I'm Still That Confused Little Girl, but It's so Much More Confusing Now


Harry and Ron woke me in the morning by arguing loudly about quills.

“Did you sleep down here last night?” Harry asked, when I woke up. I glanced around the room.

“No. I magically appeared here at 6 in the morning.” I muttered sarcastically. “What are you two doing?”

“Finishing Transfig work.” Harry answred.

“Oh guys. Why didn’t you finish it when you came in?” Harry shrugged.

“I was tired. How come you’re doing it now? Why didn’t you finish it last night?” He addressed this last bit to Ron. He flushed red again. I smiled and looked away.

“I went for a walk.” Harry looked at him a little oddly.

We had Divination together, where we were set upon by Trelawney for not having complete enough dream diaries, and then I had a free period while they went to DADA so I went back to the tower and made up some dreams for our Divination homework.

Basically, I was trying to avoid Malfoy and Blaize. The fault with this plan however was that I did not run into Parvati and Lavander until Care of Magical Creatures, where I was greeted with the news that a Gryffindor and a Slytherin were seen coming back into the castle at one in the morning. After Lavender explained all this to me, they moved over to stand on either side of me.

“So we were wondering who it could’ve been. And the only logical explanation is you.” I raised my eyebrows.

“Right. Why?”

“You were the only person not in the dorm last night.”

“I slept downstairs.”

“Yeah but Hermione came back from the library at twelve and you weren’t there.” I sighed and rubbed my eyes.

“I went for a walk. Zabini happened to be coming back from the same direction. That’s all. We weren’t… together.” They both made sceptical faces, then giggled. I was starting to get a headache. I moved away.

“Why were you out with Blaize Zabini at midnight?” Hermione asked when she arrived with Ron and Harry.

“What?” Ron asked, a look of shock on his face so funny I would’ve laughed, if I didn’t have a headache threatening to blow up my brain.

“I wasn’t I just happened to be out at the same time as him.”

“Yeah right.”

“Shut up Ron. I’m serious.” Harry was looking at me a little strangely. The lesson was effectively a repeat of last lesson, Grubby-Plank spent the lesson going more in depth about bowtruckles, eventually giving us an essay on them.

As we were leaving to go to Astronomy, it was a knowledge lesson so therefore during the day, Malfoy caught up to me.

“What’s with you and Zabini yesterday?” He sounded angry. I rolled my eyes and rubbed my head, my headache was getting worse.

“Bog off Malfoy.” Ron said, pulling me away.

“Shut up Weasley.” Malfoy pulled his wand out and pointed it at Ron. He then looked at me expectantly. I remembered I was supposed to be answering his question.

“I went for a walk, he happened to be going back the same way. That’s it.” I moved his wand down from Ron’s face with my finger. “Leave him alone.”

“Who? Weaslebee or Zabini?”

“Wea- Ron.” Malfoy smirked, putting his wand away.

“See you later Smith.” My head twinged slightly as he walked away.

“You nearly called me Weaslebee.” Ron said, a grin on his face. I smiled faintly and rolled my eyes.

“Shut up Ron.”

He grinned and walked with me the rest of the way to Astronomy, nattering on about some letter he'd got from Percy. I wished faintly it was that simple for me to change topics. My head was still running through the conversation with Malfoy.
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Short, I know. =] Comment, rate subscribe =P