Nothing Is Perfect, but It Has to Be Some Day


Class quickly ends and signals the end of the school day. I rush out of the school and start walking towards home. The boys soon catch up with me but I stay silent, looking at my feet as I walk. Paul also refuses to talk to anyone and tension builds. Embry and Jared notice and walk ahead of Paul and I.

I look over at him and his eyes stay focused ahead. "Paul?" "What?" he snaps. "Whats wrong?" "You know whats wrong." I sigh "I know and I'm sorry." he scoffs "Sure." "I am." "Ok. Whatever." I become extremely agitated and a growl emits deeply from my throat. I chuck my bookbag at him and run into the nearest wooded area. I let out a deep scream and it turns into a howl as I change into my wolf form.

Anger blurs my vision and I take off running to let out all of my frustrations. I run until I see a flash of red hair dart in front of me. I come to a skidding stop and the hair on my neck and back stands on edge. "No need to be scared little she-wolf." I hear a female voice in my right ear. "Where are your boys at?" I hear in my left ear.

I let out a low growl and she appears in front of me. "Feisty little one aren't we." She cocks her head to the side and takes off running. I take off after her and easily keep pace with her. She turns and looks with a shocked look on her face and I nip her heel. "You little bitch." She stops and leans down her shoulder soon connecting with my chest.

This sends me flying into a tree. I shake it off and still a little dazed I run after her again. I tackle her to the ground and she launches me again, this time into a group of rocks. I hear a loud crunch as my right front leg hits. I get up and whimper when I try to put weight on it. She comes at me and I am unable to evade her. She grabs me by the scruff on the back of my neck and throws me. Again I land against a tree, my head hitting a rock as I fall and all I see after is blackness.

I wake up and feel my arm throb in pain as I lie naked on the mossy forrest floor. I black out again. I wake up later and feel someones warm arms holding me. I look up and see Paul's face. "Paul it hurts." I whisper. "I know babe. Hold in there. We're almost back to the house." I lie my head on his chest.

I feel him walk into the house and I hear Emily gasp. "Paul! What happened?" "I'll explain later. Her arm is broken and looks pretty bad. Will you call the leech doctor?" "Paul, they left remember." "Shit!" he yells. "Well get Billy or Harry over here please." "Ok." Emly runs out of the house.

"Paul. Whats going on?" "You broke your arm. Luckily we heal fast but this is a pretty bad break." I look down at my arm and see that the bones have come through the skin. I lean away from Paul and empty the contents of my stomach onto the floor. "Aw shit Lyra." "I'm sorry Paul." "Its ok babe. Just don't look at your arm again." Soon Emily comes running in the door with Harry Clearwater and Billy Black close behind.

"What happened?" Harry asks. "I'll explain later. We need to get her arm taken care of." Paul replies. Both Harry and Billy look at my arm and gasp. "Damnit. Where are the Cullen's when you need them?" Billy exclaims. "Right here." I voice I recognize as Sam's says. "Oh thank God." Emily says. I smell a sickly sweet smell that smelled similiar to the red head from earlier.

I groan and Paul kisses my forehead. "Its ok Lyra. He's a doctor." "Take her to the couch please." I hear a smooth voice tell Paul. I feel myself be set down gingerly and hear Paul walk behind the couch. I open my eyes and see a beautiful mand standing over me. "Hi there Lyra, my name is Carlisle Cullen." "Hi." I say weakly. "What happened?" "I was thrown into some rocks and I hear my arm snap." "Was it a vampire?" "Yes, it was a red headed bitch." I growl "Victoria. She's back. She's extremely fast. How did you keep up with her?" "I don't know. I just could." He sighs.

"Ok let me look at that arm. He grabs it gently. "Ok this is a compound fracture. I'm going to set the bones and stitch up the laceration. Okay?" I nod. He sets my arm quickly and I scream out in pain. He grabs his bag and pulls out the necessary equipment and begins stiching up my arm. He then places my arm on a hard molded piece of plastic and wraps an ace bandage around it.

"Ok. I'm all finished. You guys heal pretty quickly so I am guessing your bones should be mended in a couple of days. No patroling or phasing until you are completely healed." "Ok. Thank you Dr. Cullen." "Please call me Carlisle." He smiles warmly and walks over to Sam. "Here is my number. Call me if you need anything else and I'll be down here in a flash." "Thank you Carlisle."

The sickening sweet smell dies down a little and I slowly sit up, wrapping a blanket around my naked torso. "What the hell happened Lyra?" "Well I got mad and couldn't stop myself from phasing so I ran off into the woods to phase. Then I started running and this red headed leech stopped me and provoked me so I chased after her and bit her heel and she turned, threw me into a tree and then that was the beginning of it all. We got into a fight and she threw me one last time and I hit my head on some rocks and then I blacked out."

He sighs heavily. "Well I'm glad you didn't phase in public but you need to learn to control it better." "Damnit Sam. I'm new to this whole thing! And you know how my temper is! Its a short fuse!" I yell. "Calm down Lyra, you can't phase." I close my eyes and breathe deeply. I make sure the blanket is wrapped tightly around me and go upstairs.

I take a quick shower and throw on some clothes. I walk back downstairs and see Paul sitting there waiting on me. I sit down beside him. "How are you feeling?" He asks "I'm ok. My arm just hurts a lot..... I really am sorry Paul. I was just really upset about the whole Jacob thing. I took it out on the wrong person and in a horrible way." "Its ok Lyra. I just over reacted." He grabs my hand. "So we're ok?" I ask.

He squeezes my hand and pulls me towards him. "Of course." He pulls me into a hug and I lean up and press my lips against his tightly. He deepens the kiss and I wrap my arms around his neck and my legs around his waist evening the height. He walks us upstairs to my room and we lay down on my bed, our lips still connected. We finally separate and I lay my head on his chest. "Good night Paul." "Good night Lyra." He starts stroking my hair and I fall asleep quickly.
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Superlong update for you guys!

Don't expect them very often, only on special occasions.

This update's special occasion...
My birthday! (April 7th)


hope you enjoyed
