Nothing Is Perfect, but It Has to Be Some Day


I wake up the next morning still wrapped in Paul's arms. I wriggle myself free from his arms and go to the bathroom. I sit down on the toilet and slowly start to unwrap the ace bandage from my arm. I look down at my arm and only see a thin red line where just two days ago my bone was protruding through the skin.

I gently move my arm and feel no pain. I wriggle my fingers and smile widely. "Yay!" I run into the bedroom. "Paul!" I yell while jumping up on the bed. I jump up and down and he groans. "Whaaatt?" "My arm is healed!" "Good. Now come back to bed."

He sits up suddenly and grabs me around the waist and pulls me down with him. "Ok Paul. You win." He kisses the back of my neck "I know." He nuzzles his face into my neck and soon I hear the sound of his light snores. Finding this oddly calming, I quickly fall back asleep myself.

We are woken up a few hours later by Sam shaking us lightly. "Lyra, Paul. Lets go." We both groan, stretch and slowly climb out of bed. "Morning again hon." I say giving Paul a quick kiss on the lips. "Morning Ly."

He takes me by the hand and we walk downstairs where Emily has a large breakfast made for us. Sausage, bacon, eggs, pancakes, and various cereals are set out on the table, where Jacob, Embry, Sam, and Jared are sitting and already digging into the feast.

"Yum, this smells delicious Em." "Thanks Lyra." She says while handing me a half of a grapefruit adorned with sugar. I smile at her and take my place in between Sam and Paul. I begin to eat and I look up and see Jacob staring directly at me. As soon as my eyes meet his he quickly looks away.

I growl quietly and I feel a hand on my leg. I grab ahold of Paul's hand and he rubs his thumb across my hand, calming me down. "Thanks hon." "No problem babe." He pulls me closer by the back of the head and kisses my forehead.

I hear silverwear clatter on a plate from across the table, I immediately look up and see Jacob fuming. He gets up quickly and runs out of the house. I stand up, but Sam puts a hand on my shouder. "Just let him go." He says. I sit back down and lean against Paul.
♠ ♠ ♠
Someone's jealous eh?

Major filler chapter, sorry

Next update soon hopefully

<3 C
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