Status: Active. Comments are good for a writer's heart!

Under The Light Of The Moon

Maybe You Still Love Me


I wasn't sure if I should say yes or no. I needed the information, but I loved Jace. It would feel like I was betraying him. I didn't want to do that. But, Arcane wasn't here. I wish he was though. It would have made things so much simpler.

For one, I wouldn't have to make this decision. I closed my eyes for a second and thought about it. Should I....Should I not? Ahhhhhh! All of this hurts my brain and I didn't even drink any alcohol. Not that it would affect me in the slightest.

Benjamin leaned against the wall and grinned at me. "Montanel, I grow weary. Make up your mind or I shall leave." He turned to go but I stopped him.

"No! Don't. I'll do as you ask. AS long as you promise it wont be evasive. Detailed and it's a deal." There was no way I was paying for bullshit answers like 'The Crimson Trade would hurt people if it started again. Hell no!

Benjamin flashed his fangs in a smile and held his hand out to me. "It's a deal, Jaquelyn." The way he said my name brought back so many dangerously delicious. I had to literally shake my head to clear them out.

I took his hand and expected to shake it, but instead he placed his lips on mine in an old fashion kiss. "Get a life, Ben," I said and pulled my hand away.

"May I have yours," he asked, heading into the dining room where we were going top be "served".

"No, " I answered and walked into the room while he held the door open for me. It was a bit annoying. No, really annoying. I have hands. I can do it. Funny thing was that long ago I would have been insulted if he didn't hold the door. Shows how much people change after such a long amount of time.

"What may I have that's yours?"

"Nothing. Ben , nothing."

I sat down in the chair and he sat on the one next to me. Benjamin was so close that our knees brushed. It wasn't much, so I let it go. Even though he was no doubt doing it on purpose.

"You know,Jaquelyn, I think you should let your wolf off his leash."

My mouth nearly dropped. Are you kidding me? Were we really going to talk about this now? Wait, no. We shouldn't be talking about this anytime.. What I did with Jace wasn't any of his business. Sure he might have helped me, but that did not make it his concern!

"We aren't here to talk about that, Ben. So drop it."

"I wont," he said stubbornly.

"Why not!"

"Because he's not right for you."

"And why is that?"

"Because he is going to die! I wont. Think about it. What will you do when he is old and half dead. Would you really want him then? Unlike him, i could be yours forever."

"I don't want you," I whispered. It was all I could say.

Benjamin leaned forward and purred in my ear, his breath caressing my skin. A shiver ran down my spine and he growled softly. I sometimes wondered who was more of an animal. Ben or Jace.

"Stop that," I breathed and looked down at the hard wood floor.

Benjamin nipped my ear, biting with his fangs. It was more of a pleasuring feeling rather than one of pain. I felt a bead of blood run down and Ben lapped it up.

"I'm not kid-"

Benjamin shoved his fangs into my neck, cutting me off. I was so startled that I lost my balance and we both fell to the floor. My white dress spilled around me, exposing my thin legs. With enough pressure, Ben could snap me like a twig...

"Look at you, Jaquelyn, you're shaking."

"I-I'm not-t," I denied, even thought i was. Why was this happening to me?! I wanted Jace, not Benjamin!

Benjamin licked the spot he bit. "Vreau să, Jackie. I want you."

"I dont want you!" But that was a lie. I wanted him. And Jace. "Get off of me, Ben."

Benjamin smirked and kissed my cheek. No, he licked it as well. "We shall continue this later, no? You do want you information, right?"

"Yes, just let me go..."

"As you wish."

Benjamin stood and held his hand out for me to take. I ignored it and scrambled to my feet, running for my room, where Jace slept. I needed him. His cool temperature. His warm heart...

Jace was still in bed, asleep. I carefully crawled onto the bed and under the covers. I took Jace's arms and lay them on me, burying my face in his neck, his scent. So comforting.

Still asleep, Jace tightened his arms around me and smiled. I smiled back, even though he couldn't see me. This is what I lived for . Him. Jace, and only Jace....
♠ ♠ ♠
I LOVE Spike, so I think this is funny: Spike and Buffy
And since the Twilight movies annoy me (Cause Edward is gay) this is also funny: Edward and Jacob

I actually go the idea for Benjamin's name from the movie The Curious Case Of Benjamin Button. I LOVE that movie!