Nothing Is Perfect, but It Has to Be Some Day


"Hey Paul." "Hey Lyra." He walks over and pulls me into a hug. "You ok?" I squeeze him. "I'll be ok." He grabs my shoulders and pushes me back. He looks me in the eyes. "Are you sure?" I smile. "Yes Paul." He smiles and pulls me back into his arms. "Good." "Ok, not what the hell is going on?" We walk into the living room and sit down on the couch.

"Ok well you know the story about our ancestors right?" I nod "Do you remember the cold ones?" I nod again. "Well they're vampires and well we are basically in charge of protecting the area from them." "Ohh." "Yea. Right now we're tracking this red headed bitch who keeps coming back for only God knows what. She keeps killing, no mauling hikers and it makes it look like a wild animal got a hold of them. So now we have to be on our guard around all the locals." "Damn. So is that how we start phasing? The vamps?" He nods "When a new leech moves into the area a new wolf pops up."

"So I don't mean to change the subject, but how are you guys so big? I mean in my form I am only a little bigger than an average sized wolf." "Thats a good question. Maybe its because you are so damn tiny." He says while poking my side.

I laugh mockingly at him and lay my head on his shoulder. "Tired?" "Exhausted." I snuggle myself closer and we position ourselves to where I am laying between his legs, my head resting on his chest. "You're very comfortable." I say to him half asleep. He laughs deeply and thats the last thing I remember before sleep overtook my body.

**No One's P.O.V.**

Emily walks into the house with a fresh stock of groceries. As she walks by the doorway into the living room she notices Paul and Lyra asleep on the couch. She smiles and sets the groceries down on the kitchen counter. She walks into the living room, grabs a thin blanket and walks towards the couch.

She smiles to herself as she notices Paul's arms wrapped protectively around Lyra and how the pair molds perfectly together. She throws the thin blanket over them and walks back out into the kitchen to put the groceries away.

About five minutes later Sam walks in. He goes straight to Emily and gives her a passionate kiss. "Have I ever told you how much I love you?" he asks and Emily laughs "Everyday." He smiles. "Where are Paul and Lyra?" "They're asleep on the couch." Sam walks quickly towards the living room, Emily close behind.

"Sam. No." He stops and looks at her. "She's my little sister Em." "Yes, and Paul is her imprint. You can't keep them apart. It will destroy them both. Just look at them." Sam looks towards the couch and sees Lyra snuggle closer to Paul, a smile forming on her face and Paul's arms wrapping tighter around her.

"Who do they remind you of?" Sam looks back towards Emily and smiles. "Us." "My point exactly. Now leave them be. She's had a trying day. You can come help me put the rest of the groceries away." She gives him a quick peck on the lips, grabs his hand and they walk back out into the kitchen
♠ ♠ ♠
Second update today because I am in a great mood =)

I never thought this story would get as much response as it has.
148 readers
40 subscribers and counting.

