Status: Almost here!!

You Are My Sunshine


It was a beautiful Saturday afternoon and Gustavo finally gave us a day off for all the hard work we’ve been putting in. I woke up around 10 that morning and the others were already up.
“Morning, Sleepy head!” Lucy laughed a little, as she flipped through the TV channels.
“Hey.” I smiled as I sat down a the island in the kitchen. Caroline’s mom, who was our parent while we were here, set down a plate of pancakes in front of me, and I devoured them. After I placed my dirty dishes in the sink, I took a very quick shower and put on a plaid tank top with a pair of jean shorts.

“I’m going out by the pool, anyone want to come with?” I yelled out to whoever was still in the apartment. All the girls agreed to come with, so we all made our way down.

We found four open chairs in the almost empty pool area at the Palm Woods, which is almost like the apocalypse. We sat and talked as we watched little Tyler jump around in the pool with one of his friends and Guitar Dude strum random chords his guitar on the other side of the pool. After about an hour or so, the person-or people I was waiting for, finally came. Kendall and Company.
“Superman is totally better than the Hulk!” One with longer brown hair yelled.
“LIES!” Another who was wearing a hockey helmet yelled back.
“Actually. I agree with hair over here. Superman is far more superior towards the Hulk. Superman is basically invisible and the Hulk just needs anger management…” Caroline told them back as they sat down right next to us.
“Yes, Finally someone agrees with me!” The kid with the hair laughed. The two gave each other a high five.
“Lyric! Hi!” Kendall leaned over and waved to me.
“Hey, Kendall.” I giggled a little at his silliness.
“This is, James, Logan and Carlos.” He pointed to each of the boys who all waved at us.
“Here, we have Caroline, Lucy and Elle.” I pointed to the girls. They all waved as well, and we sat in awkward silence.
“So, Kendall says that you all sing?” Logan smiled at us.
“Yes we do!” Elle said confidently.
“Bet you I’m better,” James laughed. “I was the face of Minnesota.”
“I bet…” Lucy said dreamily. Kendall looked at each other and laughed.
“Boys! We need to get to the studio now!” A young women carrying a clipboard yelled in the pool entrance threshold. The boys groaned and got up.
“We’ll see each other later, We should defiantly hang out tonight or something!” Kendall said.
“Most defiantly.” I smiled at him.
“They seem nice.” Caroline said.
“Especially Kendall to you, Lyric…” Lucy laughed. The girls began making fun of Kendall and I, although that was only like…the second time we’ve talked to each other. Whatever though, They’re just jealous that I’m making friends here and they aren’t.

I threw my bag over my shoulder as soon as I got the rental car keys out of it and walked out the big lobby doors to be hit with the warm Californian Air.
“Lyric! Hey!” I heard a very familiar voice call out. Kendall was running to catch up with me.
“Hi Kendall, What are you up to?” I smiled waiting for him to catch up with me.
“Nothing. We just got off and I was wondering if you wanted to hang out or something.” He said now right next to me.
“Oh. Uhm. I have to go run and get groceries. Its my turn…so…yeah. Sorry,” I frowned. “But, you can come with if you want, It would be a lot more fun if you were to come.”
“Sounds very fun,” He laughed a little. “Lets go!” He quietly slipped his hand into mine. We walked over to the Blue S.U.V. and I unlocked it and let him into the front seat.
“To the Store!” I said slipping into the car and pointing outward. I laughed and turned the key in the ignition. As I backed out of the parking lot, Kendall began skimming through all the radio stations.
Come on shake it up, watcha gotta loose?
Go and make your life with the life you choose
If you want it all, lay it on the line
Its the only life you got so you gotta live it big time!
The radio sang, and Kendall stopped what he was doing and gave me a look.
“Yeah Sucka!” He smiled and quickly took out his phone. Obviously calling the guys. He pushed a couple buttons and put it on speaker-phone.
“Hello?” James voice came from the phone. Kendall immediately put the phone up to one of the car speakers.
Hey! Hey! Give it all you got now!
Hey! Hey! Isnt it a rush?
Hey! Hey! Finish what you start now!
Go and shake it up, what cha gotta lose?
Go and make your life with the life you choose
If you want it all, lay it on the line
Its the only life you got so you gotta live it big time
After the chorus sang once more, I heard a bunch of cheering coming from the phone and Kendall.
“That’s all I needed. Bye. OH! Tell my mom I’m with a friend right now. Lyric.” Kendall told the guys.
“Have fun you two love birds.” Carlos yelled and I heard the other two begin singing ‘Kendal and Lyric sitting in a tree-’ but Kendall hung up the phone. He laughed nervously and shook his head.
“My friends are weird.”
“Yes, yes you do.” I giggled a little and pulled into the Supermart parking lot. As soon as I found a place to park the car, I cut the ignition and we just sat there for a moment.
“You really know that they are kidding, right?” He looked at me with a total serious face. “There are no feelings of liking in me, well, besides being friends.”
“Yeah, of course, just friends. That’s all we are.” I smiled at him, but my heart kind of sank. I’m pretty sure I didn’t want to be ‘just friends.’
♠ ♠ ♠
suuuuper long.

I love comments and loads of support, they kind of make me work faster, and I'm totally not just saying that to get comments and whatnot, they really work. (:

I would really like a banner of some-sort for this story as well, if you or anyone you know can make pretty shweet banners, lemme know! :D