Nothing Is Perfect, but It Has to Be Some Day

The Move

Rain pouring all around me, I sit on my mother's freshly filled grave and stare in disbelief at the headstone. 'Nicolette Lyra Young, Beloved Mother, Sister and Daughter'. I mouth the words as I trace them with my finger. "I can't believe you are gone. I miss you so much momma."

The taxi driver honks, getting my attention, I look down at my phone and see that I need to leave for the airport. I place a kiss on my fingers and press them to my mother's headstone. "Bye momma. I'll be back soon." I lightly jog over to the taxi and hop in the back. "You ready Miss Young?" the driver asks. "Yes, lets get going." The drive down to Dayton International Airport takes about an hour and a half. The driver pulls up to the front and helps me unload my bags.

I grab my bags and walk inside. I quickly get through security and hurry to the terminal gate. I hand the hostess my ticket and I board the almost empty plane. I find my seat, plop down, pull out my iPod and pop my headphones into my ears, blasting Hit The Lights. The plane takes off and I am asleep soon after.

After two layovers in Denver and in Seattle, I finally arrive to the airport in Port Angeles. I find my bags and look around the tiny airport for anyone who looks familiar. Spotting no one, I sit down on a bench and just wait. Two hours later I am fast asleep on the bench, with my iPod turned up, drowning out any noise. I suddenly feel a very warm hand grab my leg and gently shake. I shoot up, my arms flailing. My hand comes in contact with something hard and a distinct slap noise echoes through the building.

I rip the headphones out of my ears and glare daggers at the stomach of whoever just woke me up. "Woah woah woah," I hear a husky voice say "its just me Lyra." I look up and see a somewhat familiar face. My head cocks to the side in confusion as I inspect the person. "Jared?" he laughs deeply. "Yes Lyra its me." "Y-you' you're huge!" "Well thats not much coming from you Ly. I mean you're what, five foot?" He laughs at his own joke and I glare at him. "Ah you know I mean it all in fun Ly." I roll my eyes. "I know Jared, I know. And by the way," I stand up "you are two hours late! What the hell?" I scream at him.

He chuckles nervously. "We had a few issues back home. Sorry. We tried calling you. I guess it didn't go through." I just roll my eyes and shove my bags towards him. "Can we go now please Jared?" "Of course Ly." I follow him outside to the car and we begin our journey to La Push.
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New story
I've had this idea in my mind and I had to get it out.

Feedback is appreciated!
