Nothing Is Perfect, but It Has to Be Some Day

Free Falling


I wake up the next morning, wide eyed and bushy-tailed. "Paul! Paul!" I yell shaking him. He jumps up "Woah! Woah! Whats wrong?" "Nothing." I smile widely, hop up off the couch, and run to my room. I grab some clothes, take a quick shower, get dressed and run back downstairs. I run into the kitchen and open the fridge and see tons of food stocked up. I grab the jelly, a loaf of bread and the jar of peanut butter from the cupboard. I make about 4 sandwhiches and walk into the living room where Paul is watching T.V.

I plop down on the couch beside him. We down the sandwhiches in a matter of five minutes. "So what is on the agenda for today?" "Well we have to go to school tomorrow so not much. We might actually be going over to the cliffs." "Thats exactly what we are doing." Sam says from behind us, causing me to jump. "What are the cliffs?" Sam and Paul just chuckle, "Oh, you'll see."

A few hours later I am standing with the boys overlooking the vast ocean, on an extremely high cliff. I shuffle myself close to the edge, look over, and quickly jump back. I've never been very good with heights. Suddenly Paul and Sam grab Embry and start pushing him to the edge of the cliff. I just stand there looking off into the distance and see an ancient red truck stop and a girl run out, looking at the spectacle we are causing. I then see Jacob get out and lean on the hood of the truck.

I look over at Jared and beckon him towards me. "Hey, who is that?" I ask nodding my head towards the girl with Jacob. "Oh. Thats Bella Swan, she runs with vampires." I look at him, a worried expression plastered on my face. "Why is Jake with her then?" he laughs "Well one, he doesn't realize that they are leeches, and two, her precious blood suckers left her a few months ago. Hence the reason she's been hanging around with Jake." I nod in understanding and turn back towards Paul. I walk over to him and wrapp may arms against his midsection, then lay my head on his bare chest.

He hugs me back and kisses the top of my head. "You don't have to jump." he says. "Ok." "But, I'll jump with you if you want." I smile against his chest and nod "Ok, I'll do it then." He grabs a hold of my hand and we run towards the edge. I soon find myself free falling through the air towards the dark water. I squeeze Paul's and and we hit the icy cold surface of the water.

I surface and swim my way towards the shore, Paul close behind me. I soon reach the beach and sit on one of the rocks. Paul sits down beside me. "How was it?" I shrug. "It was ok. I'm not sure I'll be doing it again soon though." He laugs. "Ok, sounds reasonable to me. Why don't we go to the house and wait on the others." I nod and we walk hand in hand back to my house.
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<3 C

I apologize for there being a lack of updates this weekend. I had a 5 page religion paper and a 1000 word culture paper to write.

Updates will be more spaced out for the next month. It is my last month of school and I need to focus on it more than anything right now.

Hope everyone understands

<3 C