Nothing Is Perfect, but It Has to Be Some Day


I run up to the door of the Black's home and knock. I wait impatiently and am about to knock again, when Billy answers the door. "Hi Billy!" "He there Lyra. Come on in." I follow Billy inside and shut the door behind me. "What can I help you with today Lyra?" Billy asks. "I came to see he here?" "Yes, he's in his room. You can go on back if you'd like." I smile. "Okay. Thanks Billy."

I walk back to Jacob's room and knock lightly. No one answers, so I crack open the door. I look in and chukcle. I see Jacob lying there on his bed, wrapped in his blankets, with his arms and legs sprawled everywhere. I walk in and shut the door behind me.

I gently shake his shoulder. "Jakey?" He groans and rolls over, so I shake him a little harder. "Jacob." He groans again and pulls the blankets up over his head. "Jacob Black!" I yell this time, ripping the blankets off his body. He moans and curls up in a ball. "Jacob freakin' Black! Get your lazy ass up now!" I jump on him and shake him forcefully. "Ok, ok. I'm up." He yawns.

He sits up and stretches, then wraps his arms around me in a big hug. "Mmmm Lyra. Where have you been?" "I'm sorry Jacob. I wasn't allowed." "I know Ly. I know. Sam explained it to me." "Ok good." "This is going to seem like an odd question Lyra, but will your cut my hair for me? Its ridiculously long in wolf form."

I laugh loudly. "Sure Jake." We walk into his bathroom and Jacob hands me the shears. I pul his hair back into a ponytail and snip it off just above the band. I hold it up for him to see and his mouth drops. "To late to go back now." I smile and wet down the rest of his hair. I cut his hair until there is only about an inch and a half left on the top, then use the clippers to even the back and sides.

I brush the hair off his shoulders then sweep up the scraps on the floor. "What do you think?" He runs his hands through his now short hair. "Its good. It'll be a lot better now." I smile and nod. "How do you keep yours from getting all matted and what not?" I shrug. "I don't know. I never really noticed it before." I sigh and toss the hair into the trash. "So what happened to your arm?"

I begin to tell him my tree story but I stop myself. "Fight with the red-headed leech. She threw me into a tree and then landed on some rocks and snap!" "Oh wow." "Yea. I think its just because I'm a lot smaller than you guys are in wolf form." He laughs. "Well you're a lot smaller than us like this too." "Brat." I say nudging him. "Jacob! Lyra!" I hear Billy yell from the kitchen. "Coming Dad!" Jake yells.

I follow Jake into their kitchen, where Billy has set some food out. "You two hungry?" he asks. "Always." I answer for both of us. Jake and I quickly down the plate of sandwhiches he made for us. "Thanks Billy." "Yea Dad, thanks." "Anytime. You guys will need the energy. Well Jake will anyway...No phasing for you Lyra, not until your arm heals." "Yea, yea I know." Billy chuckles.

"Well I better get going. Paul's going to be done patrolling soon." Billy and Jacob both give me odd looks. "Did Paul imprint on you?" Billy asks. "Yes, and I on him." A look of shock passes across his face. "Oh wow. That must be a really strong imprint. Doesn't happen very often." I nod and smile, a blush passing across my cheeks.

"Woah. Wait. You're with Paul?" Jacob asks. I nod and an unsure look crosses over his face. "I-uh I need to go." Jake says suddenly. I look to Billy and he just shrugs. Jacob quickly leaves the house and I let him go.
♠ ♠ ♠
One more chapter after this one today.

not sure if I will be able to get anymore up this weekend, its jam packed with stuff for me to do.

I will try my hardest though!

<3 C

p.s. i need some more feedback before i update after the next one. Comment!