a gift. But Aldorina is different to them and she's not sure why. Her encounters with her new house mates are not what she hoped but together they must find a way to rip the passage to the after life and pass through... but when they finally find out how the pain and terror swamps every aspect of her living death as she does everything in her power to stop them. Through the haze of entwined blood and fearful, crashing tears and lingering, agonized shrieks, she meets Rohan-Lee and finds out what she truly is... how are they going to re build any thing now and will they wonder the empty world for ever?
Children of dead... prepare to see death from every one you ever loved or cared for. From every vibe of life how ever thick the thread is it breaths through.
Then fly into the satin night and the glow of the moon where you can watch the world you know today twist from the eyes of a girl called Aldorina.
Take a deep breath.
It may be your last.