Status: Finished story but manuscript not re-read enough to post everything on here yet. please subscribe!


Dragging Angst

“Nina I know you saw something.” Mac hissed as Jay cast worried glances over the top of his crisp magazine.
I scowled stubbornly. “Nope. I was just feeling faint and hallucinating.”
He opened his mouth to say something more but Morgan ran up to the lunch table and sat down looking perky. Mac slumped back in his chair and bit his lip in a way that made him look very young.
“Heyyyy...” she started but saw the mood of the room and wilted like an under watered flower.
“You guys missed first period, you never told me why.” she coked her head to one side in mild concern.
“I wasn't feeling very well.” I put in before Mac could put in some hardly believable, dumb faced lie.
“Oh, well that's too bad, you missed text book work.” she gave us a sarcastic smile and took her pasta from her bag.
I would of laughed but my stomach was performing somersaults making me want to gag.
“Okay maybe you should think about going home, you look like you've seen a ghost.” I jumped a little and turned to her.
“No not a ghost.” I said some what a little to quickly. It defiantly wasn't a ghost.
“o...kay. What did you see then?”
“Nothing!” I replied, way to fast this time and leaning away from her. “What makes you think I did?” slightly hysterical now, my hands entwining together. Mac placed his head in his hands.
“Your all acting really weird. For once Jay isn't gabbling away. Mac isn't laughing at everything, even if it isn't funny. And Aldorina, errr. Yeah.” I looked up at her.
“Every things fine.” she gave me a sure-it-is look.
“You gonna eat anything?”
“Oh come on Nina, you haven't eaten anything since yesterday breakfast.” Mac moaned.
“I've lost my appetite.” my voice was so bland it made me cringe.
“You've lost your mind.” Jay muttered.
“Sorry?” I snapped, turning round and slamming my hand on the table.
He let his magazine flop down on the table and cross his arms.
“Oh come on Nina, don't kid your self.” I held up my hands.
“Wait, STOP right there. What. You think I'm goingmad.” I couldn't believe my ears.
“No not mad...” jay trailed off looking sheepish, his eyes fluttering away.
“You know what? I'd rather not hear your word to describe me thank you very much.” he nodded, pressing his tongue against the inside of his upper lift.
“Its weird, ever since- yeah well I just don't feel hungry. I have a nagging feeling to eat but food doesn't seem right.”
“Ya know what. I take it back. You are mad.” I glared at Jay who just shrugged and picked at his salad.
“You want blooooood.” I looked round at Mac who had his collar up and his teeth bared. I lent back in my chair.
“Yes and your my first victim.” I joked, although it came out as more of an insult.
“Not if I get you first.” he wrapped his arm round my shoulder. I snorted.
“No Mac, I am not a vampire.” he cocked his head to one side.
“Shame, I herd vampire chicks are hot.”
“Yeah, after they kill you...” I started.
“OKAY!” Morgan threw up her hands. “What is it with you two and trailing off track with conversations? I think we're pretty aware that Aldorina isn't a vampire okay?”
“Prove it.” Mac said seriously. I looked at him in disbelief. Morgan stared at him for a moment before holding her arm out, taking off her broach (it wasn't an old ladies one, it was real pretty), and pressed it into her arm so the skin broke. One fresh bead of blood came to the surface. She wafted it under my nose but I pushed her arm away. Something in me wanted to rip it wider but I had no idea why and it wasn't for blood. I shuddered, my mind was playing tricks.
“This is ridiculous. Since when do we believe in vampires.”
“Since you started going crazy. Hey look its rubbing off!” Jay laughed uneasily.
“So I'm the new toy every ones going to talk about. Oh guess what, I'm a half were wolf half witch too. Yeah, I cast these spells under the moon that help me transform into a wolf.” Mac stared at me then took my shoulders.
“Your not being serious.” I looked into his wide eyes and swallowed my anguish.
“No.” I was almost crying. “Stupid boy.” I muttered.
“Hey girl. Be nice to me, I'm giving you a lift home.” I shook my head at him.
“Look I'm sorry, I just got a lot on my mind,” he pouted his lips with an amused smile on his voice.
“I can tell.” I gave him a wide-eyed look.
“I'll meet you by your scooter after school.” I told him and left the lunch hall.

Mac was already there, twirling a helmet in his hand and grinning.
“What's up?” I asked. “Your normally late.”
“Never for you.” he kissed my cheek and handed me the helmet, which wasn't strictly speaking true.
“Errr, your driving,” I told him and pushed it back. He laughed.
“Please. I look old enough to be riding this thing, you look your age so please, put it on.” I scowled at him and slipped it over my head, wondering if it was going to make my hair static. He flipped the black bit down at the front. I swung my leg over the back of the bike and hosted myself up.
“Its so cold.” I shivered. My spine going stiff from the seeping chill. He looked at me like I was bonkers.
“Its actually the warmest its been for ages.” I looked at him dumb founded.
“Really?” I told him. I had been getting colder and colder all after noon. First it was hardly noticeable, but now... I wrapped my arm round my body and gave another shudder.
“Um, maybe we should get you home. You seem ill.” I nodded. I felt ill. More than ill. Weird.
He kicked off the ground and sped off down the road, twisting into the back roads where people won't notice the fact he was to young to be driving. He dropped me off in front of my flats.
“Thanks.” I told him and he punched me lightly, slipping the helmet on his own head.
“You sure you don't want me to come in... you seriously look... oh jeez Aldorina.” I shook my head lightly and smiled through my teeth.
“Nah don't worry, I haven't been feeling to well all after noon and I've survived.” he nodded.
“I love you.” he told me, totally seriously. I smiled weakly.
“Not as much as I love you.” I waved at him and walked up the steps. I herd him rev off leaving me standing in front of my flat, my parade stopped and my confident stand went to a terrified curl or slump, absolutely terrified of what lay beyond.
Flashes of yesterday swam in my head, making me feel dizzy and nauseated.
I took the cold, brass nob in my hand and pushed the key under neat it, turning it slowly un till it clicked. My head was racing now, my heart thumping so hard it was blurring my eye sight, and unwillingly pushed it open. I couldn't stand there all day and I was swaying on the spot in angst.
At first I didn't notice anything – but I let my eyes fall down to the floor where reality punched me so hard I nearly groaned in disappointment.
“No, please, no.”
There were blood foot prints along the hall, bare feet bleeding so ravenously. I shook my head, the fear welling up in my throat, the wind banging the door closed behind me, the light so dim. The coldness wrapped round me, hands tracing my veins.
I backed into the corner shaking my head so hard my hair fell from its bun, cascading down round my shoulders.
“NO.” I screamed. There was nothing but silence. I was finding it so hard to breath, heaving air, and now the coldness was making my whole body shake. There was no where to escape it. No where to run. It was painful. I was so scared and angry. My pulse was hurting my insides, then my body tried to be sick. How ever I had nothing in my squirming stomach.
So I just fell to my knees and retched, the stomach acid burning my throat. My body shook weakly.
I couldn't do this. But I had to. I got to my feet, my whole body trembling. And followed the footsteps that lead no where else but my door. Shit
“What going on.” I whispered as I reached the door. The handle also dripping with the blood. The blood so dark that in masses it looked almost black.
I turned it, trying so hard not to hesitate. And pushed it open my heart thumping so hard it hurt and dominated my breathing, I could feel it in my finger tips.
The hall way light was working to my relief and the foot steps didn't carry on. I nearly jumped for joy, but then I realised there had been footsteps coming in but non going out. My heart shattered, its cold slices scarping at the inside of my chest.
“Please go.” I told the air, realisation hurting my head.
My fingers were so cold I couldn't feel them properly. I looked down and gasped. It was only my finger tips. They were pale blue but I could see my darker blue veins underneath. Its glistened like a diamond. But it scared me.
“What's happening to me!” I yelled and ripped a sock off. My toes had done the same. I ran to the mirror. I seemed fine apart from the fact I had gone pretty pale. But that was understandable with the coldness. Then I noticed my eyes.
Just round the Sclera (the white part of the eye), had started to go black at the edges. Like dye round a cloth, like something slowly soaking in. My pupil was going slightly white at the edges. It scared me. I stumbled back, pulled my sock back on and held my shaking head in my hands.
“What's happening to me?!” I screamed clutching my hands to my face so that the skin under my fingers lost all colour.

“Should you be in school Nina?” Jay gave me a dissaproving look as I climbed into his car.
“What makes you say that?” I asked, my voice sounding distant.
“Well to start with your voice is all fading. But there something else, different. I cant put my finger on it.” I shook my head.
“Your just being silly. Its just the cold. Everyone's getting it.”
“Yes and no ones having the same effects as you are.”
“If you can't 'put your finger' on the effects, what's to say I have them at all?” I snapped. He pondered for a second then shrugged.
“I guess your right.” I nodded.
“Yup. Right as ever.” I leaned back in the seat, keeping my hands between my legs.
He laughed a little.
“You won't believe what's happening after school today.” I looked at him half heartedly.
“What's happening, and are you sure its safe to tell me in a car?” he rolled his eyes.
“I'm meeting up with Mick Tribby.” he looked at me, expecting me to jump out my seat or something.
I sighed.
“Mick... Tribby?” he looked at me like I was stupid.
“He's a photographer.”
“I never knew you were into photography.” I played with him. Not really with it.
“For my modelling!” he nearly yelled.
“Oh sorry. Yeah. Good luck.”
“Thank you.” he told me, glancing at me in concern. “You know your voice is really wispy.”
“Having a sore throat does not mean I'm going to die.” I told him hardly.
He nodded.
“Your right. Sorry.” I shook my head.
“Thanks for being concerned.”
We pulled up next to Macs bike again and jumped out. I slammed the door with my finger tips... then realised I left four, tiny dots of blackened blood on the door, that started to trickle down. I swallowed my fear. Tried not to think about what it meant.
“Um. Nina? You've gone so pale your nearly blue.” he trembled.
“No I havn't!” I snapped quickly, shaking my head.
“Yes you have.” he nodded stubbornly slowly. I frowned.
“Well I feel fine.” I lied. The coldness hadn't gotten any worse. But it was still there.
“Hey!” Mac came over to us as we walked into the school.
“Oh god, didn't you want to take today off?” he asked, as I hid my fingers behind my back. It had gotten worse, the blue had moved down to my first joint. It wasn't a smirth blue, it was a a very very pale blue that made veins viewable.
“Nope,” I shook my head stubbornly.
“Your voice is all weak.” he told me and I shrugged.
“Never mind, it isn't the end of the world.”
“Have you eaten anything?” I shook my head. Eating didn't seem right right now,
“Nina!” Jay gasped. “your slowly killing yourself.”
“Jay. When you weren't feeling to good do you eat much?” I snapped.
“HA! So your not feeling very well!”
“I've already said I have a cold!”
“I tend to eat if I just have a cold.” I sighed defeated.
“Okay fine, I'm a little ill. But I really wanted to come to school!” I really didn't want to stay at home with paranormal activity of blood.
Mac coughed, “why?!”
“To see you guys!” Morgan bounced up then gasped at me.
“Wow, Aldorina, you look real ill.” I felt my squared shoulders slump.
“That's already been pointed out for me.” she put her fingers to her mouth.
“Mmmp, sorry!” she muffled and I gave a small laugh.
“DWBI.” I told her.
“Sorry, what's D.W.B.I?” Mac asked. Jay looked at him like he was mistaking the sky for the ground.
“DWBI means, don't worry about it... duh?” Mac shrugged.
“What's the point, you might as well just say don't worry about it.” glad of the change of subject we went into school, steering clear of my locker.
I couldn't pay attention in class and not because I kept getting hysterical glances from Jay and concerned glances from Morgan. Mac wasn't in this lesson. But because the coldness was worse where I had started to turn the pale blue. And it was spreading down my fingers. I knew the blue would follow soon.
I was absolutely petrified. What was happening to me? Was my body... changing? But into what exactly? Not that girl I saw, not her. I shivered at the sight and opened my R.E book, leaving blood on the front. And then my heart missed a beat. Inside – written in blood, was the word yes.
A word that hadn't meant much up to now as it ripped my frayed nerves and turned my world up side down.
“NO!” I yelled at it and snapped my book shut. The teacher stumbled over her words and stared at me alongside all other thirty-two pupils.
“Sorry, got my leg on the table.” I replied to their prying eyes, rubbing my shin painfully. Morgan thought nothing more of it. How ever jay... well. He has a, we-have-to-talk-later look about him. Not that I could. My voice was almost not there.
Dinner table again. When we're altogether, normally my favourite time of the day. But today I was freaking at how if I slipped my feet out my shoes and looked at my socks, they we're soaked in blood where the blue was, but I could feel no wet. Plus what ever my finger tips touched got coating in blood. So I sat there, at the table, and with my finger traced a heart of blood on the table and sat back. I needed to know if any one else could see it or if it was just in my head.
If I was going crazy.
But they went about normally, and blood splattered on a table wouldn't be something to miss for ages then go, 'hey look every one' at.
Nope, they couldn't see it.
So caught up in my own mind I felt some on pull my wrist up and gasp.
“Aldorina, what's on your fingers!?” Morgan cried and I looked down to see it had moved down to my knuckles.
“Nothing!” I cried quickly, snatching my hand back and putting it in my lap.
“Um, is it me or did I just see your hand going blue?” Mac asked, Morgan catching his attention.
“Nope!” I replied, my voice going high pitched, tears welling in my eyes.
“Okay we seriously need to talk about this Nina!” Morgan started.
“Okay please stop talking. Can't you see she's up set? Leave it for now okay? Let her calm.” Mac hissed.
Ugh. For now. Super.
We sat muttering until Jay looked round and laughed out loud.
“We're the last in the dinner hall! We need to get going.” I got up to go and turned around. But there was some one else sitting there, at the table at the far end. Blood dripped round her feet and soaked her dress. Her skin such a pale blue you could see the darker blue veins underneath. Lips slightly parted. Parts rotting, parts stitched up. But so beautiful.
Aldorina. She didn't speak. She sent it through to my mind.
“NO!” I screamed and stumbled back, hardly aware of my three friends jumping up and trying to speak to me.
“NO. LEAVE ME ALONE. WHY HAVE YOU COME FOR ME?” I started at her but she just sat there.
You need to get away. If you change by the people you love then you will hurt them in ways that will result in death.

“What are you talking about? No! You GO! LEAVE ME AND MY NORMAL LIFE ALONE. I hate you! I would NEVER HURT ANY ONE I LOVE. I will never face death till I am old and grey. GO BACK TO WHERE YOU belong.”
but you have blood on your hands already Aldorina.
I looked down on my hands to see blood dripping from the finger tips.
“GET OFF. GET OFF.” I cried, tears cascading down my face. I tried to wipe it on my clothes, the floor, the upholstered seats. Anything.
Won't be long now. Just go.
I picked up a chair and thrusted it at her but she ducked so it shattered against a wall. She stood up, a fresh casket of blood falling.
I'll see you soon and we will be most alike. Please don't be scared.
She walked out. I ran after her, into the corridor, but she was gone.
“Shit Nina!” was the first sane thing I herd.
I spun around and crouched in defensive.
“GO AWAY.” I yelled, by instinct. They stumbled back with their hands up and wide eyes. And for a second they were strangers.
What the hell.
It took me a second or to to realize that Jay hadn't actually spoken. For a split second I thought that the girl was back with the voice of my friend.
Shut it! I automatically sent back to him.
“What did you just.. did you?” Jay pointed to me then to his eyes, back and fourth, back and fourth.
“Okay Nina.” Morgan took a step forward and held out her hands to me. “Stand up.” regaining my head I followed her lead. Jay stood there blinking and breathing heavily.
“Okay now tell us your okay?”
“I'm... I... I don't think I'm okay.” I looked down at my hands, the coldness slowly moving to the bottom of my hands. The progress getting faster and faster. I looked down at my hands and held them up. Fear making me physically sick.
“What's happening to me?” tears welled up in my eyes and they fell in rivers down my face. Morgan hugged me and I pulled away , her arms dripped with blood from where my hands had been.
The girl was right. I had to leave before the blood was my friends and not mine.
I ran back a little.
“I can't, no, I can't. I love you all to much.”
They looked at me confused, before I turned on my heels and pelted down the hall way.
“NINA WAIT!” but I ignored their prying voices.
My feet carried me right out side.. past teachers, past everything. I took a taxi.
“Shouldn't you be in school love?” he asked, hardly looking like he cared. I shoved a wad of money over the shoulder of his seat and he shrugged.
“Obviously not.” he said sarcastically. Dropping me off at the flat where I opened the front door that had blood dripping down the front, ran through the blood footprint hall way and swung open the door to our flat. Mum being at work meant i could grab a bag and chucked a load of stuff in it.
Some one passed me a pair of socks.
“Thanks-” I started but trailed off. There was the girl standing there. But this time I wasn't terrified. This time she was smiling. She nodded.
Well done. Now come with me.
My hands were trembling so much I couldn't do the zip up on my bag. She reached over and did it for me, leaving blood on the zip, as I would of done any way.
“What's happening to me?” I whispered.
All in time beautiful. She told me. And we went to leave but I paused.
Mum. I thought. My insides suddenly turned inside out. Sickness punched my stomach.
“My mum.” I repeated my mind, the tears returning. She took a piece of paper and pen gracefully from a little pot on the table and waved it to me.
I nodded, swallowing.

I love you. Please don't worry about me. I'm fine. This has nothing to do with you. Honestly.
I love you.

I let a single tear drop fall on the table next to it.
“What's happening?” I cried. My whole life collapsing.
Come with me.
So I did. I let her take me away, along side my life.