
Brendon touches his lips briefly against mine. That's all it ever is. A touch, a brush of lips or fingers.
"Might see you later." He mumbles as he pulls his shirt back on. If he wants to, God knows he will see me. I can't say no when he's so persuasive. I should learn to say no to the only thing he wants from me, but I love to feel the weakness in giving in.
I wait for another word from him. I always long for him to say 'I love you, Lily.' when he leaves before the sun comes up. He doesn't even have to look at me. I just want him to acknowledge me when we're together.
It's not that Brendon never says he loves me. It's just that it's so hard to believe him. He's usually facing the other way, his back turned towards me on the bed. He only says it after I do, and when he does say it, it's just... 'love you.' And he doesn't say my name if he can help it.
"I'll call you if I need you." And with that parting promise, he's gone again as the sun ascends.
  1. Distance.
  2. Beer.
  3. Ghosts.
  4. Eleven months ago.
  5. Fragments.
    SO sorry for the huge lack of updates. bare with me, gang.