The Other Side of the World

Visiting Grandma

When I think of going to California I think of snowboarding and having fun. Not this time. This time, we are going to California to say goodbye to my grandma. She’s been diagnosed with lung cancer and the doctors say she only has a few months to live. Grandma has Alzheimer’s and honestly doesn’t know what’s going on. The only thing she remembers is a few people’s faces. Mine especially. I’m a Grandma’s girl. Sense I was born she took care of me. Losing her is going to be the hardest thing that could happen to me, but at least she’ll be in a better place. That’s what everyone says anyway.

Right now my mum is driving my sisters, Katy whose three and Annemarie whose thirteen, my brother Jack whose ten, and me to the hospital that Grandma’s at. Walking into Grandma’s room and seeing her like that tore me apart. “Grandma,” I whispered.

She lay on the bed absently looking around, like a child does when she’s first brought into this world. Everything seemed to be new to her. She’d lost tons of weight. Cords came from her into machines, clear, red, blue, black cords everywhere. She wore those nightgowns that the hospital put her in when she came. Hers had paw prints on it, each was a different color. I smiled at that. She loves dogs and cats.

“Mom, the kids are here,” my mom said softly, maybe worried she would startle Grandma.

Grandma looked over to her and then to each of us. When she looked at me she smiled, “Hanna, come here.” She opened her arms so she could give me a hug. I ran to the bed and carefully hugged her. She was stronger than I thought. “Finally decide to come see your Grandma, huh? Well, I’m glad you did. Tell me about what’s been going on,” she looked at me, ignoring the rest of my family around us.

I didn’t care. I need this time with her more than them. They never call Grandma, they never send her letters, they never worry about her when we are back at home. I do. That’s why I need this time with her more than them.

I almost cried as I climbed into the small hospital bed with her and started to tell her about our new puppy and the new school I’m at. I told her how much I’ve missed her and that I’m not leaving until she does. She saddened a little when I mentioned her dying. So did I. “It’s okay Grandma. We’ll join you soon,” I turned to mom and the rest of my family, “Right?” they all nodded and my mom interrupted, “But not too soon.”

“Of course,” Grandma looked at the hem of her blanket.

“Grandma, I told you I’m staying here. I’m getting a house here. Well, mom is. She’s paying for it and she’s going to stay with me for a while. If you want, we have an extra room. We could... ya’ know, bring you home with us. Set up all these machine’s there, hire a nurse to come take care of you. Would you want to do that?” I asked her.

Grandma looked at me and smiled, “Of course I would, but that cost’s a lot.”

“I’ve been saving, mom. Don’t worry about money. It doesn’t matter, just... come home with us.”

Grandma thought a minute before looking up and saying, “When?”
♠ ♠ ♠
Just an intro. Its going to get better in the next couple chapters. I promise!