Status: working on it :D

Where's My Angel


She looked like she belonged with us; a part of our family. I would be the first to say I would

invite her to stay forever. I’d even let her steal my last name. I would ask her personally if

she wanted it, but she should get to be friendlier with me first. She would have to feel the

same way as I do.

“I love this girl.” The words came out of my mouth I tried shoving them back in, but was

unsuccessful. I covered my mouth. Emily was red in the face; embarrassed. I caught her by

surprise. My mom laughed loudly; the only kind of laugh she had.

“Well since that got out, finally.” She laughed again; Bill joined in.

“Took him long enough.” Bill added walking over and patting my head. I frowned and stalked

off. I escaped to my room and to my guitar. I plugged in the headphones; no one, but myself

would hear me play. I played chords to Love Is Dead. I got through it twice ignoring the

world. All I want is to disappear. Then started Rescue Me as someone came into the room. I

didn’t look to see who it was I just would stay in my own world. Why can’t I be left alone?

This person took my hand and shook it trying to cease my attention. Next it was poking, and

then pulling my hair, tickling, and many methods I endured quietly. The person gave up and

took the head phones out.

“It’s time for me to tell you something?” Emily’s voice intruded my playing.
♠ ♠ ♠
Well, that was not much, but I suck.
<3 Kelsey