You Know That My Love Is on Your Side

The Best Damn Thing

I glared at Jake through my sunglasses as I reached for my Yoohoo to take a sip. “I’m not going,” I said in a firm voice. I took a sip of Yoohoo and put the can back down in the cupholder, crossing my arms over my chest.

He let out a sigh. “Derek will be disappointed.” Ah, the guilt card. I tapped my fingers against my leg as I turned my head to glare out the open window. The wind blew against my skin and for a short second, I wanted to smile; the urge to get on my older brother’s nerves was overwhelming though and instead I settled for a pout.

“Let him be disappointed,” I shrugged. “We broke up.” I felt him staring at me even though he should’ve been watching the road; he could see through my lie and I knew it.

“You’re lying. I just talked to him an hour ago when you were taking forever in the bathroom.” I sucked in a deep breath and held it as I turned to look at him. “He said he can’t wait to see you.” He shuttered. “I still cannot believe you chose to date my best friend.”

“He chose me!” A grin settled on my lips as I ran my tongue over my bottom lip then reached in my pocket for my Carmex. I pulled down the mirror and stared at the blue stud in my lip, still wondering if getting another would be my best idea. “I regret nothing.”

Jake put on the turn signal and turned onto the oh-so familiar road to Derek’s house. “Still, you know, most people wouldn’t date their brother’s best friend…” I rolled my eyes and slapped his arm before I grabbed my Twix bar and opened it. “And what’s with your chocolate addiction?”

I snorted as I took a bite. I chewed it slowly, trying to come up with a smartass remark. “What’s with your face?” I retorted. Easy come, easy go. He turned into the driveway as I stuffed the rest of the candy bar in my mouth. “Why did we drive? From Georgia… Jake, you’re a dumbass!”

He put the car in park as I slapped him again. “And what were you planning to do if you didn’t go on tour with us?” I watched the window as it closed.

“I’m not going,” I repeated, pronouncing every word slowly. “I told you that before. I told you the entire damn car ride from my house to… here.” Derek came out the front door, lugging a suitcase behind him. Two more matching bags were already on the porch.


“Vacation,” I said, spitting out the first thing that came to mind. “Derek’s house was going to be my hideout.”

“Why did you bring clothing, them?” Jake asked, knowing he had me. He knew I wanted to go since they first told me that they would be going on Warped. “You have plenty of clothing here.” More facts against me. Damn him.

I shrugged and tried to think fast as I got out of the car. Jake smirked as I walked to the trunk to grab my bags. “Shuddup,” I mumbled, defeated. “You don’t have to be such a smartass about it.” I threw his bag at him and he caught it, but he fell to the ground.

“Hey guys!” Derek called.

“Oh!” I yelled, throwing my arms in the air. “What now? Who’s the fucking badass now, Jake? Admit defeat and your life will be spared.” Derek came over and pulled the bag off Jake as he held back a laugh.

Jake glared as he mumbled, “You’re the badass, Lizz.”

“WOO!” I jumped on Derek, wrapping my arms and legs around him. He wobbled a little bit, but managed to stay standing as he hugged me lightly. “I’m a fucking badass, Derek!” Jake grumbled something unintelligible as he got the rest of his bags from the trunk.

“I can see that,” Derek chuckled. I grinned and pecked his lips before I jumped down.

“I get a nap before we leave, right? Right, dammit?” I turned to see another car pulling in the driveway. “BROOKS!” I ran around the car, almost tripping over my own feet multiple times, before I managed to run into the side of his car in stare at him with a creepy smile.

“Five-foot four, all mine, and she’s coming on Warped Tour with us. Could life get any better?” Derek asked.

“If she stayed at home?” Jake asked as I waved at Brooks. He turned his car off and waved back with the same goofy smile as me. There was a loud ‘WHACK’ followed by Jake’s complaints. “If she was sane?”

I turned and put my hands on my hips. “Are you trying to say something, Jake? Seriously? Imma fuck up all your drinks and slip you some laxatives or something! Sleep with one eye open…” I trailed off, and a brief look of fear crossed my brother’s features before I started laughing.
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I'm not going to lie. I'm prone to epic shit. Comment and subscribe, please. Leave us some lovin'!
