The Year Before High School


Marialena has been my best friend since kindergarten. We’ve been through everything together. She always bragged about how she was six months older than me. I made my first personal phone call with her. We talked on the phone for three hours. She has dark brown, almost black hair, dark brown eyes and is a true Italian, the olive skin and everything. She dances six days a week and I only see her at school now; but it’s a relief.

Kiahna has also been my friend since kindergarten. She was like another Marialena. She did dance, only not as much. She did talk on the phone with me a lot. The only difference was that I was six months older than her. She had light brown hair and glasses. Dark eyes and was my height. Marialena was taller then us for most of our lives. Kiahna left our school and moved to Florida at the end of fourth grade.

Angelena, aka Angie, has been with me since kindergarten as well. We always used to joke about how we were kind of like twins; being my name is Angela and people call me Angie too. She has short medium/dark brown hair and brown eyes. She’s really, really, really shy and a shimige shorter than the rest of us. But even though she’s always been less talkative than the rest of the group, that never let us exclude her.

Lindsey transferred to my school in third grade. I’ve known her from dance for a few years but not personally. She too had dark hair and dark eyes. A natural dark skin and was around my height for most of our friendship. She did get taller then me soon enough.

Taylor came into my life in second grade. She’s left-handed and I thought that was so cool. She was one of the first blondes that I knew. She had long blonde hair that she always wore in a low ponytail and she was really tall. She was awesome.

Jael came in sixth grade. She’s amazingly nice and cool and sweet. When she transferred she was pretty shy but she soon talked to other people and now I’m friends with her and I think she is really cool. She has hair so dark that when the sun hits it, it gives it a blueish look to it. She is Spanish dark and really pretty.

Casey came in fourth grade and was nice. At least that’s what I thought. She was good to me for most of fourth grade, but when fifth grade came she was a complete and utter bitch, not just to me but also to everyone. She had short blonde hair, that in a few years she would dye a dark brown, and blue eyes and was short herself.

Matt came in sixth grade and was cool. He wasn’t in my class in sixth or seventh grade, but from what everyone else said, he was pretty cool. He was tall and had medium brown hair and brown eyes and was a really, really dark Italian.

Karla came in sixth grade as well. She was shy too but once she opened up, I found out that she was a Michael Jackson freak. She had dark hair and dark eyes and was from Ecuador.

Morgan has been at our school since first grade and has been in and out of the “Plastics”, the clique of bitches that we tried to keep almost everything from, since fourth grade. She has dirty blonde hair and dark eyes. Nothing special.

Michael has also been our school since forever. He was short and annoying, just like Casey. Always saying, “that’s what she said” after everything and always pointing out the perverted stuff in whatever you just said. He has short blond hair and I think blue eyes.

I’ve been in this school since kindergarten and never meant to hurt anyone. I was almost always nice. I played by the rules and never disobeyed. If you were a bitch to me, I was a bitch to you. And that went with everything I did. Whether it was dance, karate, or just being in school. I have long dark hair, dark, almost black, eyes. And am almost always pale; not even in the summer do I tan easily.