Every Word


"We should go out today." I said over the phone.

We had been dating for about a month and a half now and I enjoyed every second of it. That is, minus the times you weren't around.

"My mom wants me to stay home and garden with her." You said. I didn't like the way your voice sounded over the phone. Don't get me wrong, it was still a happy sound. But I'd rather be talking to you face to face. I wanted to fully hear your voice, the ups and downs and the different pitches. Not some muffled excuse of a conversation.

I sighed and almost began to argue, "Mother daughter time?" I asked smiling to myself not going down the negative path.

"Every moment I spend at home is mother daughter time." You said with a sigh. "I'll call you when I'm done though, promise."

"You're too lucky you know that?" I said with a laugh, "You practically own me." I shook my head.

"Well that was the plan wasn't it?" You were laughing too, again, not as sweet as actually being there with you.

"I'll be waiting for your call." I said.

I wonder if she knew I'd be waiting by the phone all day. It was around six something in the evening when she called. I was watching old cartoons, phone in hand.

"Hello, is Marcus there?" You asked in a formal tone.

"He might be around here some where." I said in an off voice making jokes.

"Oh, well if you see him, tell him he should start using mouth wash. The whole brushing thing, it works, but you still get this nasty taste when your tongue is in his mouth." You played along.

"I'll try to run that by him." I said in the same voice, "But you know how he gets. Stubborn boy that Marcus is."

"But a handsome one." You sighed.

"So what's up?" I said in my normal voice.

"I'm aching." You said sounding strained, "Who ever says gardening is a woman's job must be crazy." I wished I could be there to make you feel better.

"Do you want me to come over?" I said probably sounding too excited at what her answer may be.

"Oh gross, no." You said, I wondered why, or maybe you were joking, "I'm covered in dirt, I'm sweaty, my hair is so frizzy from the heat, you'd never look at me the same way again." You were right, I probably wouldn't, but not in the way you were thinking.

"You're always beautiful to me." I said softly, then "I'd probably think you look pretty hot right now." I said in an attempt to a macho man type voice.

"If you're into that kind of stuff." You trailed off in an awkward tone. Then laughed, "But really, I think I'm just going to take a shower and head off to bed."

"Okay." I sighed, "Goodnight." I smiled at the sound of my words.

"Goodnight Marcus." God, how I wanted to see your face saying those words.

Would you have a relaxed expression, happy, blissful, grateful. The thought haunted me for the next few minutes. Then all I could think about was a time where you would be saying it lying next to me. The two of us together, ready to sleep.

"Goodnight." I said to myself.