Status: Slowly being written

The Unexpected.

The Dance.

Ethan looks handsome to say the least in a black suit with blue tie, his hair gelled back, and his signature smirk on his face. He walks towards me his blue eyes latched onto mine. Taking my hand he places a kiss in my palm before asking, “Ready to dance?” I nod and he puts my hand in his holding it tightly as we walk up the pathway. The dance has a night under the stars theme. Dark blue and silver balloons, table clothes, and streamers. We walk in and he leads me to the dance floor smiling shyly as he wraps his arms around pulling my body to his. I lay my head on his shoulder wrapping my arms around his waist as we move slowly to the song. "So how was getting ready with the girls?" he asks jokingly. "Ugh fine. I just don't typically wear this much make up." I reply looking up at him. He smiles and says, "That's because your so beautiful without it." I let go of his hand and hit his chest playfully saying, "Stop being so corny!" He just grins taking my hand back into his and spinning me around before adding, "You know you love it." I giggle moving away from him as the song ends. "Hey." He says frowning and trying to pull me back to him. But I just shake my head and pull him over to the table where our friends are sitting. "You two look like an old married couple." Comments Alley smirking at us. I just glare in reply, however Ethan seemed to enjoy the comment as he kissed my cheek and jokingly said, "I guess the cats out of the bag. We totally drove to Vegas and got married last night." Everyone laughs and I hit his shoulder giving him a mean look. It doesn't phase him he just sits down before pulling me into his lap. "So Abby may I have this dance?" Says Mason shyly as he takes Abby's hand. She blushes before nodding and following him to the dance floor. "Aren't they adorable!" I exclaim giggling. Ethan laughs and says, "Not as adorable as us." As he wraps his arms around my waist. I turn and glare at him saying, "Shutup." Playfully. He just leans in and kisses me before saying, "Hey Malin why don't we take our girls to the dance floor?" Alley and I quickly shake our heads saying "No!" in unison. But the boys just laugh and pull us out onto the wood floor. "Meany." I say as Ethan takes my hands and places them on his shoulders, resting his on my hips. He just smiles and guides me along to the beat of the music. We dance for what feels life forever. His hands on my hips, my face snuggled in the curve of his neck, with his head resting atop of mine. I'm completely content and unaware of anyone but us until Abby runs up and grabs my arm hurriedly saying, "Morgan... Alley... HURRY!" She pulls me out the door and to the court yard where I see Morgan about to get slapped by Alley whose nose is bleeding and dress is ruined. "Alley stop!" I yell not wanting her to get in trouble. But me distracting her did no good, as Alley looked my way Morgan took the opening to knock her to the ground. I quickly walk up pushing Morgan away from Alley who looks like she's about to explode. "Okay this is enough! I don't know what is wrong with you! I don't care if you mess with me. I get it you don't like me and you want Ethan. But you have no right to mess with my friends! Got that? I'm done ignoring you and being nice. If you wanted a fight well now you've got one!" I yell right in Morgan's face. She just stares at me with so much hate I think I'd be dead if looks could actually kill. Suddenly she starts shaking uncontrollably and clenching and unclenching her fist. Her body starts shimmering? What the heck? Her nails lengthening. I must be hallucinating. "Diane move!" I hear Ethan yell but it's too late. As I turn to look at him I'm suddenly hit on the back of the head and everything goes black.