Status: Almost here!!

You Are My Sunshine


Finally, Friday had finally came, and Caroline was obviously extremely ready. I woke up around 10 that morning, and She was already awake, painting her long fingernails a pretty shade of pink. I shoveled down a bowl of Cookie Crisp and went and took a shower. Since I knew I would be changing in a couple hours, I threw on a pair of sweatpants and a tank top. My phone began vibrating on my nightstand shortly after, signaling that I had a text message.
LYRIC! Come quick, I need your help getting Carlos ready!
The text read, it was from James.
Of course, tell Carlitos I will be over there in a few! (:
I texted back. I went and told Mrs. Fields where I was going and slipped on my green flip flops and walked down to 2J.
“Thank God you’re here, he’s a lost cause…” James said opening the door, before I could even knock, “I’ve already tried helping me, he’s clueless!” James’ arms flew up in the air.
I walked into 2J and Kendall and Carlos were sitting on the couch, watching MTV.
“Hey, Carlos, ready to get ready!” I smiled at him. Carlos groaned a little and shoved a pillow in his face.
“I’m fine, I don’t need to get myself pretty for tonight!”
“Yes you do. Caroline doesn’t like boys who smell like corn dogs and day old chlorine.” I pointed for emphasis. Carlos scowled at me and stood up.
“Alright. What do you want me to do first?” Carlos said with an attitude.
“Go shower. With Soap…In the shower…With hot water,” I said “for at least 15 minutes.”
Carlos trudged through the kitchen and into the bathroom. I sat down for just a few minutes next to Kendall who threw his arm around me.
“How are you today?” He smiled at me.
“Good. But I need to go find Carlos an outfit.” I smiled, then getting up.
“I’ll help!” He said jumping off the bright orange couch. We both walked into the room that James and Carlos both shared and you could really tell whose side was whose. James side was very organized, and picked up, with a lot of hair products everywhere and Carlos’ side…really expressed his personality.
Kendall and I searched through Carlos’ entire closet and I couldn’t find anything remotely acceptable for him to wear. With James’ permission though, We raided James’ closet and found a pair of nice black pants and a button-down blue shirt. After Carlos was done in the shower, I made him change into something casual first, so he wouldn’t ruin his nice clothes. We then went over eating etiquette, courtesy, and all things of that nature. Before we knew it, it was 5:30. I left James in charge of making sure Carlos was presentable, and I went back to my room to get ready.
When I got back, Caroline was sitting in front of the bathroom mirror, curling her hair into perfect ringlets, with an outfit laying out perfectly ironed on the couch. A soft pink shirt with a black ribbon around it, a black pencil skirt and a pair of light rose heels to go with it. I slipped into my bedroom and figured out what to do with my hair first. I decided to just straighten it, and put on my make up. I sat in front of my closet for a good fifteen minutes trying to find an outfit. I eventually found a Yellow and black halter dress, with a pair of black heels that matched it quite well. I quickly changed, and went out into the living room where Elle and Lucy were sitting on the couch dolled up themselves.
“Where are you two going?” I asked.
“James and Logan invited us to a party!” Lucy smiled.
“Don’t have too much fun.” I giggled a little and then there was a knock on the door. I just about ran to the door to find Carlos, dressed according to plan and Kendall waiting behind it.
“You look amazing, Carlos. Caroline will love it.” I smiled at him who gave me a thumbs up. I called for Caroline who was just snapping on her bracelet. The four of us left and ventured off onto the streets of LA.
The boys took us to an Italian Restaurant only a couple blocks away from the Palm Woods, and got ice cream and went for a long walk through Palm Woods park.
“I had a really great time, Kendall.” I smiled at him as we stood in front of my door.
“I did too, Lyric,” He said leaning in just a little towards me. I got up onto my tippy toes and our lips collided. After, we stood there with smiles planted on our faces for about 2 seconds. “Does this mean you want to be my girlfriend?” He smirked.
“Yeah, I do.” I said. He gave me a huge hug and kissed my cheek.
“I’ll see you in the morning, then.” He walked away. I couldn’t believe it, I was Kendall Knight’s girlfriend.
♠ ♠ ♠
Sorry this chapter SUCKS AND it took so long for me to write and put up here. D: I just needed to get something up.
Juicy stuff is coming with this relationship!