I'm Still That Confused Little Girl, but It's so Much More Confusing Now

Train Journey Fun

"Bye Honey."

"Yeah bye Mum."

"Hug!" I smiled, hugging Mum quickly.

"Can I get on the train now?" She wiped a tear away, nodding.

"Yes. I suppose so. Your father would be so proud of you." I smiled awkwardly.
My father had died when I was 12, that was 3 years ago and I still didn't like to talk about it much. There was a fire, caused by death eaters, only me and Dad were in the house. He died and I survived. To be honest I'd never seen why everyone wanted to talk about it so much.

"Yeah. Can I go?" She nodded, hugging me once more, then waved me away.

I sped toward the train, which was already starting to move out of the platform. I wrenched open one of the doors, throwing my trunk in, then jumping in myself. The door slammed shut behind me as one of the various parents waving goodbye got hit on the head with it. I smiled, pulling my trunk down the crowded corridors, eventually finding my friends.

"Hey Felicity. Nice summer?" Hermione said from her book.

"Yes thanks, Hermione. Did you have fun in Spain?"

"Yes. I got to visit so many museums, the trip was worth it."

"Yeah they're the funnest things ever." Ron mumbled under his breath. I grinned.

"Sounds fun. Where's Harry?"

"Here," he said, having just come through the door behind me. "Hey Flick."


"Nice summer?"

"Yeah thanks. Nice time at the Order?" I whispered the last part. My mother was a member, but we had gone away over the holidays, meaning we hadn't been at the headquarters this year.

"Yeah it was good, when I got there. Wasn't there til at least half way through the holidays." I smiled and rubbed his arm.


"Dursleys," he said, his voice weary. I smiled sympathetically, before turning to my trunk and attempting to heave it on to the overhead racks.

"Having fun?" said the slick voice of Draco Malfoy. After I finally got it onto the rack, I turned to raise my eyebrows.

"I don't see how that's any of your business, Malfoy." He smirked.

"You never do, Smith." I rolled my eyes.

"Bog off, Malfoy. We're busy." Ron said grumpily.

"You don't look it."

"Never the less, we are." Harry added. I grinned.

"Anyway. I bring a message, as head of the Slytherin house. I am happy to say we are waging war on you Gryffindors this year." He smirked. "See you at school Potter." He left the doorway, letting it slide shut as he left.

"That was dramatic."

"Don't they always wage war on us?" I laughed.

"Yes, Ron. But this year they are announcing it for some unknown reason." Harry smiled.

"You realise Malfoy was checking you out?" I rolled my eyes as Ron sniggered.

"He was not. And anyway he's slimy. Even if he was checking me out, I wouldn't check him out in a million years." Harry grinned and patted me on the back.

"It's good to see you again, Flick."
♠ ♠ ♠
I like this chapter, though it took a bit too long for my liking. But it was a good set-up. I think.
I'm hoping this story will be about 20 chapters. But when I set a limit I tend to overwrite and go way over. So prepare for it to get a bit long.


Comments make me happyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy.